City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 12 Bull's Counterattack! (Ask For Collection And Evaluation Of Flowers!)

Citibank headquarters, looking at the account with a loss on the computer in front of him, the number began to decrease little by little, and even began to turn losses into profits.

Looking at the numerous retail investors and short-sellers of small funds appearing in the market, Morris nodded with satisfaction, and finally stopped the momentum of those Europeans. God knows how much pressure he has just put on him due to the loss of funds in his account.

"You're doing well, kids. Today, let me hold down these Europeans. When this deal is completed, everyone's bonus will be doubled." Morris walked out of the office with a smile, and smiled to the many traders who were operating frantically. his mood at the moment.

"Long live the boss!" A burst of cheers suddenly appeared in the entire Citibank, and everyone began to fantasize about the usefulness of their bonuses.

Sunshine, sand, ocean, and hot girls!

"BOSS, the big thing is bad!" Just when everyone was in a cheerful atmosphere, an extremely untimely voice appeared.

With a frustrated expression on his face, Cross walked quickly towards Morris with the phone in his hand.

"What's the matter, Cross? Those Europeans have been completely overwhelmed by us. Under the light of the great lighthouse, everyone has started to attack, and the situation is set." -The arrogance and arrogance of the Anglo-Saxon people are on full display.

"Iron Prime Minister Merkel just made her latest remarks on Europe's largest media, um.. It's not good for us" Cross went straight to the subject, showing the report on his mobile phone in front of Morris.

"Europe is the Europe of Europeans! The era of the lighthouse state has passed! The actions of the lighthouse state in the past few years have lost a lot of European allies! The Federation of Will has the confidence to lead the whole of Europe to an era of prosperity again.... .."

Morris read this article with a livid face. Every point and every statement of Merkel is of great significance to Europe and the world.

Of course, Merkel never leaves the lighthouse country, and the entire report refers directly to the lighthouse country.

This is an attitude, the world power of the Federation of Will is dissatisfied with the lighthouse country as the world leader for so many years.

Among the most important Western European friends of the Lighthouse State, the Federation of the Will was the first to stand up and express its extreme dissatisfaction with the priority of the Lighthouse State's affairs!

"What does she want to do? Doesn't this crazy woman know that the lighthouse country and Europe are the most important partners? Does she want to be a sinner through the ages?" Morris turned livid towards Cross and everyone in the office area. roar.

Of course, Morris is not a patriot. For the financial elites who have been on Wall Street all the year round, they can have nothing if they have national interests or national missions.

As long as the money is in place, Wall Street will change its name immediately!

Morris didn't care what happened to the Lighthouse Congress, he didn't care, he only cared about the list in his hand.

A head of state, especially the top leader of the ally of the beacon country, the Federation of Will, openly provocatively expresses provocative remarks and questions the authority of the beacon country, which will have a great impact on the image of the beacon country.

Once the image of the lighthouse country is frustrated, the most direct reflection is that the image of the US dollar is damaged, that is, the interests of Morris are damaged!

He also finally understood why the euro was so strong as soon as the market opened!

fk! Despicable Europeans!

"Boss, the big thing is bad!" A loud cry came, making his heart, which had already fallen to the bottom of the valley, thumped again.

Morris glanced at the shouting trader with a livid face, secretly thinking that the next layoff would be you!

"Boss, a large number of long-term orders suddenly started appearing on the market, and the advantage we finally built up has all been lost." Morris glared at the trader beside him again, I have eyes to see!




Every time the numbers on the computer screen beat, Morris's nerves also beat, and he saw that the bulls he had just pressed down began to rebound little by little.

At this time, on the other side of the world, Chu Ge, who had been staring at the turbulent foreign exchange market, finally made his move!

EUR/USD, long, full position!


Chu Ge put the entire 54,150 gold in his account into the battle between the euro and the dollar, and made a full 54 long positions!

Citibank doesn't know what's going to happen next, but he's clear, and the EUR/USD chart in his head has already shown everything.

The Americans thought Merkel's speech was all there was to it, but the charts Chu Ge had told him it wasn't that simple.

The battle situation will continue to escalate, and the good show has just begun!

On the other side, Morris looked at the computer screen in front of him. Although the momentum of the euro on the screen was not as fierce as it was at the beginning of the market, it was like a blunt knife cutting meat.

Just when the atmosphere in the entire office area was about to fall into freezing point, a panicked voice once again detonated the anger in Morris's heart.

"Boss, something happened again!"

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