City: My Baba is A Farmer

The 318th chapter is endearing [for flowers, for flowers]

Three hundred and eighteenth lovable

"Oh, daughter-in-law, don't cry! 35

Seeing Lin Qing's eyes reddened with crystal tears hanging in front of him, Liu Qing immediately persuaded in distress.

While talking, Liu Qing hurriedly took out a tissue from his bag and carefully wiped away the tears.


Seeing this, Lin Qing obediently hummed.

"By the way, daughter-in-law, aren't you in the magic capital, why did you come to this mountain?"

After seeing Lin Qing stop crying, Liu Qing asked suspiciously.

Because after sending Lin's father and Lin's mother back to Hangcheng, he suddenly received a call from the third youngest sheep, saying that there were bears coming to the farm.

Later, on the way to drive over, Liu Qing called Lin Qing to say something.

But I didn't expect that my daughter-in-law would come to the farm and appear in this mountain, so Liu Qing was surprised.

"It's not because of you!"

When Lin Qing heard this, a pair of beautiful eyes glared at Liu Qing angrily and replied.

"Didn't you say that there are bears coming to the farm, after being heard by Xinxin and Little Jelly, they insisted on coming to the farm to take a look!"

Lin Qing then explained in detail: "So it's okay to stay in the magic capital, I drove them here!"

"Then when you first arrived at the farm, you received a call from Ye Fei saying that you had met a bear, and then you were chased by the bear and ran away!"

Lin Qing finally said worriedly: "So when I heard this, I hurried out with everyone to find you! 35

"So this is ah!

After listening to his daughter-in-law's explanation, Liu Qing nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Does that mean your parents are here?"

Liu Qing looked at Lin Qing and continued.


When Lin Qing heard this, he hummed and replied, "They're all here, they're all taking care of the two little guys in the farm villa!

"Originally, Dad said he would come too, but after all, he is in grade, and there are mountains and forests outside, and there are bears!

Lin Qing went on to say, "That's why I didn't promise him to come, for fear of any accident!"

"Then you're not afraid? Daughter-in-law!

When Liu Qing heard this, he immediately looked at Lin Qing who was unarmed, and asked back.


Seeing this, Lin Qing nodded honestly.

"But you are my husband, and I must find you! 35

Lin Qing's words changed, Mei Mei stared at Liu Qing blankly, and continued to speak.


Seeing Lin Qing's firm eyes, Liu Qing couldn't help feeling warm, and hugged Lin Qing tightly into his arms.

"Husband, you must never do such dangerous things again in the future, okay 017?"

Seeing this, Lin Qing put his arms around Liu Qing and said heavily.

"Anyway, if you don't think about me, you have to think about your heart, as well as your parents, you say if you...

Lin Qing continued.

At the end of the sentence, Lin Qing's voice contained a hint of weeping.

"Okay, daughter-in-law, I know, I won't be like this in the future, I promise! 35

Seeing this, Liu Qing separated from Lin Qing, held Lin Qing's arms in both hands, looked at Lin Qing, and assured.

"Hmm! 99

When Lin Qing heard this, he nodded.

"Then let's go, let's go back!

Lin Qing looked at Liu Qing and said, "There is no phone signal here, and my parents are still at home anxiously waiting for your news!"5

"I'm afraid not, daughter-in-law!

Seeing this, Liu Qing looked at Lin Qing in front of him and said helplessly.


When Lin Qing heard this, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Liu Qing and asked suspiciously.

"Hey, look behind you! 99

Seeing Lin Qing's inquiring look, Liu Qing turned around and stretched out his hand to instruct.


When Lin Qing heard this, he couldn't help but froze for a moment, then followed the direction of his husband's finger, and found nothing unusual.

Then he looked back at Liu Qing and said, "It's nothing!"

Seeing this, Liu Qing hurriedly smiled at the big tree not far away and said, "You two guys, don't hide, come out!"

As soon as Liu Qing finished speaking, two furry black bear heads were carefully exposed from behind a big tree not far away, and the two pairs of thieves stared at Liu Qing and his wife with embarrassed eyes.

Seeing the two big black bears in front of him, Lin Qing was startled immediately, then he took Liu Qing's hand and went to the runway: "Run!

"It's okay, daughter-in-law, don't be afraid!"

Seeing this, Liu Qing quickly took Lin Qing's hand and comforted him.


When Lin Qing heard this, he immediately stared at Liu Qing with wide eyes, and said in disbelief: "The thing you asked me to look at just now, couldn't it be these two bears! 35

"It's them, daughter-in-law!""

Seeing that his daughter-in-law understood, Liu Qing nodded in embarrassment and responded.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Seeing this, Lin Qing looked at Liu Qing and asked suspiciously.

"It's the way it is!

Hearing his daughter-in-law's question, Liu Qing began to explain.

Then Liu Qing briefly recounted what happened to Lin Qing.

"So, these two big black bears have been following you after eating those snacks you fed?"

Lin Qingmei's eyes widened, looking at Liu Qing, she said in disbelief, "How is this possible?

"This is so absurd!

Lin Qing felt incredible and continued.

"That's the truth!"

Seeing his daughter-in-law doesn't believe it. Liu Qing shrugged helplessly.

It turned out that Liu Qing explained to Lin Qing that he was chased by two big black bears just now, and in an emergency situation, he gave the food in the bag to the two big black bears in a hurry.

That thought, after the big black bear ate these snacks, not only did he not hurt him, but on the contrary, he kept following behind Liu Qing's ass.

Of course, this is just Liu Qing's lame excuse.

After all, Liu Qing couldn't tell his daughter-in-law directly that it was because he ate the fish and meat in the portable space and the magical pool of water, and the two big black bears couldn't forget them and followed closely, so Liu Qing could only make an excuse at will.

"But won't these two big black bears bite us?"

Seeing this, Lin Qing grabbed Liu Qing's hand and said worriedly, "I think we should go!

"After all, they are beasts, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

Lin Qing looked at Liu Qing and said, "As for what they want to follow, let them follow, let's find the villagers who will talk to each other!

Because Lin Qing thought that there are more people, more power, and when there are many people, the two big black bears will naturally not follow them.

"OK then!

Although he knew that the two big black bears in front of him already had spirituality and would not hurt anyone, but seeing the worried expression on Lin Qing's face, Liu Qing had no choice but to nod and agree: "Let's go!


When Lin Qing heard this, he hummed.

Then the couple walked out of the mountain.

As for the two big black bears, they naturally twisted their butts and followed Liu Qing, Lin Qing and his wife unhurriedly.

I saw that within four or five minutes of walking, Liu Qing and Lin Qing came across with sticks or other weapons and went into the mountains to find their farm employees and several village names in the village.

This included Ye Fei, Yang Laosan, Xiao Zhan and others. When he saw Liu Qing, Ye Fei asked anxiously, "Boss, are you all right? Didn't you get hurt?39

While speaking, Ye Fei looked up and down at Liu Qing seriously and said.

After all, after being separated from Liu Qing just now, Ye Fei didn't expect the two big black bears to chase after Liu Qing in a daze.

So Ye Fei was worried to death at that time. After all, if something happened to Liu Qing, Ye Fei couldn't imagine it at all.

After clenching his teeth, Ye Fei looked for the direction of separation and chased after Liu Qing.

But because there were deep mountains and old forests everywhere, Ye Fei had no idea where Liu Qing ran to.

So he searched around and couldn't find anyone, and worried that Liu Qing would be caught by the bear, Ye Fei quickly found a place with a signal and asked the people in the village to come out to help, and this happened.

"It's okay, Brother Ye."

Hearing this, Liu Qing replied with a smile: "I'm fine, I don't even have any skin injuries!

At this moment, Yang Laosan and Xiao Zhan came out, looked at Liu Qing, bowed their heads and apologized: "I'm sorry, boss!

"It was we who made you worry, and caused you to meet a big black bear and almost lost your life!!

Yang San continued.

Seeing the two people who were blaming themselves, Liu Qing quickly smiled and reassured: "Okay, Third Brother Yang, and Brother Xiao, don't blame yourself!"

"I'm not fine now, so you two don't blame yourself!"

Liu Qing changed the conversation and continued: "You two are doing this to save the loss of the farm!


Yang San and Xiao Zhan nodded heavily when they heard this.

"It's okay to be okay!

Seeing this, Ye Fei said happily: "Since you have returned safely, boss, let's go back (ciba)!"5

As soon as they were talking, everyone turned around and prepared to go back the same way.

At this moment, a sharp-eyed villager suddenly found two big black bears quietly hiding behind a tree, and couldn't help but hurriedly said: "There are bears!"

Then everyone looked around and saw two big black bears.

Accompanied by a rush, the vigilant crowd quickly took up arms and waited.

"Don't, don't hurt these two big guys!

Seeing Xiao Zhan and others shooting at the two big black bears with long spears, Liu Qing hurriedly stopped.


When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, then looked at Liu Qing and asked suspiciously, "Why? 35

"Because these two big black bears came back with me!

Seeing this, Liu Qing explained as he looked at the crowd in front of him.

I saw that during the conversation, I explained the lame excuse just now to everyone again.

"Anything like that?"

After listening to Liu Qing's explanation, everyone looked at Liu Qing with an expression of disbelief.

Although they didn't believe it, they still didn't hurt the two big black bears in front of them.

After all, this big black bear is a national-level protected animal, and everyone is not stupid. If you hurt it, you will be imprisoned!

"Then let's go back!"

After seeing everyone put down their weapons, Liu Qing said with a smile.

"But we don't care about this big black bear? Boss! 35

As soon as Yang Laosan heard this, he glanced at the big black bear not far away, then set his eyes on Liu Qing and asked.

"But the two big guys don't listen, they insist on following me, I can do it!

Seeing this, Liu Qing helplessly spread his hands and replied, "So let's go back and talk."

"Since these two big guys want to follow me, let them follow!"5

Liu Qing went on to say.

"OK then!"

Yang San, who didn't think of any solution, heard it and nodded in agreement.

Then everyone walked out of the mountain with vigilance. When the two big black bears saw this, they naturally followed.

An hour later, Liu Qing and others found their way out of the mountain and returned to the farm.

As for the two big black bears, they naturally followed Liu Qing back to the farm.

However, at this time, a group of village names had gathered in the farm anxiously waiting for Liu Qing and others to return. When they saw that Liu Qing and others had returned safely, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

When Liu Qing came back, seeing the worried look on his parents' faces, Liu Qing said apologetically: "Parents, I'm sorry, I made you worry!

"Just come back, just come back!"

Seeing Liu Qing come back safely and the stone hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground, Father Liu patted Liu Qing on the shoulder and said happily.

"Yes, just come back! 35

When Mother Liu heard this, her eyes were a little red and she said in agreement.

After all, as soon as they arrived at the farm, they suddenly heard that Liu Qing was chased by two big black bears. One can imagine the mood of Liu's mother and Liu's father.

As for Liu Xin and Little Jelly, they didn't know what happened to Liu Qing, but when they saw Liu Qing coming back, they immediately shouted happily: "Baba!"

"Yeah, bear, it's a bear!"

But then Liu Xin and Little Jelly were attracted by Liu Qing and the two big black bears, their big watery eyes stared at the two big black bears and shouted excitedly.

After all, "The Bears" is the favorite of the two little guys, so Liu Xin and Little Jelly are no strangers to the two big black bears. On the contrary, after seeing the real black bears, the two little guys seemed very happy and excited.

As for the other villagers, the arrival of the big black bear caused a panic, but after hearing that the villagers recounted Liu Qing's explanation and that the two big black bears and lazy sheep were found, they couldn't see any aggression, and everyone relaxed. Take a breath.

Especially the monkeys as big as Liu Xin and slightly bigger than Liu Xin, such as Xiao Shi, Heipi, etc., when they saw the two big black bears in front of them, their eyes flashed and they couldn't be excited.

As for the two big black bears who came to the farm, they didn't feel any fear when they saw the people in front of them. On the contrary, they felt a little tired because they had eaten and drank so much, and they were directly under the eyes of everyone. Fall asleep on the ground.

Then the bolder black skin saw the two big black bears sleeping on a deaf ear, and when the adults were not paying attention, he sneaked up to the two big black bears, ready to touch them.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the parents of the black skin, Liu Qing, and the villagers present were so frightened that their hearts raised their throats. After all, although the two big black bears looked like lazy sheep, they A ferocious beast, whose wildness has not changed, is not afraid of ten thousand, but only in case.

The reason why Liu Qing is worried is because he is afraid that the two big black bears in front of him will only recognize himself and not buy other people's accounts.

But the daring black skin didn't hold back his hand, instead he held his breath and reached out and slowly touched one of the big black bears lying on the ground.

"I got it! 35"

When the skin really felt the soft mane of the big black bear, the originally nervous black skin suddenly grinned and said happily while looking at the people in front of him.

The big black bear being stroked by the black skin seemed to feel very comfortable, first opened his eyes to take a look, and then closed his eyes again.

When everyone who was worried in front of them saw this, the heart that originally mentioned the throat was relieved.

With the first, there is the second.

So I saw that a few skin monkeys were out of the control of their parents, and they came to the two big black bears with excitement on their faces, and then reached out and stroked them.

As for Heipi, who was taking the lead, his parents pinched his ears and pulled him aside to "eat" the fried pork with bamboo chips.

"Baba, Baba, I want to touch the bear in my heart!"

Seeing this, Liu Xin quickly took Liu Qing's hand and said excitedly.

"I want a little jelly, and I want a little jelly!

When Little Jelly heard it, she immediately agreed with a milky voice.

Seeing that the two big black bears did not hurt anyone, Liu Qing smiled and nodded in agreement, "Let's go, Dad will take you there!"

While talking, Liu Qing held the hands of the two little guys from left to right and walked towards the two big black bears.

Immediately, Liu Xin and Little Jelly joined the bear army of a group of skin monkeys.

Perhaps knowing that Liu Xin and Little Jelly are Liu Qing's daughters, no matter whether the two little guys are crawling, riding, or tugging at their ears, the two big black bears have no complaints at all, on the contrary they still enjoy it.

Seeing a bunch of skin monkeys laughing with bears in front of them, Liu Qing exclaimed in disbelief:

"I didn't expect these two big guys to be so endearing!!!"

ps: On the last day, ask for flowers, big guys, please vote if you have flowers!

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