City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 306 Meeting in laws [for flowers, for flowers]

Chapter 306 Meeting in-laws

"Not yet, Uncle!"

Hearing Lin Qing's second uncle's question and everyone's inquiring eyes, Liu Qing answered honestly with a smile.

"What? Aren't you two in a hurry?"

When the second aunt saw this, she glanced at her niece Lin Qing, then looked at Liu Qing and asked.

"No, Second Aunt!"


When Liu Qing heard this, he smiled and shook his head.

"Didn't Lin Qing and I only go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate yesterday? Then we plan to go back and take a wedding photo!"

With a smile on his face, Liu Qing explained: "Finally, we are discussing about hosting a banquet!

"Oh, I see, brother-in-law, are you two going step by step?"

After hearing Liu Qing's explanation, Lin Tian sighed and said he had understood.

As for the other people on the table, it was the same as Lin Tian.

"That's no good, Liu Qing!"

After listening to Liu Qing's answer, the second aunt shook her head and said.


When Liu Qing heard this, he couldn't be stunned.

"Why not? Second aunt!

As for Lin Qing seeing this, he also looked at the second aunt and asked suspiciously: "What Liu Qing said just now was actually negotiated by the two of us!

"Because my company has been busy dealing with a business recently!

Lin Qing went on to say 28: "There is no time at all!

"Silly girl, can we do it at the same time!"5

Aunt Lin Qing, who had been silent for a while, saw this and took over.

"You think it's easy to get married and have a banquet!"

Aunt Lin Qing went on to say: "This has to be divided into how to do it! 35

"For example, your two weddings are according to our country, and they are still popular in Western countries!

Aunt Lin Qing cited:

"Take Jian Ban as an example, the important relatives of the couple must be notified in advance, and the wedding date, and the hotel must be booked in advance!

As for the complexity, if all relatives and friends come, Liu Qing is from Sichuan Province, so I must book a hotel room for everyone in advance, as well as the wedding emcee and so on.

"Of course, I've said so much, but it's actually for the good of both of you!

After a pause, Aunt Lin Qing finally said, "Otherwise, you two wouldn't be able to hold a wedding with a big belly!"5

Hearing his aunt speak so bluntly, Lin Qing couldn't help blushing, and whispered: "That's so fast! 39

When Liu Qing heard this, he couldn't help but smile.

Of course, Liu Qing and his wife didn't think it was unreasonable for what their aunt said.

"Auntie, I came here, that's why I told you this!""

When Aunt Lin Qing saw this, she looked at Lin Qing and said.

"Or else, let's do it at the same time!

When Lin Qing's second uncle heard it, he looked at Lin's father Lin, who had never spoken, and said, "Brother and sister-in-law, anyway, you two are fine. This weekend, go to the magic capital and discuss with Liu Qing's parents what to do with their wedding?"

"As for the two of you, don't you want to shoot a wedding dress, let's do it!"

Lin Qing put his eyes on Liu Qing and the couple and said, "Let's decide on the wedding while filming!"

Okay, let's go to the Magic Capital with Liu Qing tomorrow afternoon!

After hearing so much just now, Father Lin nodded and agreed.

"Well, anyway, these two children's certificates have been received, whether it is a simple or a grand one, then let's organize the wedding banquet!"

When Mother Lin heard this, she hummed, and followed suit.

"All right!

Seeing this, Liu Qing and Lin Qing couldn't help but glance at each other, then nodded in agreement.

After all, the elders are like this, and Lin Qing and Liu Qing and his wife also felt that what they said was reasonable, so they agreed.

"Hey, since you say that, can I be the best man when my sister and brother-in-law are getting married?

Seeing Liu Qing and Lin Qing agree to come down, Lin Tian immediately said with a smile on his face.


When Lin Ran on the side heard this, he quickly looked at Lin Tian and stopped and said, "You can't be their bridesmaid!

"Why? Sister!"

Seeing Lin Ran coming out to stop him, Lin Tian asked back with some doubts, "Why can't I be my sister and brother-in-law's best man!""

"Because I'm going to be a bridesmaid! 39

Seeing the puzzled expression on Lin Tian's face, Lin Ran snorted softly.


After hearing Lin Ran's answer, Lin Tian said in disbelief.

"Okay, you two brothers and sisters don't quarrel, let's eat quickly, or the food won't taste good after drying!"

Seeing the two bickering in front of them, Lin Qing and the two quickly persuaded them.

Then the whole family took the bowls and chopsticks, and continued to eat, talking and laughing.

time flies.

An hour later, after drinking and eating, Lin Qing's uncle's family and second uncle's family went back to their respective homes.

"Come on, daughter-in-law, let's go out for a walk!

After dinner, it was still early, Liu Qing looked at Lin Qing and said.


When Lin Qing heard this, he smiled and nodded in agreement.

Then the couple started walking slowly along the canal.

As for Lin's father and Lin's mother, after eating and cleaning the dishes, they went to the West Lake for a walk!

Holding hands with Lin Qing, strolling along the canal, watching the sparkling water and the passing ships, Liu Qing said with a smile: "Daughter-in-law, it seems that we will have a good life in Hangzhou in the future. !

After all, the mountains, the water and the dry scenery make people feel comfortable, that's why Liu Qing said this.

"Are you willing to be in the magic capital?"

When Lin Qing heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then looked at his husband with a sly look and said.

"Hey, what do I have to give up? I think Hangcheng is pretty good here!

Seeing this, Liu Qing replied with a smile.

"Well then, when we are old, let's come back to Hangzhou for the elderly! 95

After hearing Liu Qing's answer, Lin Qing said with a smile.


When Liu Qing heard this, he nodded quickly and said goodbye.

It was ten o'clock in the evening, and after seeing it late, Liu Qing, Lin Qing and his wife returned the same way, and then went to bed and rested.

After all, Liu Qing and Lin Qing have been certified as 010 legal couples. When they went to bed at night, they did not sleep separately, but slept together.

Especially when Mother Lin saw that the weather was getting colder every day in late October, she was worried that Liu Qing, the son-in-law, would be cold, so she deliberately hugged another quilt for Liu Qing and Lin Qing and his wife to sleep.

In this way, after saying good night, Liu Qing and his wife with sweet smiles fell asleep hugging each other.

The night passed and the time came to the next day.

After lunch, Liu Qing, Lin Qing and his wife, as well as Lin's parents and Lin's mother, who were going to talk to Liu Qing's parents about their wedding arrangements, also set off together.

Seeing that Lin's father and Lin's mother brought a bunch of things to the magic capital, Liu Qing persuaded with a wry smile: "Mom and dad, don't bring such things to the magic capital, there is everything in the magic capital!

"Yes! Mom and Dad!"

Seeing this, Lin Qing nodded in agreement.

"What do you two know? This is for my in-laws, we should be polite or have it!

When Mother Liu heard this, the two of them couldn't help answering at a glance.

"All right!""

Seeing this, Liu Qing and his wife reluctantly nodded in agreement.

Immediately after putting away the things, Liu Qing drove his wife, father-in-law and mother-in-law to the magic capital in a car.

At two in the afternoon, Liu Qing drove back to the Modu Autumn Villa.

When he saw Lin's father and Liu's mother getting off the car, Liu's father and mother, who had been waiting at the gate of the yard, quickly greeted him with a smile:

"Welcome, my dear family!!!".

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