City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 93 Earn $324 million in blood!


As Chu Ge threw out the leftover rubbish on the table, the price of crude oil rose again.


Moreover, the crude oil price did not seem to see the small mark of 38.50 at all, and broke through this pressure level at once, standing at 38.51!

In just over three minutes, the price of crude oil has skyrocketed from 38.38 just now to 38.51, a full 13 points.

This also caused the long position of crude oil on Chu Ge's account to reverse directly in two levels, from a loss of 30 million US dollars to a profit of 36 million US dollars.

However, as just now, Chu Ge, whose account has a net worth of more than 600 million US dollars, no longer cares about the gains and losses of the city, and now all his attention is focused on the crude oil price chart in front of him.

In the next second from now, it is possible to reach the extreme value of this small rise at any time, and Chu Ge must maximize his benefits through his own judgment.

The system is good or not, but there is an error interval of more than ten points, which makes Chu Ge unable to completely win.

However, this is also normal. After all, the financial market is changing rapidly. A seemingly small operation of a certain lot in the last second may trigger a chain reaction. The error interval of ten points given by the system is indeed reasonable.


The price of crude oil continued to rise, and there was no intention of stopping. Since the price of crude oil started, it almost maintained a one-point increase in two minutes. Although it was not very fast, it seemed very firm.




Another half an hour has passed, and the rate of increase in crude oil prices has begun to decrease significantly, and it seems that there is some lack of stamina.

Seeing this situation, Chu Ge did not choose to act rashly. First, because he believed in the trend chart given by the system, the price of the system is now a little bit worse, and it is far from the time when he needs to clear his position immediately.

The second is because he saw a familiar shadow in this wave of crude oil's rise, an operation that was very common in the foreign exchange market a few days ago.

Sweep the goods sideways!

Also, it is not stipulated that those big financial groups can only do foreign exchange and not crude oil!

Since this simple and rude method has been tried and tested, why not use it directly in the crude oil market?

Anyway, retail investors in the crude oil market are just as stupid as those in the foreign exchange market, and even in the entire financial market. Even the group of retail investors who are about to be caught now may be the ones who were ravaged by the main force a few days ago.

After all, being seriously injured in foreign exchange, it is understandable to seek comfort in the crude oil market!

It was another 15 minutes of sideways trading. The terrifying quantity of goods was sucked out of the market by the main force, and the price of crude oil began to fluctuate again.


After a long-awaited rise, the price of crude oil fell from 38.67 in just 15 minutes.

At the most, it even fell to the 38.60 position. Although it eventually returned to the 38.67 position, it did not break through the 38.67 position once.

Obviously this time a breakthrough, the main forces do not intend to stay.


The next moment, the price of crude oil not only jumped a full five points again, but also stepped past the small pressure level of 38.70 and directly came to the position of 38.73.




Another increase of nearly 20 points appeared, making those who just saw hope that the price of crude oil would plummet again, and even had already established positions, fell into despair again.

They all saw how they were playing with the main players in the foreign exchange market a few days ago.

However, although they seem to have seen the tragedy again, they do not want to prevent the tragedy from repeating itself.


As always, cut the meat to save your life!

Without thinking or daring to think at all, he put his life into the arms of the bulls.


With the addition of this batch of fresh troops, the price of crude oil soared again, and even directly broke through the 38.90 position.

Seeing Chu Ge shaking his head here, the retail investors are still as ignorant as ever, but they feel sad for them.

There is no way, in this financial market like Wang Yang's ocean, one can't think independently and only think about speculation, and he is destined to never escape the fate of being played.

But then again, how many people can still think calmly when their "body~" body is bitten by a crocodile?

And the people who can do this are the one percent that people often say, those real financial elites.

As for the other ninety-nine percent, they are all cannon fodder, stepping stones seized by the elites.

Although Chu Ge is reluctant, he is now one of them.

But he has no choice, he will be taken by others if he does not grab!

Although he felt it, Chu Ge was not a kind person, and when it was time to do it, he did not hesitate.

Just like now!


In this small meeting of Chu Ge's thinking, the price of crude oil was pushed to a new height by many retail investors.

At this time, the entire crude oil market has begun to change.

Chu Ge keenly noticed that in the past few minutes, it seemed that the decline in the rising speed of crude oil was not obvious, but it was very abnormal.

Because with the influx of so many retail investors, the rate of increase, if not up, shouldn't be down, unless someone is doing something secretly in it.

After three minutes of observation again, Chu Ge started clearing his position without hesitation!

Although there is still a gap of a few points from the highest point of the crude oil price chart in his mind, Chu Ge, who has seen through the main operation, does not want to wait any longer. After all, the trend chart has a ten-point error interval, and now there is no The question has already reached this range.

The large number of thousands of hand-sized short orders that suddenly appeared every minute made Chu Ge clearly know that the main force was already shipping, and he had to hurry up, otherwise, it would suddenly collapse at some point.

30,000 lots, close the position!

Chu Ge began to clear his positions in batches. For the first time, he still chose the same as buying. Clearing 30,000 lots in one minute is not a lot, but it is very stable.

As a result, it was similar to when Chu Ge opened a position. Faced with these 30,000 lots, the entire crude oil market did not even move.

200,000 lots, close the position!

After seeing that everything was as usual, Chu Ge did not choose to drop 100,000 hands in one minute like Jiancang. He chose to be bolder this time and directly closed his 200,000 hands.

Still, almost no effect!

The enthusiasm of retail investors is still high, and it has not weakened because of the sudden increase of 200,000 orders to close positions.

370,000 lots, all closed!

Seeing that the market's ability to bear is more than I imagined, I became more bold after the last time, and nearly 400,000 long positions were closed in one minute.

38.97 regiment!


When the position was closed at Chu Ge, the price of crude oil was still rising, but it fell a point from 38.98 under the influence of the nearly 400,000 (good money) closing order of Chu Ge.

However, although it fell by a point, all of Chu Ge's positions have been liquidated.

And since the price of crude oil was still rising when Chu Ge cleared his positions, his average clearance position was not 38.95, but came to 38.97.

At this point, Chu Ge's first crude oil market operation was officially completed, and he once again made a super-high profit of more than 50 points.

From the opening position at 38.43 to the closing position at 38.97, Chu Ge made a profit of fifty-four points.

Although compared with Chu Ge's achievements in the foreign exchange market, the achievements of dozens or even hundreds of points are just so-so, but Chu Ge's current account funds are far from comparable at that time.

With a profit margin of 600 million US dollars, 600,000 lots and 54 points, Chu Ge's operation in less than an hour and a half has yielded a net profit of 324 million US dollars!

And with the help of this 324 million US dollars, Chu Ge's account equity has reached 924 million US dollars, which is only one step away from the next one billion US dollars!

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