City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 301 passed the border [begging for flowers, asking for flowers]

Chapter 301 is over

"Why, are you afraid of pulling?"

When Lin Qing in the co-pilot position heard this, he couldn't help but snicker and look at his husband.

"Not afraid!

Seeing the smile on Lin Qing's face, Liu Qing, who was driving, shook his head and replied, "It's mainly because we went to your house after getting the certificate. I don't feel very well, and I'm worried that your parents don't like me!

"After all, what are you saying, you should have gone to your house in front of you!"

Liu Qing went on to say.

The reason why Liu Qing is worried is mainly because he is afraid that Lin Qing's parents will not like his son-in-law.

If her daughter Liu Xin grows up and does the same, Liu Qing is really afraid of breaking the man's leg!

"Okay, don't worry about it!"

Seeing the red light ahead and the car stopped, Lin Qing stretched out his hand to hold Liu Qing's hand and looked at him, smiled and encouraged: "I'm not worried, why are you worried! 35

"I'm talking about it, we are not children, we have already received this certificate, and the raw rice is cooked, so can our parents force us to demolish us!"

Lin Qing continued.


After hearing his wife's comfort, Liu Qing nodded heavily.

Just then, the green light came on, Liu Qing drove the car, and while driving, he smiled and then asked: "By the way, daughter-in-law, tell me about your parents, and what kind of aunts and aunts in your family. of."5

"Why do you want to hear this? 35

When Lin Qing heard this, he looked at Liu Qing in surprise and asked.

"Hey, isn't this coming to your house right now, it's the first time the new uncle is here, I must find out about them!

Seeing this, Liu Qing smiled and explained 28 and replied, "What if they are all at your house later?"

"Impossible! 99

After hearing Liu Qing's explanation, Lin Qing said in disbelief: "Today is not Sunday, my uncle and my uncle are all working outside, so they can't come to my house!

"Why is it impossible, you still tell me about them!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Qing insisted.

"Anyway, I just got on the elevated highway, and I immediately turned into the expressway. There are still more than 100 kilometers on the road, so let's take it as a relief! 35

Liu Qing went on to say.

"All right!"

Seeing her husband's insistence, Lin Qing smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Then tell you about my parents, and then about them!

Then Lin Qing began to introduce his parents.

Liu Qing, on the other hand, was driving the car seriously, listening to his daughter-in-law's narration, and then drove to Hangzhou.

time flies.

Early twelve noon.

After spending two hours driving on the highway, Liu Qing followed the navigation to the neighborhood where his daughter-in-law grew up.

But looking at the intricate path in front of him, he didn't know how to go, so he had to wake up Lin Qing, who was lying on his back in the passenger seat with his eyes closed, and said, "Wake up, my daughter-in-law, we're at your house. !

Hearing Liu Qing's shouting, Lin Qing opened his eyes and looked at the familiar surroundings and said in disbelief, "Ah, are we there so soon?"

It turned out that on the way over just now, after Lin Qing gave Liu Qing a general introduction to the situation of his family, he felt tired, and then he closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Looking at Lin Qing who was still sleepy, Liu Qing nodded and replied, "The navigation says we have reached our destination!"

"It's really here!"

When Lin Qing heard this, he couldn't help but agree with a smile.

"Then let's go? Daughter-in-law!""

Seeing this, Liu Qing said suspiciously.

Because Liu Qing has three paths in front of him!

"Three minutes down the road by the river, then turn right and you're there!"

Hearing Liu Qing's question, Lin Qing stretched out his hand to guide.


When Liu Qing heard this, he nodded.

Then he hurriedly started the car and followed Lin Qing's directions.

"By the way, daughter-in-law, why is there such a long river near your house!"5

Looking at the wide river on the right, with no end in sight, Liu Qing continued.


When Lin Qing heard this, he immediately turned blank. Liu Qing answered and explained, "This river is the famous Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal!"

"When I was young, I liked to run here with Lin Ran to count boats and watch them go fishing!"

Lin Qing continued with a smile.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to have such a hobby!"

Listening to what his daughter-in-law said, Liu Qing said with a smile.

In this way, Liu Qing and Lin Qing's husband and wife drove to Lin Qing's house chatting and laughing.

After parking the car, Liu Qing looked at the Soviet-style courtyard with green bricks and green tiles in front of him, and said in disbelief, "Daughter-in-law, is this house yours?

The reason why Liu Qing showed a surprised expression was that Lin Qing, who was on the way just now, told him that her family belonged to an ordinary family, but he did not expect that the ordinary family also lived in a small courtyard.

"Okay, don't be stunned, this house was originally bought by my grandfather, and it is the most valuable thing in our family!

Seeing the surprised expression on his face, Lin Qing explained with a smile.


Upon hearing this, Liu Qing hummed.

"Then let's go, let's get out of the car!

Seeing this, Lin Qing smiled and looked at Liu Qing and said, "Take out the things in the trunk!

Then Liu Qing, Lin Qing and his wife opened the door and got out of the car, and after picking up the things they bought in the trunk, Lin Qing took Liu Qing to the door of his own courtyard and rang the video doorbell secretly.

"Huh? Xiao Ran, why are you at my house?

After seeing Lin Ran on the other end of the video doorbell, Lin Qing said in surprise: "Aren't you in the magic capital? Why did you come back?


Liu Qing, who was standing beside him, quickly put his head up when he heard it.

"Hey, sister, brother-in-law!""

When Lin Ran on the other side of the video doorbell saw Lin Qing Liu Qing, he immediately greeted with a smile: "I'll come out now to open the door for you!

As for Lin Qing's question, Lin Ran seemed to have not heard it.

After he finished speaking, he hung up the video doorbell.

It turned out that Lin's father and Lin's mother were anxious to see Liu Qing early this morning, precisely because of Lin Ran.

Because Lin Ran posted the photo of Liu Qing's proposal to Lin Qing, especially the huge diamond, on the Moments, and was seen by Lin Ran's parents, then saved and sent to Lin's parents and Lin's mother.

Afterwards, Lin Ran was hurriedly summoned back by such a large family, and after some interrogation, the general situation of Liu Qing, who was married to Lin Qing, was wiped clean.

It's just that Lin Qing and Liu Qing don't know about it.

"Sister, brother-in-law!"

In less than a minute, Lin Ran quickly ran out to open the courtyard door. When she saw Liu Qing and Lin Qing standing at the door, she greeted with a smile.


Upon hearing this, Liu Qing nodded in response.

"Are my parents?"

Seeing this, Lin Qing looked at Lin Ran with suspicious eyes and asked.

"Aunt and uncle are busy making lunch inside. 35

Hearing Lin Qing's question, Lin Ran smiled and pointed to the inside of the room.

"Not only that, my parents, as well as the second uncle and their family are here too!"

Lin Ran then said in a low voice a little embarrassed.


When Lin Qing heard this, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"Isn't this the first time my brother-in-law came to the door today, so everyone came!

Seeing the surprised expression on Lin Qing's face, Lin Ran pointed to Liu Qing who was standing beside him.

"Look, daughter-in-law!

When Liu Qing heard this, he immediately smiled and raised his eyebrows at Lin Qing, with a clear look.

"Okay, let's go in!"

Lin Qing, who already understood, shook his head and said.

Then the three of Liu Qing crossed the threshold and walked inside.

After walking through the shadow wall, Liu Qing saw that the courtyard in front of 010 was not as big as he imagined, nor was it pure Soviet style, somewhat similar to the courtyard in Beijing.

Inside the yard, on the left is a small rockery pond, with two or more koi swimming back and forth. On the right is a garden with colorful flowers that will be well tended tomorrow.

On the way here, Liu Qing had already heard that it was from his father-in-law and mother-in-law, so after a brief glance, Liu Qing withdrew his gaze and followed Lin Qing into the house with his things.

The room was full of people waiting, waiting for Liu Qing, his son-in-law, to come to the door. When he saw Liu Qing arrive, everyone greeted Liu Qing with a smile on his face, which made Liu Qing flattered!

Of course, the reason is actually very simple, mainly caused by the photos taken by Lin Ran.

After all, hundreds of millions of diamond rings can be bought as gifts for daughters-in-law. There are very few in Hangzhou, and Liu Qing drives nearly 10 million Cullinan cars, as well as the ninety-five supreme license plates.

Especially after I learned from Lin Ran that Liu Qing lived in a villa of nearly 100 million yuan in Modu, opened several restaurants with explosive business, and after spending tens of millions to build a farm, these uncles of Lin Qing The uncles gave a thumbs up to Liu Qing, so they were so polite and warm to Liu Qing.

As for Lin's father and Lin's mother, although they were angry with their daughter, after all, the son-in-law came to the door on the first day, and Lin's father and Lin's mother observed that this son-in-law of his own family was very talented, and he was friendly, so he couldn't find anything wrong for the time being.

So Lin Qing's uncle and uncle hurriedly greeted Liu Qing to have lunch. Since Liu Qing was the first time for his uncle, drinking was inevitable.

The moment he was lying on the bed and sleeping, after hearing his mother-in-law blame a bunch of relatives for getting Liu Qing drunk, Liu Qing couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief:

"Hey, it's finally over!

ps: ask for flowers!!!!.

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