City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 308 My Daughter in Law Is An Investment Expert [For Flowers, For Flowers]

Chapter 308 My daughter-in-law is an expert investor

"Grandpa and grandma, they are mom's mom and dad!

Hearing the inquiry of the precious daughter Liu Xin, Liu Qing explained with a smile.

"You'll know when you go back!

With a smile on his face, Liu Qing continued, "Grandpa and grandma have prepared gifts for you!


When Liu Xin heard this, he sighed in confusion.

"What gift? Baba!

When he heard that his grandfather and grandmother had prepared gifts for him, Liu Xin's eyes suddenly lit up and asked Liu Qing.

"Haha, you'll know when you go back and read it!"

Seeing this, Liu Qing immediately replied mysteriously.

"All right!""

When Liu Xin heard this, her little face showed two small dimples and nodded in agreement.

"Let's go, little jelly sister, let's go home!"

Liu Xin immediately took Little Jelly's fleshy little hand and said happily.

As soon as they were talking, the two little guys jumped and walked towards the car parked by the roadside.

"Let's go, daughter-in-law, let's follow!

Seeing the two little guys talking and laughing in front of him, Liu Qing happily looked at Lin Qingdao standing beside him.


When Lin Qing heard this, he smiled and nodded.

Then he quickly chased after him, then opened the door and got in the car, then started the car and drove home.

ten minutes later.

Liu Qing drove back to the gate of his villa.

"Come down, you two little fellows!"

After the car was parked firmly, Liu Qing opened the door and got out of the car, and hugged Liu Xin and Little Jelly who were sitting in the back seat of the car.

"Grandpa and Grandma, Xinxin is back!

Then, after getting off the car, Liu Xin was carrying a small schoolbag and a small jelly, and ran into the yard excitedly.

"These two little guys!"

Liu Qing and Lin Qing, who were standing beside the car, couldn't help looking at each other when they saw this, and then helplessly 013 smiled and shook his head.

After locking the car, the two followed into the yard.

Hearing the crunchy voices of Liu Xin and Little Jelly in the yard, Xiaobai, Xiaohei, and Xiaohui were the first to run out of the house.

I saw that along with the excited sound of barking, the three guys, Xiaobai, Xiaohei, and Xiaohui, were shaking their heads and waving their tails around Liu Xin and Xiao Jello.

After seeing Liu Qing, Lin Qing and his wife behind, Xiaobai, Xiaohei, and Xiaohui hurriedly ran towards Liu Qing, Lin Qing and his wife, wagging their tails.

"Yeah, this is the heart!"

At this moment, Lin's father and Lin's mother also came out of the house, stood at the gate, and saw Liu Xin, who was wearing two lovely meatballs in the courtyard, and said with a smile.


Hearing this, Liu Xin couldn't help but stop, and looked up at Lin Qing's parents, who had never seen before, with big bright eyes.

"Don't be afraid, Xinxin, they are the grandparents that Dad told you just now! 35

Seeing Liu Xin turn his head to look at himself, Liu Qing hurriedly came to Liu Xin, squatted down, pointed to Lin's father and mother and introduced him patiently.

"Call your grandfather and grandma!

Liu Qing went on to say.


After all, I had never met Lin's father and Lin's mother, and Liu Xin, who was a little scared, didn't call out, but hurriedly turned around and hugged Liu Qing's neck tightly.

"Haha, it's alright, after all, darling is only three years old, it's normal to not be able to call out!

Seeing that Liu Xin was a little scared, Father Lin immediately waved his hand with a smile.

"Well, that's right!"

When Mother Lin heard this, she couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

"Let's go, darling, let's go into the house and see the gifts grandpa and grandma brought you! 35

Mother Lin looked at Liu Xin with a smile and continued.


Sure enough, after hearing the word "gift", Liu Xin, who was holding Liu Qing's neck, quickly let go of her little hand, then turned her head to look at Mother Lin.

"Come on, let's go in and see what gifts grandpa and grandma brought you!

Seeing this, Liu Qing looked at Liu Xin with a smile and said.

Immediately, the family said that a young man walked into the house.

"Oh, what a lovely mouse and duck!

Entering the house, Liu Xin exclaimed when he saw Lin's parents bring out the gifts prepared for him.

I saw Lin's father and Lin's mother each holding a cute donkey and Mickey Duck dolls.

This was bought by Lin's father and Lin's mother at the toy store when they took a walk after dinner last night. After all, thinking about coming to the magic capital today, how can I not prepare some greetings for the little guy.

As for why to buy two pairs of the same, it is naturally because there are small jelly, after all, you can't favor one over the other.

You must know that because Lin Qing adopted Little Jelly, and Mother Lin was afraid that she would delay Lin Qing, it was the reason why Mother Lin didn't like Little Jelly.

But now, with Lin Qing and Liu Qing suddenly registering for marriage, and after Liu Qing has a daughter, Liu Xin, all these worries of Mother Lin are naturally gone.

So along with the too much of the little jelly, a fundamental change has taken place. Although Lin mother knows that the little guy is still a little afraid of herself, but after all, she is only in her early one year old. Lin mother believes that it will not be long before the little jelly will like her!

"Hey, here, darling!"

Seeing this, Mother Lin hurriedly smiled and held Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse dolls in her hands and handed them to Liu Xin.

However, Liu Xin did not directly reach out to take it, but turned to look at Liu Qing.

"Take it, Xinxin!"

Seeing Liu Xin's inquiring look, Liu Qing agreed with a smile, "This is brought to you from Hangzhou by grandpa and grandma!


Seeing Liu Qing nodding in agreement, Liu Xin hummed, then turned her head, and the happy-faced Jungle Mother took the two dolls in her arms and held them in her arms.

"Ahem, Xinxin, you haven't thanked your grandparents for the gifts they bought you! 35

Seeing that Liu Xin took the doll, he hugged and played happily, Liu Qing coughed twice to remind.

"Thank you, grandma and grandma!"

Hearing Liu Qing's reminder, Liu Xin hurriedly looked up at Lin's father and Lin's mother, and thanked her sweetly.

"Haha, no need to thank (ciba) us, darling!

When Lin's father and Lin's mother heard this, they all smiled and waved their hands.

At this moment, in the kitchen, Liu's father and mother, who had prepared dinner, came out and greeted everyone to have dinner together.

Liu Xin and Little Jelly, who got the gift, inevitably showed it to Liu's father and mother. After receiving praise from the two, they were satisfied and put the doll in their room, and then the family began to eat dinner.

Ten p.m.

Inside Liu Xin's bedroom.

After seeing that Liu Xin and the little Jelly sisters who were lying on the bed had closed their eyes and fell asleep, Liu Qing who was sitting beside the bed smiled and looked at Lin Qing who was sitting on the other side and said in a low voice, "Let's go, daughter-in-law. , let's go out!


Seeing this, Lin Qing smiled and nodded.

After turning off the lights in the room, Liu Linqing and his wife walked out of the room lightly, and then closed the door.

After arriving at the bedroom where the two of them slept, the husband and wife were lying on the bed. Seeing that their husband was searching and browsing on his mobile phone, Lin Qing couldn't help asking, "What are you looking for?"

"Daughter-in-law, aren't we going to take wedding photos tomorrow? I'm searching for the best wedding photography company or shop in Modu! 35

Hearing Lin Qing's question, Liu Qing tilted his head and explained with a smile.

While talking, he showed Lin Qing his phone.

"You don't have to find this online!"

Seeing this, Lin Qing looked at his husband with a smile and shook his head.

"Ah? Why? Daughter-in-law!

Hearing this, Liu Qing looked at Lin Qing in surprise.

"Have you already selected the shop or company for wedding photography?"

Liu Qing then said with some unbelievable guesses.


Seeing the surprised expression on Liu Qing's face, Lin Qing covered his mouth and snickered and nodded.

"Okay, daughter-in-law, you've already found it, and you didn't tell me!

Seeing his daughter-in-law nodding and admitting, Liu Qing immediately pretended to be angry.

"Okay, don't be angry, I'm not hiding your friendship from you!

Seeing her husband's angry look, Lin Qing quickly took Liu Qing's hand in his hand, smiled and comforted.

"Actually, you know the owner of the wedding photography shop I chose!""

Lin Qing continued.

When Liu Qing heard this, he looked at Lin Qing suspiciously and said, "I know it too? Who is it?"

"Why did I think about it in my mind, I didn't know any friends who opened wedding dresses!""

Hearing Lin Qing's reminder, Liu Qing thought about it carefully and continued.


Seeing the puzzled expression on Liu Qing's face, Lin Qing couldn't help but reach out and poked Liu Qing's head and replied, "This person is actually Xie Fangfei!

"So it's your best friend! 35

Hearing this, Liu Qing suddenly realized and said.

After all, they have eaten together several times, and Liu Qing, who is his daughter-in-law's best friend, is naturally acquainted.

"I never thought she would open a wedding photography shop!

Liu Qing then exclaimed.


When Lin Qing heard this, he sighed and explained: "Although Fangfei was not born in a class, she likes wedding photography, so she asked me and Gao Lu to invest in this store together!

"What? Daughter-in-law, have you invested in this store?"

Hearing Lin Qing's explanation, Liu Qing suddenly exclaimed, "Don't you only run one company?"

"Stupid, who said that running a company can't invest in opening a bridal shop!

Seeing this, Lin Qing glanced at his husband with a pair of beautiful eyes and said.

"In this bridal shop, Gao Lu and I are only responsible for investing money and taking up shares. We only distribute dividends every year, and we are not responsible for the daily operation!"

Lin Qing then explained in detail.

"Of course, in addition to this bridal shop, I also invested some money in other fields, such as stocks, houses, everything!"5

Lin Qing finally said.

Then he put his money where he put his money, and told Liu Qing the same.

After listening carefully to what his daughter-in-law had invested in, Liu Qing smacked his mouth in stunned eyes and sighed:

"Honey, it turns out that my daughter-in-law is actually a financial expert!"

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