City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 45 Net Worth Exceeds 100 Million!

A huge azure dragon was paired with the sparkling wine in the glass, and everyone had a satisfied look on their faces.

"Chu Ge, I still find it unbelievable. Although it may not be a good question to ask, how did you do it?" Even though Ge Ming had just told her a little bit, Liu Han still couldn't believe that Chu Ge was in a short period of time. Over the years, I have earned tens of millions from the thousands of dollars in my living expenses.

10,000 times the return on investment!

Chu Ge's exaggerated deeds made Liu Han, a top student at the business school, suddenly feel that the world is so unreal.

It is clear that he is the one who learned these things. As a result, the investment rate of return that Chu Ge can get in one year of studying mathematics may not be possible for more than 90% of financial practitioners in their lifetime.

Looking at Chu Ge, a question suddenly flashed in Liu Han's mind. Could it be that mathematics is the key to opening the door to finance?

Math, indeed!

Because, as the language for deciphering the world, mathematics itself is the foundation of everything, of course it is possible to use mathematics to deconstruct finance, but it requires a very high level.

And if you want to make nearly 10,000 times profit within a year as Liu Han thinks, you need probably the mathematics level of the Fields Medal winner.

And want, reach it within three days, the world has not yet appeared at this level of mathematicians.

Fortunately, Chu Ge is hanging!

"Learn mathematics well" Chu Ge could only use mathematics as a shield.

Even the quantum mechanics of indecision quantum mechanics is derived from mathematics. He has no problem in bringing the banner of mathematics out, otherwise he can tell Liu Han that he is actually a wall.

"Yes, that's the only way to explain it." After hearing Chu Ge's words, Liu Han's originally confused eyes gradually firmed up, and he muttered to himself.

This girl, won't let herself be stimulated stupid?

But fortunately, the temptation of food made Liu Han rejuvenated.

After eating the last bite of seafood rice with seafood soup, everyone burped with satisfaction.

After eating, do some exercise!

Then everyone who changed their swimsuits came to the swimming pool in the hotel. I have to say that the three girls present were very eye-catching.

Liu Han and Tang Lei are also tall and slender. Although they are not the devil-like figure, they are predictable enough.

As for Lin Yu, not to mention, as a sports enthusiast, her body lines are perfect, and with her beautiful appearance, a youthful breath blows in her face.

However, although the three of them were adults, they were college students after all. Under the eyes of many men, they were somewhat embarrassed and hurriedly got out of the pool.

As for the four people on the shore, when they saw the three girls go down, they were also a fierce man who plunged in.






For two days, Chu Ge and the others enjoyed a series of services in the hotel. Everyone including Chu Ge felt that life was really beautiful.

And Chu Ge these days, the mental fatigue has also been completely relieved by the hot spring and massage, and the whole person feels back to the peak.

After simply eating the buffet breakfast prepared by the hotel, Chu Ge first sent the three girls back to school, and then threw Ge Ming and the three directly to the Academy of Mathematics.

Because the three of them had to drive back to school from the hotel, it was almost nine o'clock when the three of them arrived at the school, and the library study room had no place for a long time, so Chu Ge could only throw the three of them to the Academy of Mathematics and find some Self-study in free classrooms.

Chu Ge returned to the dormitory only after the two waves of people were all sent to their destination.

He climbed into bed, opened the alien notebook he had just bought with Lin Yu on Saturday, and logged into his foreign exchange account.

It has been an hour since the opening, and he is now eager to see how the situation is.

After all, he still has a full 8,500 short positions in USD/JPY.

And, based on the USD/JPY movement in his head, it's bound to be a big fight Monday.

As soon as he opened the foreign exchange website, Chu Ge saw the fluctuation of the funds in his account.


On Chu Ge's account, there were exaggerated fluctuations, which made Chu Ge have to sigh.

It was so bloody at the beginning of the market, it seems that today is going to make a lot of money!


When Chu Ge saw the numbers on the disk for the first time, he was overjoyed. Under the fierce attack of the bears, the bulls did not hold the position of 103.50 at all.

The bulls have been beaten and retreated, and they have reached the position of 103.00 and began to struggle to support.

And now the position of USD/JPY is 103.00, which is a terrifying gap of 80 points from Chu Ge's position.

Eighty o'clock!

A full net profit of 6.8 million US dollars!

Chu Ge's current account net worth has officially exceeded 10 million US dollars, and if it is replaced by Tianchao coins, it has officially exceeded the 100 million yuan mark!

It broke a billion!

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