City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 389 Mao Mao [seeking flowers, asking for a monthly ticket]

Chapter 389 Mao Mao


Liu Qing, who was about to start the snowmobile, was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Liu Xin in the hanging bucket, and asked suspiciously, "What monkey? Xin Xin! 39

Just now Liu Qing was concentrating on starting the snowmobile and didn't see any monkeys, so he asked this question.

"That's right, just now, a monkey fell off the tree, Baba!

Seeing the puzzled expression on Liu Qing's face, Liu Xin immediately explained and answered.

"Hey, Baba, look, it's on the ground!"

Liu Xin stretched out her fleshy little finger and pointed to the snow not far away.

"There really is a monkey!"

Looking in the direction of her baby daughter Liu Xin's finger, Liu Qing saw the dying monkey lying on the snow at a glance, and couldn't help exclaiming.

I saw that this monkey had grayish-yellow hair and a small body. It seemed that it was not yet an adult. It belonged to the kind of mountain monkey that can be seen everywhere. At this time, it was lying on the ground dying.

"When did this little monkey come to the farm?

Seeing this, Liu Qing guessed, "Could it be that he got separated from the monkey group, so he walked out of the mountains and came to his farm?"

After all, after coming to Longjing Village for a few months, Liu Qing had never seen a monkey, so when he suddenly saw the lonely little monkey in front of him, Liu Qing guessed so.

Then Liu Qing rolled over from the snowmobile and walked towards the little monkey in the snow not far away, but when the little monkey saw Liu Qing walking towards it, he was inexplicably frightened, and then screamed.

"Baba, Baba, I want to look at the monkey too!

Listening to the little monkey's cry, Liu Xin, who was sitting in the hanging bucket and was fastened by the seat belt, hurriedly looked at Liu Qing and said.

"Look at the little jelly too, Baba!

Seeing this, the little jelly on the side agreed with a milky voice.

"Okay, then Dad will take you down and watch together!"

Hearing the anxious shouts of Liu Xin and Little Jelly, Liu Qing couldn't help but stop, then turned around, smiled helplessly and nodded in agreement.

While they were talking, they came to the hanging bucket, bent down and unfastened the seat belts on the two of them, and then carried the two little guys out of the hanging bucket and put them on the ground.

"Let's go, little jelly sister, let's go to see the monkeys.`!"

As soon as he stood firm, Liu Xin took the little jelly's fleshy little hand and couldn't wait to walk towards the little monkey.

"Xinxin, little jelly, don't touch the little monkey!"

Seeing this, Liu Qing was startled and looked at the two of them and reminded them loudly.

Although the little monkey was dying of hunger and freezing because of the order and the snow, he was not afraid of 10,000, just in case, Liu Qing was afraid that it was the first time he saw a monkey, and the excited Liu Xin and Little Jelly were very excited. I went to touch it, and was bitten by the little monkey, so I quickly reminded the two little guys.

Fortunately, Liu Xin and Little Jelly were obedient and obedient. Although they were very excited to see Little Monkey for the first time, they stopped half a meter away, and their big watery eyes were watching curiously. little monkey.

"Baba, Baba, look, the little monkey is so thin!

Seeing Liu Qing walking in front of him, Liu Xin, who withdrew his gaze, said crisply, "Can we take it home and feed it something to eat?

"And it's still cold, can we find something to put on it?

Seeing that the little monkey on the snow was shivering, Liu Xin continued.

"That's it!"

Hearing Liu Xin's questioning voice, Liu Qing was at a loss for words and didn't know how to answer.

After all, the family has already raised so many animals, so Liu Qing is a little hesitant!

"Are you okay? Baba!

Seeing Liu Qing hesitantly refuses to agree, Liu Xin hurriedly shook Liu Qing's hand and pleaded.

"Alright alright!"

Seeing the eager expression on Liu Xin's little face, Liu Qing reluctantly nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, Baba, that's great!

When Liu Xin and Little Jelly heard this, they immediately danced and cheered.

Then Liu Qing took off his coat, and then carefully took the clothes and prepared to put the little monkey inside.

Maybe it was too long hungry, or it was frostbitten, the dying little monkey had no resistance except for the occasional "squeak", so Liu Qing wrapped the little monkey in his clothes at once. , then pick it up.

"Let's go, Xinxin, little jelly, let's go home!

Seeing the little monkey who was in the hands of treatment, and it was estimated that he would go there soon, Liu Qing hurriedly said.


When Liu Xin and Little Jelly heard this, they nodded in unison.

Immediately, the three of them rode the snowmobiles to the villa quickly.

A few minutes later, Liu Qing and his daughter returned to the courtyard entrance of the farm villa on a snowmobile.

"Come down, you two little fellows!"

After the snowmobile was parked steadily, Liu Qing immediately smiled and hugged Liu Xin and Little Jelly out of the bucket behind.

"Come on, let's go into the house!

When the two little guys were put on the ground, Liu Qing bent down and picked up the little monkey wrapped in his coat and continued.

Then he went into the yard and walked into the house.

""Mama, grandma, grandma, come out and see, Xinxin, little sister Jelly, and Baba brought a monkey back!

I saw Liu Xin screaming excitedly while twisting his little butt and running into the house.

"What monkey? Be good!"

Sure enough, after hearing Liu Xin's voice in the yard, Liu's mother came out first and asked aloud.

"Son, why are you crazy?"

When her eyes were placed behind Liu Xin and on Liu Qing, Liu's mother's expression changed suddenly, and she said with a look of complaint and worry: "Why did you take off your coat in this snowy day?

"Mom, don't worry, it's alright!

Seeing the worried expression on his mother's face, Liu Qing quickly smiled and reassured him.

After all, after eating the magical pool of water in the portable space for several months, Liu Qing's physical fitness has been greatly improved. Although it is snowing, the temperature in front of him cannot freeze Liu Qing.

"Hey, this is the monkey that Xinxin said (of Li's)!

Liu Qing pointed to the little monkey wrapped in the coat on his hand, and continued with a smile.

"Okay, you better hurry upstairs and put on a coat again!

Upon hearing this, Mother Liu glanced at the little monkey in Liu Qing's hand and urged.

"Got it, Mom!"

Hearing his mother's reminder, Liu Qing immediately smiled and nodded in agreement.

After that, he ran to the utility room to find a cardboard box and put the little monkey in it. Liu Qing walked upstairs to the bedroom, opened the closet and found a new coat to put on for himself, then went downstairs.

I saw that downstairs, Liu Xin and Little Jelly, as well as their mother, mother-in-law and wife were all around the cardboard box and watching the little monkey inside.

When he heard Liu Qing's footsteps, Liu Xin turned his head and waved at Liu Qing excitedly:

"Baba, Baba, come and see, Mao Mao has recovered and is eating bananas!!!!"5

ps: ask for a flower!!!! and.

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