City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 324 Liu Hai [For flowers, ask for a monthly ticket]

Chapter 324 bangs


When Director Wang heard this, he immediately looked at Lin Qing suspiciously and asked, "What compensation?

Seeing this, Liu Qing also looked at her daughter-in-law with a puzzled expression.

"Director Wang, is this wild animal under your control?"

Seeing the puzzled expression on Director Wang's face, Lin Qing did not answer him directly, but continued to ask back.

Although he didn't know what Lin Qing's words meant in front of him, after hearing Lin Qing's question, Director Wang nodded and said, "Go home!""

After all, protecting wild animals is indeed one of the tasks of their Forestry Bureau.

"Just leave it to you!"

After hearing Director Wang's answer, Lin Qing said with a smile.

"Since the protected wild animals under your control have caused hundreds of thousands of economic losses to our farm—!

Lin Qing looked at Director Wang and explained, "Do you think your Forestry Bureau should compensate us?

"What? Hundreds of thousands of financial losses?"

After listening to Lin Qing's explanation, Director Wang said in surprise.

"That's right, it's a loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars!"

When Liu Qing heard this, he followed his daughter-in-law and agreed.

"Director Wang, you must also know that the price of pork is rising steadily, and the minimum is nearly 31 catties!"

Liu Qing went on to say: "Yesterday these two big black bears made a hole in my farm, and 60 or 70 wild boars disappeared!

"Do you think this is an economic loss of at least several hundred thousand?"

Liu Qing finally said.

As for Xiong Da and Xiong Er, they were unaware of the losses they had caused, and lay on the ground lazily!

"This this……"

When Director Wang heard this, he was at a loss for words, not knowing how to answer.

Because after listening to the narration of Liu Qing and his wife, they knew that it was the two big black bears who were in trouble.

But after all, it is dozens of economic losses, how could Director Wang directly let the Forestry Bureau bear it.

"What? Director Wang, does your Forestry Bureau still want to repay your debts?

Seeing that Director Wang was speechless, Lin Qing said with a smile: "After all, the country has policies now. Wild animals have destroyed our property and caused economic losses. Your Forestry Bureau wants to compensate us!

"And we have surveillance video here as proof!"

Lin Qing went on to say: "It's not like some people make up the whistleblower and slander at will!"

"Oh, didn't we say that your farm raises big black bears.

When Director Wang heard this, he immediately explained embarrassingly: "I just said that I received a report call and came here to understand the investigation!

"Don't worry, we will definitely not wrong a good person casually!

Director Wang smiled and said comfortably.

"But you haven't said how to compensate us!

Seeing this, Liu Qing looked at Director Wang and said.

"Why are you in such a hurry, since these two big black bears caused economic losses to your farm!

When Director Wang heard this, he glared at Liu Qing and replied, "We will definitely compensate you!

"But, you also know that the compensation won't come down right away!

Director Wang changed the subject and continued: "This needs to be investigated and evaluated first, and then reported, and approved layer by layer! 99

"So it's going to take a while!""

Director Wang finally said.

Now the state does have a statement of compensation for economic losses caused by wild protection, but the implementation is different in each place.

Therefore, Director Wang has to go back and investigate clearly, how could he agree directly.

"Then you have to give us a specific time, it can't be delayed forever!

Liu Qing knew that it was Director Wang delaying the time, so he hurriedly asked.

After all, it was verbally said to be compensated, but after three or five years, who knows if you still remember this matter.

"And we have to make a note for us! 35

Liu Qing looked at Director Wang in front of him and continued.

"You young man are still afraid that we won't be able to repay our bills?"

When Director Wang heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "We can keep this word!"

"However, I can't guarantee when the compensation will be approved!

Director Wang changed the subject and continued.

"It's good to leave a note!"

Seeing that Director Wang was willing to leave a note, Liu Qing smiled and said with satisfaction.

After all, Liu Qing never expected the compensation to come down quickly.

"OK then!"

Seeing this, Director Wang nodded in agreement.

As he spoke, he turned back to the jeep parked at the gate of the farm not far away, and took out a black briefcase.

Then he opened it, took out a piece of white paper and a pen and wrote a note to Liu Qing.

"Hey, look at it!"

After writing, Director Wang handed over the document to Liu Qingdao.


When Liu Qing heard it, he nodded, took the document, and browsed it quickly.

"Okay, this document is fine!!

After reading it and found that there was no problem, Liu Qing smiled and looked at Director Wang and said, "Then let's go!

"As for the two big black bears, I'll leave them to you!

Liu Qing went on to say.

After finishing speaking, Liu Qing took Lin Qing, Liu's father, Liu's mother and others back together.

As for Director Wang, he stared blankly at the two big black bears on the ground who were also a little confused.

"Director, what should we do?"

After seeing Liu Qing's family walking back, a young staff member came to Director Wang and asked.

"Are we really going to get these two big black bears back? 35

The young staff continued.

"how can that be?"

When Director Wang heard this, he couldn't help but glared at the talking young staff.

After all, although they belong to the Forestry Bureau and are responsible for protecting wild animals, how could it be possible to get the two big black bears back.

One is that there is no place for them in the county forestry bureau, and the other is that there has never been a precedent for bringing back a large black bear weighing one or two hundred kilograms.

"Director, why don't we check their bodies and see if they are injured!"

At this time, another young staff member came over and looked at Director Wang and suggested.

"As for the issue of resettlement, let them be here, after all, there is a big forest behind this village. 35

The young staff continued: "Maybe the two big black bears will go back to the forest by themselves!

"Well, that's all there is to it!"

Upon hearing this, Director Wang nodded in agreement.

Immediately, a staff member was seen returning to the jeep, taking a suitcase and walking towards Xiong Da Xiong Er.

As for Xiong Da Xiong Er, who was originally lazy, seeing this, he was shocked as if he felt that there was some danger coming.


Then I saw the big bear grinning and roaring towards the staff walking towards them.

The staff with the box was directly scared to sit on the ground.

When everyone saw this, they were all startled, and they couldn't help looking at each other: "What should I do?"

"Director, I just saw that those two children were fine when they touched them! 35

At this moment, an age worker who had been observing Xiong Daxiong Er just now reminded him, "Why don't you ask them for help?

The two children are naturally Liu Xin and Xiao Jelly.

As for them, they refer to Liu Qing and his party who are walking back.

"Hmm! 99

When Director Wang heard this, he nodded.

Then he called Liu Qing back.

After Liu Qing turned around and came back, looking at Director Wang in front of him, he asked suspiciously, "What else is there?

"It's nothing, lad!"

When Director Wang heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "I just want you to do me a favor and let our veterinarians check on these two!"5

...... ask for flowers.0

"Look at how they are doing!"

Director Wang looked at Liu Qing and explained.

"All right!

After hearing Director Wang's explanation, Liu Qing nodded in agreement.

After a while, with the help of Liu Qing, the veterinarian completed the examination on Xiong Da Xiong Er!

As for the result of the examination, it was naturally incomparably healthy, and Liu Qing rolled his eyes when he heard it.

After all, Xiong Da Xiong Er drank so much magical water in his portable space and ate so many fish, how could he be unhealthy.

"Hey, Director Wang, don't you take these two goods with you?"

When the inspection was over, and seeing Director Wang and his group, they were about to drive away, and Liu Qing hurriedly stopped.

"No, lads, just let them feed you for a while!"

When Director Wang heard this, he stopped and looked at Liu Qing and replied, "It won't be long before they return to the mountains on their own! 35

"Well then! Year

Seeing this, Liu Qing nodded.

"Then I have to record the cost of their food these days, and then compensate me together!"

Looking at Director Wang who turned around and continued walking towards the Jeep, Liu Qing continued.

When Director Wang heard this, he stumbled and walked quickly to the jeep, then opened the door to get in the car, and then the group left the farm.


"Why are you so bad! 99

After hearing her husband's jokes, Lin Qing couldn't help but glared at Liu Qing with his beautiful eyes and said.

"Hey, don't you want this money for nothing!""

When Liu Qing heard this, he replied with a smile.

"By the way, daughter-in-law, how do you know that there is compensation for the losses caused by protected wild animals?

Liu Qing looked at Lin Qing and asked suspiciously.

Because it wasn't Lin Qing who said this just now, Liu Qing still doesn't know that he can still apply for compensation!

"While you were talking to Director Wang, I quietly searched the Internet!

When Lin Qing heard this, he explained with a smile.

"So this is ah!"

After hearing Lin Qing's explanation, Liu Qing immediately understood.

"It's still our daughter-in-law who is smart!"

Liu Qing then praised Lin Qing with a thumbs up.


Hearing her husband's compliment, Lin Qing rolled his eyes with a smile, Liu Qing said.

"Let's go, let's go back, pack up, and go back to the Devil's Capital after lunch, tomorrow is Monday!"

Lin Qing looked at Liu Qing and continued.


Upon hearing this, Liu Qing hummed.

Then the couple walked to the villa hand in hand.

time flies.

Early two in the afternoon.

Liu Qing's family, who left the farm after lunch, drove two cars back to Modu.

When Liu Qing drove the Cullinan and just drove to the gate of the community, the security guard in the security booth first greeted Liu Qing politely, then smiled and looked at Liu Qing and reminded: "Mr. Liu, your brother has been waiting for you for a long time. It's been hours!" 5

"It's being arranged by us in the lounge!"

The security guard looked at Liu Qing and continued.

"my brother?"

When Liu Qing heard this, he couldn't help but be taken aback.

Father Liu, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, and Mother Liu, who was in the back seat, also looked at the security guard with puzzled expressions!

As for Liu Xin and Little Jelly, they naturally went in the car driven by Lin Qing.

When the security guard saw this, for fear of making a mistake, he quickly nodded and replied:

"Yes, his name is Liu Hai!""

ps: Thank you 134...40, 188...835, wx...923, dai...o9 for the big rewards, thank you!!! Don't say anything else, work hard to write this book, there is a beginning and an end! Then throw flowers and The boss of the monthly pass, and the boss of the subscribed book, thank you for your support!!! Thanks!!!+.

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