City: My Baba is A Farmer

The 314th chapter spawned the brigade [for flowers, for flowers]

The 314th Birth Brigade

The next day, Monday.

"Goodbye, Grandpa, Grandma, Grandpa and Grandma! 35

After breakfast, Liu Xin waved goodbye to the four old people with a small schoolbag on his back.

"Goodbye bye!

When the four old men heard this, they immediately smiled and looked at Liu Xin and waved their hands in response.

"Then let's go, Dad, Mom!

Seeing this, Liu Qing, who was on the side, looked at his parents and his father-in-law with a smile and said hello.

"Well, go ahead, drive carefully on the road!"

When Mother Liu heard this, she nodded and said -.

Then Liu Qing took Liu Xin out of the door of the house, walked to the garage, then drove the car and sent Liu Xin to the kindergarten to study.

As for the little jelly, after all, she is only in her early one year old, so she naturally stays at home and is looked after by four elderly people!

And because it was Monday and the company had a morning meeting, Lin Qing went to work early after eating breakfast.

"Come in, sweet girl!"

After driving Liu Xin to the gate of the kindergarten, Liu Qing said with a smile as he looked at Liu Xin in front of him.


Upon hearing this, Liu Xin snorted, then blinked a pair of big watery eyes, and responded crisply: "Goodbye Baba!

"Goodbye, you must be obedient in kindergarten! Heart!

Seeing this, Liu Qing looked at Liu Xin with a smile and said.

"Got it, Baba!"

Hearing Liu Qing's exhortation, Liu Xin nodded her head obediently and agreed.

After finishing speaking, he carried a small schoolbag, like a happy elf, and walked into the kindergarten.

Seeing this, Liu Qing had a gratified smile on his face, then turned and left, and walked to the parking spot on the side of the road.

"It's time to find the grasshopper!"

After arriving in the car and sitting down, Liu Qing decided in his heart.

Then I drove the car and drove to the agreed upon Shenxianju restaurant to find the grasshopper!

After all, the 23rd is the day for the banquet, so Liu Qing must arrange it in advance!

The car goes all the way!

After spending an hour and a half, Liu Qing drove to the Shenxianju restaurant on the Bund.

"Okay, Qing'er, you and Lin Qing received the certificate quietly, and only notified me last night, it's really not enough buddy!

At this time, Guo Guo, who had been waiting for Liu Qing to arrive at the entrance of Shenxianju Restaurant, saw Liu Qing driving his car, parked the car, opened the door and got off, and immediately greeted him, seeing that Liu Qing was not in a good mood. said.

"Okay, don't be angry, Grasshopper, didn't I explain it to you last night!'""

Seeing this, Liu Qing smiled and looked at Guo Guo soothingly.

"I don't care, I originally planned to let you and Lin Qing drink my wedding wine with Li Yu at the end of the year!"

When Guo Guo heard this, he shook his head and said, "I didn't expect you two to become the bricks of the wall, and come from behind!"

"No way, this is love!"

Seeing the funny expression on Guo Guo's face, Liu Qing said with a smile, "I can't stop it!

"Look what you can do!"

Seeing this, Guo Guo couldn't help but look blank and said Liu Qing.

"Anyway, I wish you and Lin Qingxin a happy marriage and grow old together!

Guo Guo then put away his funny expression and looked at Liu Qing with a sincere blessing.


Hearing Guo Guo's blessing, Liu Qing smiled and thanked him.

"By the way, has the menu I told you last night been prepared by someone?

Liu Qing looked at Guo Guo and continued.

"Ready to come out and pull!"

Hearing Liu Qing's question, Guo Guo hurriedly replied with a smile: "After all, we are in the restaurant business, this has already existed! 35

"Let's go, let's go into the restaurant, I'll show it to you!

Guo Guo continued with a smile.


Liu Qing nodded and agreed.

As soon as they were talking, Liu Qing and Guo Guo walked into the restaurant.

After all, it was only before ten o'clock in the morning, and there were no customers in the restaurant. After entering the restaurant, Liu Qing and the two found a table casually and sat down.

Then I saw a restaurant employee walking over with a menu and handing it over to Guo Guo.

"Hey, look at it!

After taking the menu, Guo Guo quickly put it in front of Liu Qing and said.

"Hmm! 99

When Liu Qing heard it, he snorted, and then he stretched out his hand and opened it to look at it.

After all, the wedding banquet is naturally different from the usual menu, and I saw that there are famous dishes in several major cuisines.

“This menu is pretty good!”

After a brief look, Liu Qing closed the menu, looked at Guo Guo and praised with a smile.

"Haha, this is not my credit, these are all done by the staff!

Seeing this, Guo Guo responded with a smile.

"Well, then I'll take this menu back to my parents and my father-in-law and mother-in-law to see what they think! 99

When Liu Qing heard this, he nodded with a smile on his face.


When Guo Guo heard this, he smiled and hummed.

"By the way, Qing'er, you and Lin Qing marry and hold a banquet, don't you really need to do it?"

Guo Guo then looked at Liu Qing and asked suspiciously.

"It's really not necessary, Lin Qing, I, and four parents have discussed it!

When Liu Qing heard this, he shook his head and said.

"Well then! 99

Seeing this, Guo Guo nodded and said.

"What, you and Li Yu are married, do you want to make a big deal?"

Seeing Guo Guo's expression, Liu Qing laughed and joked.

"Do it, definitely do it!""

Guo Guo said with certainty when he heard it.

"However, not in the magic capital, but in the hometown!"

Guo Guo changed his words, and then said: "After all, there are not many people in the magic capital, and the hometown is different, so we must take care of it!"

"After all, after so many years in the Devil's Capital, I finally managed to get out of the way, so I have to let the villagers and elders know about it! 99

Guo Guo continued.

When Liu Qing heard it, he naturally knew that Guo Guo was under a lot of pressure and was looked down upon by relatives and friends.

So now it has finally changed, and Guo Guo has come out ahead.

"Okay, then I'll go first, Grasshopper!

After chatting with Guo Guo for a while, Liu Qing decided to leave.

"Well, go get busy!"

When Guo Guo heard this, he smiled and nodded and assured: "Anyway, even if this wedding banquet is not big, I guarantee that the dishes will be the best!


When Liu Qing heard this, he immediately said happily.

After saying that, he got up and left.

Later, Liu Qing drove to Meng Fei's company to invite him and his family to dinner on the 23rd. After chatting with Meng Fei for a while, Liu Qing drove home.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it came to the 23rd, the day when Liu Qing and Lin Qing held a banquet!

After all, after a week of preparation, naturally everything is ready.

Although it was not a big event, Liu Qing and Lin Qing got up early in the morning. After breakfast, Liu Qing's family rushed to the place where the banquet was held on the Bund to greet the guests.

After ten thirty in the morning.

The guests who attended the wedding banquet of Liu Qing and Lin Qing's husband and wife came one after another. Liu Qing and Lin Qing, who were standing at the door, greeted them with warm smiles.

"Congratulations, congratulations, Xiao Liu, I wish you two a happy wedding, a hundred years of marriage, and an early birth of a precious son!

I saw that the Meng Fei family was the first to arrive. Looking at the talented Liu Qing and Lin Qing husband and wife, Meng Fei's father smiled and blessed.

"Thank you uncle and auntie!"

When Liu Qing heard this, he thanked him with a smile on his face.

"Please come in!

Liu Qing then invited and said.


When Meng Fei's father heard this, he smiled and nodded in agreement.

After that, Meng Fei's family walked into the courtyard.

The reason why they said they walked into the courtyard was because the place where Liu Qing and his wife held the banquet had been changed from the Shenxianju restaurant to a nearby hot pot restaurant, which was just renovated and had an antique flavor.

This was suggested by Guo Guo. First, the environment was beautiful. Second, Liu Qing and his wife did not hold a lot of banquets. Naturally, there were so many people in the house, which is why this scene happened.

·For flowers ·0

"For you, daughter-in-law!"

After seeing Meng Fei's family walk into the house, Liu Qing hurriedly smiled and handed over the gift red envelope that Meng Fei's father had just given to Lin Qing beside him.

"What are you doing for me?

Seeing the red envelope handed over by her husband, Lin Qing couldn't help but smile and said: "You should keep it, after all, I heard that Meng Fei is not married yet, and he will definitely return it in the future!

"Just keep it for you, daughter-in-law!"

Seeing this, Liu Qing looked at Lin Qing with a smile on his face and said, "Meng Fei's wedding ceremony, let's talk about it when he and his girlfriend get married!""

"OK then!

When Lin Qing heard this, he smiled and nodded in agreement.

Then I took the gift red envelope and put it away.

Time passed slowly, and friends and relatives who attended the wedding banquet of Liu Qing and Lin Qing, such as Lin Qing's best friends Gao Lu and Xie Fangfei, as well as the uncle's family and the uncle's family, naturally came one by one.

It was not until twelve o'clock in the afternoon that all the relatives and friends who attended the wedding banquet of Liu Qing and Lin Qing's husband and wife all arrived.

After briefly saying the opening remarks, Liu Qing greeted everyone with a smile on their face to start lunch.

time flies.

It was not until eleven o'clock in the evening that Liu Qing, Lin Qing and his wife returned home.

"Daughter-in-law, you said we didn't have a big banquet, why did you come back so late, and you still feel so tired!"


After entering the bedroom, Liu Qing slumped on the bed and said weakly.

"Although it's not a big deal, there are still dozens of people!"

When Lin Qing heard this, he explained with a smile: "These relatives are more than uncle and uncle, they are all driven by you personally, so it took so much time!

"Anyway, no matter what, this banquet is finally over!

Lin Qing continued.

"Well, that's right!"

When Liu Qing heard this, he nodded in agreement.

"Okay, get up quickly, go to the bathroom to take a shower, and change your clothes and pants!

Looking at her husband lying on the bed, Lin Qing quickly reminded.

"Okay, daughter-in-law!

When Liu Qing heard this, he answered with a smile on his face.

While talking, Liu Qing stood up from the bed, took the clothes and pants that Lin Qing had prepared for him, and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

After all, it was already early eleven o'clock in the evening, and after a busy day, after taking a bath, Liu Qing and Lin Qing lay on the bed and slept together.

The next day, just after coming downstairs to the kitchen and preparing to eat breakfast, Liu Qing was pulled aside by his mother and urged him, "Son, you and Xiaolin have received this certificate, and the banquet has been set up, so it's time to work hard. Ah! 99

"What are you trying to do? Mom!

When Liu Qing heard it, she couldn't help looking at Liu's mother and said, "Why can't I understand what I said!

"Stupid! Luo

Seeing this, Mother Liu couldn't help but give her a blank look. Liu Qing said, "Of course you and Xiaolin will work hard to have a few children!"9


After hearing Mother Liu's answer, Liu Qing suddenly said with black lines: "What are you talking about, it was born early in the morning, so no one can eat breakfast!"

"I don't care anyway, you two have to work hard!!"

When Mother Liu heard this, she insisted.

It was at this moment that Lin Qing walked into the kitchen and watched Liu Qing go out. Lin Qing couldn't help but set his eyes on Liu Qing and asked suspiciously, "What are you talking about with your mother here!"


Upon hearing this, Liu Qing answered honestly.

"Hey, it's just...!

Seeing that his daughter-in-law didn't understand, Liu Qing quickly came to Lin Qing and answered in a low voice.


Hearing this, Lin Qing couldn't help blushing, and then angrily stretched out his hand and twisted Liu Qing's waist.

"Why are you angry, daughter-in-law, I'm just relaying it! 35

Seeing this, Liu Qing quickly smiled and reassured him.

"Hey, why do you think they are like this!"

Hearing Liu Qing's consolation, Lin Qing said angrily.

When Liu Qing heard this, she immediately looked at her daughter-in-law with a smile on her face and asked:

"What? Daughter-in-law, did your mother-in-law urge you too?" Ten.

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