City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 521 [For Flowers, For a Monthly Pass]

Chapter five hundred and twenty first favor one over another

"You want a driver's license? Dad!"

When Liu Qing heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly nodded with a smile and said, "Of course you can!

"But why do you suddenly think about going to learn to drive and get your driver's license? Dad!

Liu Qing looked at Father Liu and said suspiciously.

Because Liu Qing asked Liu's father to learn to drive and test his driver's license before, but he was justly rejected by Liu's father. Now he suddenly heard that Liu's father was planning to sign up to learn how to drive, so he was surprised.

"Yes, Dad, why do you suddenly want to sign up to learn to drive?"

Seeing this, Liu Ling, who was sitting on the side, couldn't help but echoed in surprise: "I asked you to go with me when I signed up to learn how to drive, but you didn't go!"5

"Haha, that's because I asked your dad to study!"

Seeing the puzzled expressions on the faces of Liu Qing and Liu Ling, the second uncle Liu Qing, who was eating, hurriedly swallowed the food in his mouth, and answered first with a smile.

"Because when I was cooking just now, I talked to you about this RV, and then I talked about how I was going to sign up to learn how to drive, so I called your dad too!

Uncle Liu Qing then explained in detail.


After hearing his second uncle's explanation, Liu Qing smiled and nodded, indicating that he understood.

"What did I say!

When Liu Ling heard this, he suddenly realized something.

"That's alright, Dad, as you said, after we return to the Magic City, I'll take you to the driving school to sign up!

Liu Qing looked at Father Liu with a smile and continued.

"Hey, good!"

When Father Liu heard this, he immediately nodded happily and said ok.

"Then let's go to lunch!"

Father Liu then waved and said hello.

Immediately everyone continued to eat lunch,

At 2:00 pm, after having lunch and taking a nap for another hour, Liu Qing, who was full of energy, drove the car and continued to set off. As for Liu Hai, of course, he followed closely behind.

Time flew by and it was nine o'clock in the evening.

In the expressway service area, Lin Qing, who was standing beside the RV, looked at the tall mountains around him, and looked at Liu Qing in confusion and asked, "Husband, are we going to go to Sichuan Province after going over this mountain?"

"And in Sichuan Province, are there many such tall mountains?"

Lin Qing continued.

Because Lin Qingchang had not been to Sichuan at this age, he asked Liu Qing.

"Haha, that's right, daughter-in-law!

Hearing Lin Qing's questioning, Liu Qing nodded with a smile on his face and said, "Crossing this mountain and driving for a few hours is Sichuan Province. We will be home by tomorrow morning!"

"As for the tall mountains you mentioned, there are not many in Sichuan Province!"

After hearing Lin Qing's second question, Liu Qing continued with a smile: "Because Sichuan Province is a typical hilly area!!


After listening to her husband's explanation, Lin Qing smiled and nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Come on, daughter-in-law, get in the car and get some sleep!"

Seeing this, Liu Qing smiled and held Lin Qing's hand in his own and said, "After all, you are pregnant now, so you must get enough sleep!"

"it is good!"

When Lin Qing heard this, he smiled and nodded.

As soon as I saw the conversation, I honestly followed Liu Qing into the RV, and then fell asleep.

As for Liu's father, Liu's mother, Liu Ling and others, they sat on their seats to rest or sleep.

The night passed, and the next day came.

At the beginning of ten o'clock in the morning, after nearly 20 hours of uninterrupted driving, Liu Qing drove off the highway and entered the familiar county town.

"Haha, finally home!

Looking at the familiar county seat in front of him, Father Liu, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, couldn't help but say happily.


When Liu Qing heard this, he nodded and nodded.

After seeing the car driving into the county seat, Liu Ling in the back seat immediately looked at Lin Qing who was sitting next to him excitedly, and reminded: "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, we are home!

"Know it!"

Hearing Liu Ling's reminder, Lin Qing replied with a smile on her pretty face. Because through the glass window, Lin Qing also saw the small county town in front of him.

"I tell you, sister-in-law, the county town was not like this in the past few years, and there were not so many tall buildings. After a highway was built behind it, I felt that the county town was changing every day!

Seeing this, Liu Ling quickly smiled and introduced the development of the county to Lin Qing.


When Lin Qing heard this, he smiled and nodded.

However, Lin Qing didn't feel it, because in Lin Qing's opinion, the parents of his husband were similar to the city where he grew up, but the size and economic development were the same!

Seeing that Liu Ling was going to continue to introduce to Lin Qing, Liu's mother on the side quickly interrupted and said, "Okay, girl, don't quarrel with your sister-in-law!

"Go ahead and talk to your brother, tell him to stop the car in the county town, let's buy some paper money, incense, candles, firecrackers and go back to the countryside!"

Mother Liu then ordered.

"Got it, Mom!"

Hearing his mother's command, Liu Ling couldn't help sticking out his tongue, nodded and agreed.

As soon as he was talking, he unbuckled his seat belt, stood up, and walked forward.

"Brother, Mom told you to stop in the county town, let's buy some things to go to the grave and go back to the village! 95

When he came to the front of the car, Liu Ling quickly looked at Liu Qing who was driving and reminded.

"Got it, sister!"

Liu Qing, who was driving, immediately responded with a smile and nodded. After arriving in the county town, Liu Qing found a parking space at random and stopped the car.

After some shopping, Liu Qing drove the RV and drove everyone to their home in the countryside.

Liu Qing's house is not far from the county town, just in the village on the edge of the county town. After more than ten minutes, Liu Qing drove the RV along the village road into the village, came to the front of his house, and then drove the car into the village. stopped.

"Haha, finally got home!"

Seeing the house in front of him, Father Liu said happily.

"Yeah, finally home!""

As for Liu Xin and Little Jelly in the rear child safety seat, after hearing the reminder from their grandmother and aunt to come home, they immediately danced and cheered.

After all, after nearly 20 hours of driving, how could the two little guys be unhappy when they finally got home!

Then everyone got out of the car one by one.

"How is it? Daughter-in-law, does this family feel a little disappointed?

After seeing Lin Qing getting off the car, he looked at his house in front of him, and Liu Qing, who was standing beside him, immediately laughed and joked.

"there is!"

Hearing her husband's joking voice, Lin Qing gave a sullen look and said Liu Qing.

When Lin Qing heard this, Liu Qing said with a blank look.

"I think our house is pretty good! 99

Lin Qing looked at Liu Qing with a smile on his face and continued: "Fortunately, it was not demolished! 95

"Haha, it's fine if you don't dislike it! 99

Seeing this, Liu Qing said happily.


When Lin Qing heard this, he nodded and hummed.

"By the way, husband, aren't there very few people in our village?"

Lin Qing looked at Liu Qing, and then said suspiciously: "Because when I entered the village just now, I only saw an uncle carrying a hoe! 35

"Haha, that's because most of the young laborers in the village have gone out to work, daughter-in-law!

Seeing the puzzled expression on his daughter-in-law's face, Liu Qing quickly explained with a smile: "Also, people who have the ability have bought houses into the county seat, so you can't see anyone!

"All right!

After listening to his husband's explanation, Lin Qing nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Let's go, daughter-in-law, I'll show you inside the house!

Seeing this, Liu Qing looked at Lin Qing with a smile and said.


When Lin Qing heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he nodded happily and said ok.

As soon as they were talking, Liu Qing took Lin Qing's hand and walked 327 into the yard and began to introduce.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye it was about five o'clock in the afternoon.

When the time came to 5 o'clock, Liu's mother suddenly looked at Liu Qing, Lin Qing, Liu Ling and others with a smile and said, "Let's go, son, Xiaolin, daughter, it's time for us to go to your uncle's house for dinner! 99

"Then let's go, Mom!

When Liu Qing and others heard it, they agreed with a smile.

It turned out that Uncle Liu Qing informed Liu Qing's family to go to his house for dinner after knowing that the Liu Qing family returned from the magic capital. After all, the new house that Uncle Liu Qing's family lived in was lent to him by Liu Qing. It was because of not seeing each other for such a long time, the relatives reminiscing about the old times, and the second is because of gratitude, and this happened in front of me.

Then everyone walked out of the house, while Liu's mother closed and locked the door at the end.

When he saw his mother locked the door of the house, Liu Qing, who was standing by the side, smiled and handed a black card to Liu's mother's hand: "Hey, here, mother!

"Okay, why did you give me the bank card? Son!

Mother Liu fixed her eyes and found that Liu Qing handed over a black bank card, she quickly looked up at Liu Qing, and asked suspiciously.

"There's 10 million in here, Mom!"

Seeing the puzzled expression on his mother's face, Liu Qing immediately smiled and replied, "It's for my uncle!

"As for why I gave this money to my uncle, it wasn't that Liu Hai bought a house in front of me, I gave 10 million!

With a smile on his face, Liu Qing continued, "So in order not to favor one over the other, I also give my uncle the same amount!"

After all, my uncle is also good to his family, so Liu Qing planned to give this money to my uncle. Of course, this was all given after discussing with Lin Qing!

ps: Thank you y... 456 for the monthly votes and flowers, thanks to wx... 930 for the large amount of votes, thank you for the support of the two bosses, and the same thanks to other big guys who subscribe and vote for flowers Guys, thank you all!!!.

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