City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 375: Shocked classmates, Liu Ling's identity as a super rich 2 generation exposed [seek

Chapter 375

One p.m.

Magic City.

"Hey, we're finally home!

At the intersection of zebra crossing and traffic lights, Liu Qing, who was driving his car all the way from Longjing Village back to Magic City, was relieved when he saw a familiar neighborhood not far away.

After waiting for a while, when the green light came on, Liu Qing hurriedly drove the car, passed the traffic light intersection, and then turned right into the community where he lived.

After entering the gate of the community, Liu Qing drove the car slowly to the gate of his autumn villa, stopped, then opened the car door and got out of the car.

"Dad, Mom!

When he walked into the yard, he was greeted warmly by the three guys, Xiaobai, Xiaohei, and Xiaohui, shaking their heads and tails, Liu Qing saw Liu's father and Liu's mother in the yard, and hurriedly shouted with a smile.

"Yo, mom, where did you go to buy so many fresh millets?"

Liu Qing looked at the father and mother in front of him with a smile and asked.

I saw Liu's father and Liu's mother sitting alone on a small plastic bench, with a huge transparent plastic bag in front of him, which contained bright red millet peppers. Do not cut off the tail.

"My son is back!"

When Mother Liu, who was seriously cutting the spicy rice, heard it, she couldn't help but stop. When she turned her head and saw Liu Qing walking into the yard with two baskets of fresh vegetables, she quickly responded with a smile.

After hearing Liu Qing's question, Mother Liu explained with a smile: "It's not your sister's birthday today, so your dad and I are going to make a boiled fish."

"But the pickled peppers are gone, no, my dad and I went to the vegetable market to buy some, and we're going to make pickled peppers!"

Mother Liu finally said.


After hearing his mother's explanation, Liu Qing suddenly hummed.

"By the way, son, have you eaten lunch yet?"

Seeing this, Mother Liu looked at Liu Qing with concern and asked.

"It goes without saying that I definitely didn't eat it!

It was just that Liu Qing hadn't answered yet, when Father Liu heard it, he hurriedly answered.

After all, there was a time when Liu Qing didn't have lunch when he came back from Longjing Village, that's why Liu's father said that.

"Hey! 33

When Liu Qing heard it, he smiled embarrassingly, but did not explain, because Liu 043 Qing did not eat.

"You, every time you come back, you don't know if it's earlier, then we can have lunch together!"

After seeing that Liu Qing did not have lunch, Mother Liu hurriedly warned.

"Let's go, I'll cook a bowl of noodles for you!""

Mother Liu looked at Liu Qing and continued.

"it is good!

When Liu Qing heard this, he immediately responded with a smile.

"By the way, Mom, where are Lin Qing and Little Jelly going? Why didn't you see them?

Liu Qing, who was next to Liu's mother, then asked.

"Xiao Lin is pregnant now and feels a little tired after lunch, so he went to the upstairs room to rest!

Hearing Liu Qing's questioning, Mother Liu replied with a smile.

"As for darling, I'm playing in the living room!"

Mother Liu continued.

"Hmm! 35

When Liu Qing heard this, he nodded, indicating that he understood.

Sure enough, when Liu Qing walked into the room, he saw a little girl with a rounded head and a pink and jade-like look sitting on the wooden floor in the living room, carefully playing with the toys in front of her.

I saw that this little girl is not a little jelly who is it!

"Little Jelly, Daddy is back! 35

When he walked into the house and saw the little jelly, Liu Qing hurriedly shouted with a smile.

"Huh? 99

Little Jelly, who was burying her head in playing with toys, was stunned for a moment, then turned around and looked up to see Liu Qing, Xiao Jelly's eyes suddenly lit up, and then she looked at Liu Qing with a bright smile on her face, milky voice. He was so excited that he shouted: "Baba, Baba..."

As he was talking, he put down the toy in his hand, stood up, twisted his little butt, and ran towards Liu Qing at a high speed.

"Okay, son, give me the vegetables in your hand and play with the little jelly for a while!"

Seeing this, Mother Liu looked at Liu Qing with a smile and said, "I'll call you when the noodles are cooked!"

"it is good!"

When Liu Qing heard it, she didn't refuse, she quickly agreed with a smile, and then handed the bamboo basket with fresh vegetables to her mother, and then mother Liu walked to the kitchen.

"Haha, little jelly, do you miss Dad?"

After seeing his mother go to the kitchen to cook noodles for him, Liu Qing hurriedly bent over, picked up the little jelly with his trouser legs in front of him, put it in his arms, and asked with a smile.

"Well, think!"

Hearing the little jelly hugging Liu Qing's neck, she immediately nodded and responded with a milky voice.

"Haha, Dad misses you too!

After hearing Little Jelly's answer, Liu Qing said with a happy expression on his face.

Then play with the little jelly.

Five or six minutes later, when the mother Liu in the kitchen cooked the noodles for Liu Qing, she quickly walked out of the kitchen and looked at Liu Qing who was having a good time with the little jelly and said, "Okay, son, the noodles are already cooked, hurry up. Eat it! 39

"Come on, mom!

Hearing Mother Liu's greeting, Liu Qing responded with a smile.

"Let's go, little jelly, go to lunch with dad!

Liu Qing looked at the little jelly in front of him with a smile and continued.

While talking, Liu Qing picked up the little jelly, put it on his chest, and walked to the hall.

When Liu Qing came to the dining room and put it on the table, eating noodles and teasing with little jelly, Liu's mother then walked out of the dining room and went to the yard to continue to take care of the spicy millet with Liu's father.

time flies.

fifteen minutes later.

After finishing the bowl of noodles and then washing the dishes, Liu Qing smiled and looked at the little jelly beside him and said, "Let's go, little jelly, let's go out!"

Then he walked out of the house with the silver bell-like laughter of Little Jelly.

"Son, are you full?

At this time, Mother Liu, who was taking care of the millet in the yard, looked at Liu Qing who was smiling and walked out of the house with a small jelly, and asked with a smile.

"I am full!"

Hearing his mother's inquiry, Liu Qing responded with a smile.

"By the way, mom, old girl, today's birthday, are the dishes ready?"

Liu Qing looked at his mother in front of him and continued.

Because Liu Ling's birthday today is to celebrate her birthday by eating at home, not only that, Liu Ling also invited her roommates and classmates in the same dormitory to come to the house for dinner, so Liu Qing asked this question.

"Don't worry, my dad and I are ready!"

Seeing the worried expression on Liu Qing's face, Liu's mother immediately replied with a smile.


Upon hearing this, Liu Qing nodded.

"By the way, son, you're fine now anyway, go wash your car!

Seeing this, Liu Qing looked at Liu Qing with a smile and arranged to say.

"Car wash? Why am I washing the car? Mom! 99

After hearing his mother's arrangement, Liu Qing was stunned for a moment, and then asked suspiciously.

"Hey, it's not your sister's birthday today, and there's something wrong with the car you bought for her, so I want you to pick up your sister and the others today!"

Seeing the puzzled expression on Liu Qing's face, Liu's mother quickly explained.

"Is there something wrong with the old sister's car?

When Liu Qing heard this, he was shocked and said in disbelief.

After all, the old sister Liu Ling's car has only been carried for less than a month, and it is still imported, so hearing her mother say this, Liu Qing's face showed an expression of disbelief.

"That's right, son!"

Seeing that Liu Qing didn't believe it, Father Liu, who was beside him, said with certainty: "Liu Ling's car has indeed had a problem, I heard it was the engine of the car!

"(ciba) has been dragged back to the 4s store for testing!"

Father Liu continued: "If it is really a quality problem, we will compensate us for a new one!

"Ah? When I chatted with my old sister on WeChat, why didn't I hear her talk about it?

Seeing this, Liu Qing said in confusion.

"We don't know that!"

When Liu's father and Liu's mother heard this, they couldn't help looking at each other, then shook their heads and replied.

"Okay! 35

When Liu Qing heard this, he nodded.

"This silly girl!"

Liu Qing shook his head helplessly and continued.

Because Liu Qing guessed it, it was estimated that her old sister didn't want to trouble his brother with everything, so she didn't tell him!

"Okay then, I'll go wash the car!"

Liu Qing looked at her parents and said at last.

After speaking, Liu Qing walked out of the courtyard and drove to the nearby car wash to wash the car!

An hour later, when the car was washed clean, it was like a new car, and then I drove back to the autumn villa home!

At this time, Lin Qing, who was sleeping upstairs, had woken up and was walking in the yard. When Liu Qing saw this, he immediately looked at Lin Qing with a smile on his face and said, "Daughter-in-law!


When Lin Qing heard this, he hummed with a smile on his pretty face.

"Is the car washed?"

Lin Qing looked at Liu Qing and continued.

"Wash it up!"

When Liu Qing heard this, he answered quickly.

When his eyes fell on Lin Qing's belly, even though he was wearing a thick down jacket, Liu Qing still felt that his daughter-in-law's belly was a little bigger, and he couldn't help being surprised and excited and then said: "Daughter-in-law, are the babies in your belly growing longer? some?


Seeing this, Lin Qing couldn't help reaching out and caressing his stomach, nodded with a happy smile on his face and replied.

"Ha ha!

When Liu Qing heard this, he laughed and seemed very happy.

"Come on, daughter-in-law, it's cold outside, let's go inside the house!""

Liu Qing reached out and took Lin Qing's hand in his palm, and continued.

As soon as they were talking, the husband and wife walked into the house.

time flies.

Four p.m.

Seeing that there was still an hour before the old sister Liu Ling finished class, Liu Qing and Lin Qing said hello, and then went out and drove to school to wait for Liu Ling to finish school!

As for Liu Xin from the kindergarten, Lin Qing picked him up.

Early five in the afternoon.

In a dormitory of the female dormitory building on the Handan campus of Fudan University, the magic capital.

"Got it, bro, we'll be down soon!"

When he heard that his family had driven downstairs, Liu Ling immediately smiled and nodded.

"Come on, sisters, my brother has come, let's go down! 35

After hanging up the phone, Liu Ling looked at the three roommates in front of him with a smile.

"GoGo, go to Liu Ling's house to eat delicious food!"

When the three roommates heard this, they immediately said happily.

As soon as they were talking, the four of them left the dormitory together, closed the door, and walked downstairs.


When he came downstairs, Liu Ling saw Liu Qing at the door of the dormitory building and shouted happily.


When Liu Qing heard this, he hummed with a smile on his face.

"Brother, they said that they are not used to pick us up, we can take a taxi home, but you still have to make a special trip!

Seeing this, Liu Ling was a little embarrassed to look at Liu Qing in front of him.

"Silly girl, you are my sister, and today is your birthday, what's the matter with picking you up!"

Seeing the embarrassed look on his old sister's face, Liu Qing quickly smiled and comforted.

"Hee hee, still bro!"

When Liu Ling heard this, he immediately smiled happily.

"By the way, brother, these three next to me are my roommates! 35

Seeing the three roommates standing beside him, Liu Ling said with a smile on his face.

"Hello bro!"

When the three roommates heard it, they looked at Liu Qing and said hello in unison.

"Haha, hello! 99

Liu Qing showed his face, and immediately smiled and nodded in response.

"By the way, brother, where's your car?"

After seeing his brother and the three roommates saying hello, Liu Ling looked around and didn't see his brother's car, and couldn't help asking in doubt.

"The road outside your dormitory is full of cars, and my car can't get in at all, so I parked outside!"

Hearing the questioning voice of the old sister Liu Ling, Liu Qing smiled and pointed to the road full of cars on both sides of the road in front of him, explaining and answering.

"Oh yes! 39

Looking in the direction of Liu Qing's fingers, Liu Ling stuck out his tongue and agreed.

Then, under the leadership of Liu Qing, he walked to the parking spot.

"Hey, what kind of car did Xiao Lingzi drive? 35

Just looking at Liu Ling's three roommates who were walking behind, one of the roommates ignited the fire of gossip and asked the other two.

"Guess so……"

When one of them heard it, he was about to answer.

Then he saw Liu Qing, who was walking in front, take out his car keys, and unlock the electronic lock in front of a black Cullinan with a ninety-five supreme license plate.

I saw the three roommates walking in the back, one of them who knew more about the car saw this and recognized it immediately, took a breath and said in shock, "Hey, it's Cullinan!

Seeing that the other two roommates didn't understand, the roommate who knew cars went on to add: "The landing price of this car will cost nearly ten million!

"What, the car that Xiao Lingzi's brother drives costs nearly ten million!"

Sure enough, after hearing the offer, the other two roommates suddenly widened their eyes and said in disbelief.

Then I saw three people, and Liu Lingman sighed in disbelief:

"It turns out that Xiaolingzi is actually a super rich second generation!

ps: ask for a flower!!! Thank you all!!!!!.

Bureau g

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