City: My Baba is A Farmer

Chapter 557 underestimate people [please order, ask for flowers]

Chapter five hundred and fifty seventh underestimate people

"Okay, okay, let's build a nest for the bunny!"

Hearing the pleas from Liu Xin and Little Jelly in front of her, Liu Qing immediately agreed with a smile.

"But we've got to do this tomorrow, Xinxin, little jelly!

Liu Qing changed the subject, looked at Liu Xin and Little Jelly in front of him and said, "Because it's already dark now!"

"Well, it's true that only tomorrow is doing this!"

When Father Liu, who was standing beside him, heard it, he quickly nodded in agreement.

"Okay, Baba!

When Liu Xin and Little Jelly saw this, they nodded and agreed.

Because it was indeed completely dark at this time, Liu Xin and Little Jelly nodded in agreement.

"Then let's go, let's go into the house, and when it's dawn tomorrow, Dad will get up and build a nest for the little rabbit! 99

Seeing Liu Xin and Little Jelly nodded and agreed, Liu Qing immediately reached out and touched Liu Xin and Little Jelly's heads and said.

"Hee hee, good!"

When Liu Xin and Little Jelly heard this, they smiled and nodded in agreement.

As soon as they were talking, Liu Qing, Liu's father, Liu Xin's little jelly, and the four entered the room together.

"Okay, Xinxin, take little jelly sister to the toy!"

When he walked into the room, he raised his hand and glanced at the time, and found that it was only after eight o'clock. Liu Qing couldn't help but smile as he looked at Liu Xin next to him and said.

"Okay, Baba!"

When Liu Xin heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he nodded with a smile and agreed.

350 "Let's go, little jelly sister, let's go to the toys! 99

Liu Xin looked at the little jelly beside him with a smile and continued.

I saw that during the conversation, the two little guys ran aside to play with the toys with a silver bell-like laughter.

When Liu Qing and Liu's father saw this, they walked to the sofa in the living room.

I saw Liu Mu and Lin Qing were sitting on the sofa watching TV at this time.

As for Liu Ling, Gao Lu, Xie Fangfei, Guo Guo, Meng Fei and others, after returning to the farm villa to say hello, they all drove to Meng Fei's hot spring resort and went to sleep.

When he saw his husband walking towards him and then sitting next to him, Lin Qing couldn't help but ask with a smile, "Have you put the little rabbit away? Husband!

"Well, it's ready!

Hearing Lin Qing's questioning, Liu Qing hurriedly smiled and nodded and replied.

"It's in the woodshed.

Liu Qing went on to add.

"Just put it away!"

When Lin Qing heard this, he smiled and nodded.

Immediately, the couple watched TV together.

Time flies, when the time comes to nine o'clock in the evening, after seeing the TV show, it's time to sleep and rest.

Seeing this, Liu Qing looked at Lin Qing with a smile and said, "Let's go, daughter-in-law, it's getting late, let's go upstairs to sleep and rest!""(ciba)


When Lin Qing heard this, he nodded.

After seeing Lin Qing nod, Liu Qing looked at Liu's father and Liu's mother on the sofa and said, "Mom and Dad, it's not too early, Lin Qing and I are going upstairs to sleep and rest, you guys Go to bed earlier too!""


When Mother Liu heard this, she immediately responded with a smile: "You and Xiaolin take two obedients upstairs to rest, and your dad and I will go to sleep after watching for a while! 35

"Okay, Mom!"

Seeing this, Liu Qing smiled and nodded.

Then the husband and wife stood up and greeted Liu Xin and the little jelly sisters who were playing toys to go upstairs to wash and sleep.

After helping Liu Xin and the little Jelly sisters to wash up, the time has come to 9:30 in the evening.

In the bedroom, looking at Liu Xin and Little Jelly lying on the bed, Lin Qing, who was sitting beside the bed, saw this and said with a smile: "Okay, Xinxin, Little Jelly, now that you're done washing up, just shut it up obediently. Sleep with your eyes!"

"That's right, go to sleep, Xinxin, little jelly!"9

Seeing this, Liu Qing, who was beside him, quickly followed suit.

"it is good!!

When Liu Xin and Little Jelly heard this, they nodded in unison with a smile and agreed.

"By the way, Baba, remember to build a nest for the little rabbit tomorrow!

Liu Xin looked at Liu Qing who was standing beside the bed, and then warned.

"Got it, Dad won't forget it!

When Liu Qing heard this, he immediately agreed and said.

When Liu Xin and Little Jelly saw this, they obediently closed their eyes and fell asleep.

After seeing Liu Xin and the little Jelly sisters falling asleep, Liu Qing hurriedly looked at Lin Qing who was sitting beside the bed and said in a low voice, "Let's go, daughter-in-law, let's go back to the room to rest too!


When Lin Qing heard this, he smiled and nodded.

Then the husband and wife, after turning off the lights, left Liu Xin and Little Jelly's room together and walked to their own bedroom next door.

After washing up, Liu Qing and Lin Qing got up and fell asleep on the bed.

The night passed and the time came to the next day.

six in the morning.

Just when Liu Qing and Lin Qing were sleeping soundly, they heard Liu Xin and the little Jelly sisters knocking on the door: "Baba, baba, get up, baba!

When Liu Qing and Lin Qing in the bedroom heard this, they opened their eyes and woke up. When they heard the voices of Liu Xin and Little Jelly's sisters, Liu Qing looked beside him with a helpless smile. Lin Qing said, "It's Xinxin and Little Jelly, daughter-in-law!"


When Lin Qing heard this, he smiled and nodded.

"Then sleep a little longer, daughter-in-law! 95

Seeing this, Liu Qing smiled and kissed Lin Qing's forehead and said, "I'm going to see what Xinxin and Little Jelly are doing!

As he was talking, Liu Qing turned over and got up, quickly put on his clothes and trousers, then walked to the door and stretched out his hand to open it.

At this time, Liu Xin and Little Jelly were waiting at the door. When Liu Qing opened the door, his eyes suddenly lit up and he shouted happily: "Baba!""

"Baba, let's go, let's build a nest for the bunny! 35

Liu Xin and Little Jelly held Liu Qing's hand from left to right and continued.

Seeing this, Liu Qing immediately looked at Liu Xin and Little Jelly in front of him with black lines, and asked, "Did you get up so early just to ask Dad to build a nest for the little rabbit?

Originally, Liu Qing thought that Liu Xin and Little Jelly had something important to do, but unexpectedly it was to build a nest for the little rabbit, so there was a helpless expression on his face.

"That's right, Baba, didn't you say you would build a nest for the little rabbit at dawn?

Hearing Liu Qing's questioning, Liu Xin nodded honestly and replied, "Now that it's dawn, we should also go to build a nest for the little rabbit!"


Seeing this, Liu Qing was at a loss for words, and did not know how to answer, because Liu Qing did say such a thing last night.

"Then let's go, let's go build a nest for the little rabbit!"

Liu Qing then nodded helplessly and said.

As soon as they were talking, they walked downstairs with Liu Xin and the little Jelly sisters.

At this moment, Father Liu came out of his bedroom and saw this, looked at Liu Qing in confusion and said, "Son, are you going to build a nest for the little rabbit?

"Yes, Dad!"

Seeing the puzzled expression on his father's face, Liu Qing quickly nodded and replied.

"Then let's go, I'll help you!

After hearing Liu Qing's answer, Father Liu immediately said with a smile.

"No, Dad, isn't it easy to make a rabbit's nest?

Seeing this, Liu Qing hurriedly smiled and waved his hand: "I'll do it myself!

"Why don't you, this rabbit cage, do you think it's easy?"

Seeing Liu Qing's refusal, Father Liu glared at Liu Qing and said.

Seeing the unbelievable expression on his father's face, Liu Qing showed a helpless smile and said:

"Dad, you are underestimating people!"

ps: Thanks to 177...776 for the monthly votes and flowers sent, thanks to the flowers sent by other bosses, thank you everyone!!!.

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