City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 361 Lin Qing nodded and agreed [for flowers, ask for a monthly ticket]

Chapter 361 Lin Qing nodded and agreed


Hearing Father Lin's compliment, Liu Xin's little face immediately grinned, looking very happy.

"Come on, Mom and Dad, let's go in!"

Seeing this, Liu Qing said with a smile as he looked at Lin's father and mother in front of him.

"Not in a hurry!"

When Father Lin heard this, he hurriedly smiled and waved his hand, pointing to the car beside him and said, "There's a bunch of stuff in the trunk of this car!

"Otherwise, why did your mother and I arrive now! 55

Father Lin continued.

"that is!

When Mother Lin heard this, she nodded in agreement with a smile on her face.

"By the way, is this girl Lin Qing at home?

Mother Lin looked at Liu-Qing and asked.

"Here, Mom!"

Hearing Mother Lin's questioning, Liu Qing smiled and nodded and replied, "I'm talking to Gao Lu, Xie Fangfei and the others in the living room of the house!"

"When she was just taking a nap in the afternoon, she was still asking if you were there!"

Liu Qing continued with a smile on his face.

"Well, it's good to be at home!

When Mother Lin heard this, she nodded.

"Then move things!"

Seeing this, Father Lin looked at Liu Qing and said.


Upon hearing this, Liu Qing hummed.

Then he saw Father Lin bent down and put Liu Xin and Little Jelly in his arms gently on the ground and said, "Come down, darling, grandpa is going to start moving things!"

Seeing this, Liu Qing touched the heads of Liu Xin and Little Jelly and said, "Xinxin, Little Jelly, you go inside for your mother, and your grandparents said that grandpa and grandma are here, okay?

"Hehe, good!

Hearing this, Liu Xin, who blinked a pair of bright big eyes, immediately revealed two sweet little dimples, and nodded in agreement.

As for Little Jelly, who was only in his early one year old, Liu Qing had just said so much, but Little Jelly didn't understand and just watched from the sidelines.

"Let's go, little jelly sister!"

Liu Xin looked at Little Jelly and continued.


When Little Jelly heard it, she hummed in a milky voice.

As I was talking, I saw two little guys jumping into the yard like two happy little angels.

"Then let's move things!"

After seeing Liu Xin and Little Jelly running into the yard and disappearing, Father Lin looked back at Liu Qing and said with a smile.

"Okay, Dad!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Qing smiled and nodded.

"Dad, Mom, why do you buy so many supplements!"

When Father Lin opened the trunk, Liu Qing saw that it was full of various supplements for pregnant women, as well as a few old hens in white woven bags, revealing each and every one of them, Liu Qing's face suddenly changed. With a helpless expression.

After all, just now Gao Lu and Xie Fangfei also sent a trunk full of various supplements for pregnant women, so Liu Qing showed a helpless expression on his face!

Seeing this, Father Lin glared at Liu Qing and said, "What do you know, you silly boy, my mother and I spent a lot of time buying these things!"

"Especially these old hens, my mother and I went to the countryside and bought them from other people's homes!"

Father Lin looked at it and continued.

"That's right, this pregnant woman can't be less nutritious!

Mother Lin, who was standing by the side, nodded and said in agreement, "What's more, this girl Lin Qing is pregnant with triplets!

"Dad, Mom, you misunderstood me!"

Seeing this, Liu Qing quickly explained with a smile: "I mean..."

It's just that before Liu Qing finished speaking, he saw Liu Xin and Xiao Jelly twisting their little butts, hurried out of the yard, looked at Liu Qing excitedly and said: "Baba, Baba, Ma Ma, grandpa and grandma They're out!""

As soon as the words fell, they saw Lin Qing, Liu's father and Liu's mother coming out of the yard after him. Of course, Gao Lu and Xie Fangfei were also there.

After seeing Lin's father and Lin's mother, Liu's father and Liu's mother quickly greeted with a smile: "My family is here!"

"Dad, Mom!"

After Lin Qing saw his parents, he also laughed and shouted.

As for Gao Lu and Xie Fangfei, they were Lin Qing's best friends after all, and they were no strangers to Lin's parents and Lin's mother. They quickly greeted politely, "Hello, uncle and aunt!"


When Lin's father and Lin's mother heard this, they responded with a smile and a nod.

"Then move things, we're talking after moving!

After saying hello, Father Lin looked at Father Liu and others and continued.


When Father Liu heard this, he immediately smiled and nodded in agreement.

When Lin Qing saw the various supplements in the back box, a wry smile appeared on his face: "Dad, Mom, why did you buy so many supplements!

"Hey, I said girl, how come you and Liu Qing have the same expression!""

.....for flowers · 0

Seeing this, Father Lin asked Lin Qing suspiciously.

But without waiting for Lin Qing's answer, Gao Lu, who was on the side, hurriedly smiled and explained the answer: "That's because Fangfei and I also sent her a carload of supplements, uncle!"

"Haha, that's what it is!""

After hearing Gao Lu's explanation, Father Lin immediately smiled and understood: "I said, why do you and your husband have the same expression when you see these things!

"However, it doesn't matter, girl, let's eat slowly!"

Father Lin changed the subject and continued with a smile.

"All right!

When Lin Qing heard this, he could only helplessly nodded and agreed.

Then everyone started to move.

In less than three minutes, all the things in the trunk were carried into the house.


As for the old hens sent by Lin's father and mother, they were kept in the backyard.

Especially Liu Xin and Little Jelly, when they saw a few old hens, they were so excited that they had to play with them.

If it wasn't for Liu Qing's permission, Liu Xin and Little Jelly would have carried them into their bedroom.

Ten p.m.

Inside the bedroom.

After coaxing Liu Xin and Little Jelly to sleep, and washing up, Liu Qing, who was leaning on the bed, looked at his wife beside him and said, "Daughter-in-law, can I discuss something with you?

Lin Qing, who was reading a book, couldn't help but put the book in his hand on the quilt, looked at Liu Qing with a twist, and said with a smile, "What's the matter? Say it!

"That's right, daughter-in-law!"

Seeing this, Liu Qing quickly explained with a smile: "Don't you have a baby in your belly now, and you are another company owner, I mean for the sake of our children and your body, can you? Put aside the work in your hand for a while, let's concentrate on raising the baby! 35

"When the three little guys are born, you're taking over!"

Afraid that Lin Qing would disagree, Liu Qing hurriedly added: "Of course, it's not possible, you can also work remotely!"

After all, the company was established by Lin Qing. Liu Qing was afraid that Lin Qing would not agree to let it go, so he suggested working remotely.

However, Lin Qing did not disagree. On the contrary, after hearing the explanation, he readily agreed:

"Of course!" Ten.

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