City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 355 Sharing Joy [For Flowers, For Monthly Tickets]

Chapter 355

"Huh? Why does Xinxin want a younger brother?"

Hearing this, Liu Qing couldn't help but be amused, then looked at Liu Xin with a smile on his face, and asked, "Isn't my sister bad?"

Lin Qing and Liu Ling, who were standing aside, also looked at Liu Xin with a smile, waiting for her answer.

"No, Baba!"

Hearing Liu Qing's question, Liu Xin shook his head, and answered with a crisp explanation: "Because Yuanyuan has a younger brother, so everyone wants to have a younger brother too! 99

"That's why!"

When Liu Qing heard this, he immediately understood.

Originally, Liu Qing thought that Liu Xin didn't like her sister, so there was still a trace of worry in her heart, but now after hearing the explanation, that trace of worry disappeared immediately.

As for Yuanyuan's younger brother, Liu Qing knows it. It was only when Liu Xin went to Yuanyuan's birthday last time that she knew that Yuanyuan had a younger brother, so when she returned home, Liu Xin kept talking to Liu Qing. say this.

"But, Xinxin, my father doesn't know whether the baby in my mother's womb is a younger sister or a younger brother! 35

Liu Qing changed the subject and continued.

"Why? Baba!

When Liu Xin heard this, she looked at Liu Qing suspiciously and said.

"Because the baby in mother's belly hasn't been born yet! 99

Seeing the puzzled expression on Liu Xin's little face, Liu Qing replied with a smile: "Only when the mother gives birth to the baby can we know whether it is a younger brother or a younger sister!

"Okay! 35

When Liu Xin heard this, he nodded his head slightly as if he didn't understand.

At this moment, Mother Liu, who had already cooked the last two vegetarian dishes in the kitchen, came out, looked at Liu Qing and others with a smile and said, "Okay, son, stop talking, this meal is already ready. , come and have dinner!

"Got it, Mom!"

Hearing Mother Liu's greeting, Liu Qing responded with a smile.

"Little jelly, come here, Dad will take you to wash your hands!

Liu Qing stood up, looked at Little Jelly who was concentrating on playing with toys not far away, and then waved.


When Little Jelly heard it, she responded with a milky voice.

Then I saw Little Jelly climbed up from the ground, twisted her little butt, and walked quickly to Liu Qing.

"Let's go! 35

After seeing the little jelly coming, Liu Qing smiled and took the two little guys' fleshy hands and walked to the bathroom.

"Let's go too! Sister-in-law!

Seeing this, Liu Ling on the side looked at Lin Qing with a smile and said.


When Lin Qing heard this, he smiled and hummed.

The two then went to the dining room.

"Come on, sit down, you two little fellows!"

After washing his hands, he came to the dining room, Liu Qing pulled out the chairs, carried Liu Xin and Xiao Jelly up, and sat down.

"By the way, son, about Xiao Lin's pregnancy, did you tell the in-laws?

Seeing Liu Qing sitting down and picking up the bowls and chopsticks, Mother Liu suddenly remembered this, and she couldn't help but put her eyes on Liu Qing and asked.

"Yeah? I forgot! Mom!!"

Hearing his mother's question and reminder, Liu Qing couldn't help but pat his forehead.

"You silly boy, why didn't you tell them about Xiao Lin's pregnancy so that they would be happy too! 95

Seeing this, Mother Liu immediately rolled her eyes and Liu Qing said, "After all, this grandson, the in-laws and the others are also waiting eagerly!

"Of course, I don't mean to favor sons over daughters, Xiaolin!"

Mother Liu looked at Lin Qing and explained, "Just say it casually, anyway, whether it's a boy or a girl, we all like it and treat them equally!

"Well! I know, Mom!"

When Lin Qing heard this, he nodded with a smile on his face, showing his understanding.

"Hey, mom, didn't you stay at the hospital this morning to accompany Lin Qing to check!"

When Liu Qing heard Liu's mother's complaint, she quickly explained: "After the inspection results came out, we were in a hurry to come back, so we forgot to mention it!

"Mom, it's alright."

When Lin Qing heard this, he looked at Liu's mother and said comfortably, "I can tell my parents about my pregnancy later, don't worry!

"Okay! Luo

After hearing Lin Qing's comfort, Mother Liu nodded.

"Then let's eat!

Mother Liu looked at Lin Qing with a smile on her face and said, "After all, I had breakfast so early and went out, and I was already hungry!

"And now you have three little guys in your stomach, you must eat more!"

Mother Liu finally said solemnly.

"Well, I will, Mom!"

When Lin Qing heard this, he responded with a smile.

"It will be good! 35

Seeing this, Mother Liu said happily: "Then eat! 35

Then Liu Qing's family chatted and laughed and happily ate lunch.

time flies.

Early in the afternoon.

After lunch, Liu Qing hurriedly took out his mobile phone, unlocked it, rummaged through to find his father-in-law's phone number, and dialed it.

After all, Lin Qing's pregnancy was such a big happy event, so naturally he had to share it with his father-in-law and mother-in-law to make them happy too.

After two rings, the phone was connected, Liu Qing saw this and said with a smile, "Dad, have you guys had lunch?35

"You bastard, don't even look at the time, your mother and I must have eaten!

When Father Lin on the other end of the phone heard it, he couldn't help laughing and scolding.


As soon as Liu Qing heard it, he was happy with his phone!

Hearing Liu Qing's laughter, Father Lin on the other end of the phone asked with a smile, "Tell me, what's the matter, I'm so happy!"

"It's like this, Dad, I went to the hospital with Lin Qing for a checkup today!

When Liu Qing heard this, he immediately replied.

"an examination?"

Lin's father on the other end of the phone was stunned when he heard Liu Qing's answer, and then he became worried: "Why did you accompany Lin Qing to the hospital to check? Is she sick? Is it serious?

After all, suddenly hearing the word "check", Father Lin's worry was normal.

"Dad, don't worry!"

Hearing his father-in-law's anxious voice, Liu Qing quickly explained: "I accompany Lin Qing to the hospital for a check-up, not because she is sick, don't think about it!"

"Not sick?"

When Father Lin heard this, he scratched his ears and said, "Then why are you going to the hospital to check?"

"Is it a medical examination? 35

Father Lin then guessed.

"No, Dad!"

Seeing this, Liu Qing didn't give a shit, but said honestly: "We are going to check whether Lin Qing is pregnant!


When Father Lin heard this, he couldn't help but be startled, his voice suddenly increased a few degrees, and then he took the mobile phone and asked nervously, "Are you pregnant?"

You must know that after their daughter gets married, parents naturally hope to hug their grandson or granddaughter sooner, so Father Lin is so nervous.

(Good) "I'm pregnant! Dad!

After hearing the nervous voice of his father-in-law, Liu Qing immediately smiled and answered affirmatively: "Otherwise, why would I call you to tell you about this! 35

"Haha, great!"

When Father Lin on the other end of the phone heard it, he immediately said happily.

"Dad! Not only that, Lin Qing is also pregnant with triplets!

When Liu Qing saw this, he hurriedly smiled and said big.

"What did you say? Triplets?"

When Father Lin heard this, he was stunned, and it was useless to call Liu Qing loudly on the phone.

At this moment, Lin's father was shouting loudly in the room, and Lin's mother came out of the room to see it and asked suspiciously: "I said, Lao Lin, why are you shouting so loudly? Why don't you move? 35

Hearing Mother Lin's questioning, Father Lin, who had recovered his senses, replied with a smile on his face:

"Haha, great news, our daughter is pregnant, and it's triplets!!!!"

ps: Thank you for your huge reminder, and a huge reward, thank you for your support!!!!!!.

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