City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 367 Zheng Butcher [For flowers, ask for a monthly ticket]

Chapter 367 Butcher Zheng

"Will the butcher please?"

After hearing his mother's reminder, Liu Qing couldn't help muttering.

After all, slaughtering pigs is different from slaughtering chickens and ducks. You must hire a professional slaughterer!

But now pigs are slaughtered by consignment to professional slaughterhouses, and there are fewer and fewer people who can kill pigs, so Liu's mother has a worried expression on her face.

You know, this is not the hometown of Sichuan Province, there are door Qing everywhere.

"Then let me call Third Brother Yang and see if there are any people in the village who can kill pigs!

After thinking for a while, Liu Qing looked at the father and mother in front of him and continued.

"It really doesn't work, just drag it to the slaughterhouse and kill it!"

Liu Qing finally said: "After all, this county is so big, I must be a pig slaughterhouse!!

"Well, okay!

When Father Liu heard this, he nodded and said with "040".

Seeing this, Liu Qing took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, found the number of Yang's third child, and dialed it.

After two rings, the third Yang smiled and answered the phone: "Hey, boss!"

"Brother Yang, are you in the woods?

Upon hearing this, Liu Qing asked with a smile.

"Here, boss, I've just seen the wild boars in the woods, and I'm heading back! 35

Hearing Liu Qing's questioning voice, Yang Laosan immediately replied with a smile.

"Then come back quickly, third brother Yang, I'll be waiting for you here in the wooden house, I want to ask you something!"

When Liu Qing heard this, he said with a smile.

Although he didn't know what Liu Qing had to ask himself, Liu Qing was his own boss after all, so when Yang Laosan heard it, he quickly responded with a smile: "That's fine, boss, I'll be there right away! 995

As soon as he was talking, the third youngest Yang hung up the phone, and then hurried back.

Four or five minutes later, Yang Laosan returned to the wooden house and saw Liu Qing and others who were waiting.

"Boss, what do you want to ask me? Say it! 35

After greeting Liu's father and mother, Lin Qing, Yang Laosan looked at Liu Qing with a smile and asked.

"That's it, Brother Yang, we're going to kill a wild boar to make bacon and sausages!

Hearing Yang San's questioning, Liu Qing immediately smiled and explained:

"But I don't know this pig butcher, so I can only ask you!"

"Of course, you can also take it to the slaughterhouse to be slaughtered!"

Liu Qing looked at Yang San and continued.

"Hey, that's all, boss! 99

After hearing Liu Qing's answer, Yang Laosan said very relaxedly: "This pig butcher is very easy to find, we have one in our village!

"I don't need to be taken to a slaughterhouse to be slaughtered!"

Yang Laosan waved his hand and continued.


When Liu Qing heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said in disbelief.

As for Liu's father and Liu's mother, who were standing on the side, they also looked at Yang San with anticipation.

Lin Qing listened with great interest, after all, he grew up in Hangzhou and never experienced this.

"Of course it's true, boss!"

Seeing the expression of disbelief on Liu Qing's face, Yang Laosan nodded seriously.

"The surname is Zheng, who can kill pigs in this village. He is a well-known butcher here!"

Yang Laosan looked at Liu Qing and explained in detail: "During the festivals, our village or other villages will invite him to kill pigs!

"And if you want to stuff sausages, this sausage stuffing machine also has it!

Yang San finally said.

"Haha, that's great!"

After listening to Yang San's story, Liu Qing said with a smile on his face.

"Then do you have his phone number! Third Brother Yang!

Liu Qing looked at Yang San and said, "Please ask me if he is free tomorrow, and ask him to come and kill the pig!

"Of course, and the sausage filling machine!"

Liu Qing then urged.



When Yang Laosan heard this, he immediately agreed with a smile.

"However, boss, he's not cheap to kill a pig, boss!

Yang Laosan changed the subject, looked at Liu Qing and then reminded: "And the use of this sausage filling machine has to be calculated separately!"

"It's okay, third brother Yang! 35

When Liu Qing heard this, he waved his hand quickly, saying that he didn't need to care.

"That's fine!"

Yang Laosan nodded when he heard it.

While talking, he took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, found the pig butcher's number, and dialed it.

"Old Zheng, are you at home?

When the call was connected, Yang Lao San immediately asked with a smile:

"I want to invite you to kill pigs on the farm where I work, I wonder if you are free tomorrow?

After hearing Butcher Zheng on the other end of the phone answering that he was free, the third Yang Yang who was holding the phone said with a smile: "Haha, are you free, that's great!"

"Then you get your tools ready tomorrow morning, I'll come to you, let's come to the farm together!! 35

Yang Lao San continued with a smile: "Well, then it's settled, see you tomorrow!"

"By the way, the sausage filling machine has to be ready too!

Yang San finally reminded and said...

Then hung up the phone.

"Okay, boss, Lao Zheng has promised to kill pigs tomorrow!"

After hanging up the phone, Yang Laosan looked at Liu Qing with a smile and said.

"Well, I have heard it, third brother Yang!

Upon hearing this, Liu Qing smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, Third Brother Yang!

Liu Qing looked at Yang San and thanked him.

"Hey, it's just a little effort, don't be so polite, boss!

When Yang Laosan heard this, he quickly waved his hand, indicating that there is no need to be polite.

"Come on then, boss, since you're making bacon and sausage, let's go and pick out the pigs! 39

Yang Laosan looked at Liu Qing with a smile and continued.


Upon hearing this, Liu Qing hummed.

"Are you going? Mom and Dad!

Liu Qing turned to look at Liu's father and Liu's mother who was standing aside and continued.

"I'm not going, it's almost five o'clock, I'm going back to make dinner!

When Mother Liu heard this, she shook her head and replied.

"Well, I'm going back with Mom too!"

Seeing this, Lin Qing put his arms around 1.0 Mother Liu's arm with a smile on his face.

"Okay then, you go back!"

After hearing the answers from his mother and wife, Liu Qing smiled and nodded.

As for Father Liu, he naturally followed him to select pigs.

As they were talking, Mother Liu and Lin Qing walked back along the boardwalk.

The three of Liu Qing came to the fence and picked the pigs.

After all, the pigs are fed and looked after by the third sheep. After a while, Liu Qing picked out a big fat pig weighing over 300 catties, and placed it in a fence alone, waiting to be slaughtered tomorrow!

time flies.

the next day.

six in the morning.

The pig slaughterer in the village, Butcher Zheng drove a car with tools and the third sheep to the farm, ready to start slaughtering pigs!

After greeting, Butcher Zheng looked at Liu Qing and asked:

"Boss Liu, where is your pig? Let's start work!"

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