A few days later, twenty-five grandmasters led an army of 100,000 grandmasters towards the border pass.

Ling Donglai did not go with them, but alone, and he wanted to solve the two half-step rebirth realms abroad.

For the two half-step rebirth realms abroad, Ling Donglai was disdainful.

Do you really think that if you break through to the half-step rebirth realm by luck, you will be able to get away with it?

Not to mention that he has now reached the combat power of the Rebirth Realm, even if his combat power does not break through, he can easily kill these two half-step Rebirth Realms.

It is indeed as Ling Donglai thought, the two half-step rebirth realms abroad are indeed vulnerable.

When Ling Donglai first arrived, these two half-step rebirth realms thought that they could talk to Ling Donglai on an equal footing, and even proposed with Ling Donglai to cede some Ming Dynasty territories to them, they immediately retreated, and even helped Zhao Zheng completely take the Ming Dynasty.

"You barbarians also want to enter my Central Plains, what are you?" Ling Donglai directly looked at the two half-step rebirth realms abroad with a cold face.

When the two half-step escapes from the rebirth realm heard Ling Donglai's words, they were also furious.

They felt that they were also half-step out of the realm, and they were two, and Ling Donglai was only one now, and he dared to look down on them.

"Ling Donglai, you look down on us so much, today we will make you pay the price, today you will stay here forever, and then we will enter the customs and kill King Zhao behind you, thank you for your internal fighting, otherwise you have four half-step rebirth realms, where do we still have the day to emerge?"

"The light of fire, also dare to compete with the sun and the moon?" Ling Donglai looked at the half-step rebirth realm that flew in, sneered, and slashed down with a palm.

"Poof. "

The moment after the half-step rebirth realm collided with Ling Donglai's power, he vomited a mouthful of blood, and all his internal organs were instantly shattered, and the whole person fell directly from the air, and he was already dead and could no longer die.

Seeing this scene, the other half-step rebirth realm abroad was instantly stunned.

How is it possible, with just one move, his companion fell.

His companion is a half-step out of the realm, an invincible master in the world, even if he is not Ling Donglai's opponent, he can't be killed by Ling Donglai with one move, right?


"I thought you had any ability, it turned out that you broke through to the half-step rebirth realm by luck, your strength is only a little stronger than the peak of the Great Master, and the dead Chongzhen Emperor is dozens of times stronger than you, just this you dare to invade my Central Plains land? Ling Donglai looked at the remaining half-step rebirth realm and sneered, and then his figure flashed, and he instantly arrived in front of this person.

"No, don't kill me..." Seeing Ling Donglai suddenly appear in front of him, the remaining half-step rebirth realm shouted in horror.

Hearing the words of the half-step rebirth realm abroad, Ling Donglai paid no attention to it, and directly slapped it with a palm, and the power of the rebirth realm instantly exploded.

Another move, the remaining half-step rebirth realm abroad also fell, and the dead can no longer die.


"He's a monster, run." "

"Run. "


The foreign troops saw that the half-step escape realm that led them was killed by Ling Donglai one by one, and they were terrified, and they began to scatter and flee.

Watching the flight of foreign troops, Ling Donglai did not move.

Although he could kill these troops alone, he could not kill so many people.

Because killing too many people will affect his heart.

Anyway, the Grandmaster army led by Zhou Cheng and them will be coming soon, and then these fleeing troops will also die.

Of course, if Zhao Zheng did not have an army composed of grandmasters, then Ling Donglai would definitely take action to kill these troops.

Even with Zhao Zheng's order, he can wash abroad in blood alone.

But with the army behind, Ling Donglai would not do this.

Once he does this, I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to improve in the future, and he will have to keep a useful body and continue to do things for Zhao Zheng.


After Ling Donglai spread the news to Yang Xuan that the two half-step rebirth realms abroad had been killed by him, Yang Xuan was immediately overjoyed.

Sure enough, barbarians are barbarians, and martial arts are stolen from their east, even if they come out of two half-step rebirth realms, what can they do?

Immediately afterwards, Yang Xuan told Zhao Zheng the news.

Zhao Zheng was very calm about this, he had long known that the two half-step rebirth realms abroad were garbage, and Ling Donglai killed two garbage, there was nothing to be happy about.


Foreign parties also received news from the fleeing army at this moment.

When they knew that the two half-step rebirth realms that they could lead their rise in their minds were killed by Ling Donglai one by one, all the countries abroad were stunned.

Then came panic.

One country after another, they began to prepare countless possessions and elixirs, ready to calm Zhao Zheng's next anger.

But alas, their fate has long been sealed.

If Daming had not perished, they might still have a long way to survive after being suppressed, but now they are facing Zhao Zheng, and they are basically dead.

If you want to survive, you can only see whether your life is good or not.

Zhao Zheng's order not to seal the knife in January is absolutely impossible to withdraw.

Those who can survive under the unsealed knife in January are either confirmed to be obedient or have a role, in addition, whether men or women, old or young, it is a dead word.

No, it is possible to survive if you look very beautiful, because whether it is sold to a wealthy family or given to a powerful person, it is effective.



While waiting in panic abroad, the 100,000 Grandmaster army led by Zhou Cheng and them finally arrived abroad.

Just when the foreign countries were ready to offer their sincerity, Zhou Cheng had already issued an order to start the order not to seal the knife.

The 100,000 grandmaster army was basically forbidden, and after receiving the order, they directly began to set off massacres abroad.


Zhao Zheng's order not to seal the knife in January was learned by foreign countries soon after.

Foreign countries were at first frightened, but then they began to unite.

If they really let the Grandmaster's army slaughter for a month, how many people abroad can survive? Even if someone can survive, these top dignitaries will not survive, so they must fight hard.

However, this is all useless, in front of an army of 100,000 grandmasters, all forces are floating clouds.

Even nuclear weapons are useless, and with Ling Donglai accompanying the army, nuclear weapons are just toys for Ling Donglai.


PS: Third more.

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