In order to avoid any accidents, Zhao Zheng directly replied to a text message from Han Linger: "You let your friend go to Yunlai Inn first, and I will drive you to Yunlai Inn." "

"Okay, here I am." Not long after, Han Linger sent a location map.

After seeing the map, Zhao Zheng left the villa and drove to pick up Han Linger.


Twenty minutes later, Zhao Zheng received Han Linger.

"Ling'er, why didn't you wear the phoenix feather streamer dress I gave you today?" Zhao Zheng looked at Han Linger, who was only wearing an ordinary long skirt after getting into the car, and asked with a smile.

"The phoenix feather streamer dress is too conspicuous, it's not good to wear it, and I can't bear to wear it, what if I accidentally break it." Han Linger said with a smile when she heard Zhao Zheng's words.

"The phoenix feather streamer skirt made by the embroidered clothes grandmaster is not so easy to break, and ordinary swords are difficult to hurt." Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

"The main reason is that I don't want my classmates to know my true identity, they only know that my family has money, but they don't know that I am the daughter of the Han family, and I don't want them to know my identity and I am estranged." Han Linger said with a smile.

"Okay, sit tight, now let's go." Zhao Zheng nodded with a smile when he heard Han Linger's explanation.

I don't know Han Linger's identity, so Han Linger, a stupid girl, will believe it, how can Zhao Zheng, who knows the future memory, not know the identities of those who were killed by Wang Heng with Han Linger.

Those people, without exception, are either rich or expensive, and the relationship with Han Linger is mainly to befriend the Han family behind Han Linger.

However, this kind of Zhao Zheng does not need to be said, because it is meaningless.


"Sir, it's not good, young lady, she got into Zhao Shao's car."

At the same time, the bodyguards who secretly protected Han Linger saw Zhao Zheng driving away with Han Linger, immediately drove to catch up, and called Han Tao to report.

"What, what's going on with you guys? How did you let that kid get close to Ling'er and let him take Ling'er away? Han Tao said angrily when he heard this.

"Sir, we didn't know at first, the young lady just stopped at first and said that she would wait for a friend to go to the Yunlai Inn together, we didn't know that the young lady was waiting for Zhao Shao." The bodyguard explained.

"You guys catch up, monitor Ling'er and their birthday banquet today, you must pay close attention to Zhao Zheng this kid, after the birthday banquet, immediately send the young lady back, if Zhao Zheng this kid has any evil intentions in the birthday banquet, immediately rush up to control him, and even beat him, if the Zhao family asks for guilt, I will bear it." Han Tao said.

"Yes, sir." The bodyguard nodded.

Soon, the phone hung up.


"No wonder you didn't tell me what kind of look you two played yesterday, it turned out to remind Zhao Zheng that this kid came to your birthday banquet today? Zhao Zheng, I hope you will show the brightness of your moves, otherwise, I will not give anyone face. Han Tao said viciously after hanging up the phone.


"Brother Zhao Zheng, my classmates are ordinary people, although they know you, they don't know what you look like, after they arrive, if they are curious about your name, you will say that it has the same name as the four princes Zhao Zheng, don't say that you are Zhao Zheng, otherwise my identity can't be hidden." In the car, Han Linger reminded Zhao Zheng on the co-pilot.

"Good." Zhao Zheng shook his head with a smile.

Although his appearance is a mystery in the eyes of ordinary people, it is too famous for the elite class, Han Linger's classmates are all from powerful backgrounds, how can they not know him? When the time comes, it will be performed in vain.


In this way, when it was almost eleven o'clock, Zhao Zheng's car finally arrived at the Yunlai Inn.

Yunlai Inn covers a large area, not worse than any five-star hotel.

When Han Linger was about to arrive, Han Linger sent a message to tell her that the classmates came out.

After Zhao Zheng and Han Linger got off the bus, five eighteen-nine-year-old girls came to the door of the Yunlai Inn.

They all look okay, but compared with Han Linger, the gap is big.

If the full score is one hundred points, Han Linger is at least ninety-eight points, and Han Linger's classmates barely reach eighty points, which must be very beautiful in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of Zhao Zheng, it is average.

"Ling'er, you're here." After several of Han Linger's classmates came, they shouted at Han Linger.

After speaking, they all looked at Zhao Zheng.

The moment they saw Zhao Zheng, the women already recognized Zhao Zheng, but the identity they played at the moment could not know Zhao Zheng, so they pretended not to know Zhao Zheng and asked: "Ling'er, who is this?" "

"His name is Zhao Zheng, he is a very good friend of mine, and he is here for my private birthday party today." When Han Linger heard her classmate's words, she immediately introduced.

"Zhao Zheng, what a familiar name." One of the women pondered.

"I remembered it, isn't the head of the four princes of Tianhai City this name? Do you say? Another woman's eyes lit up.

"Don't think about it, brother Zhao Zheng has the same name as that Zhao Zheng, but it's not alone." Han Linger immediately explained.

"So it is." The women nodded deliberately when they heard Han Linger's words.

"Brother Zhao Zheng, let me introduce my classmates to you." Han Linger saw that several classmates believed it, so she looked at Zhao Zheng and pointed to the women and introduced.

"Brother Zhao Zheng, her name is Chen Pei, her name is Feng Xue, her name is Qian Jiajia, her name is Sun Hong, and her name is Zhang Yu."

"Hello." After Han Linger's introduction, Zhao Zheng said hello with a smile.

"Hello." Hearing Zhao Zheng's words, Chen Pei hurriedly said.

"Brother Zhao Zheng, I have already booked a private room at the Yunlai Inn, let's go over now." After Han Linger met Chen Pei and them with Zhao Zheng, she smiled and pointed to Yunlai Inn.

"Good." Zhao Zheng nodded.

"Then let's go." Han Linger smiled and pulled Zhao Zheng into the Yunlai Inn.

The moment they walked into the Yunlai Inn, a man in a green robe walked past Zhao Zheng.


The moment the green-robed man walked by, Zhao Zheng's eyes froze, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It was really a coincidence, but I didn't expect to bump into Wang Heng just after I came.

This green-robed man has the cultivation of the late stage of the grandmaster, Yunlai inn, the late stage of the grandmaster, who else can this be besides Wang Heng?


"Such a heavy yin qi, is she the body of Xuanyin recorded in ancient books, the body of the ultimate furnace, if I can take supplements, I will definitely be able to enter the peak of the grandmaster, and even reach the grandmaster is not impossible ah, this is the legendary furnace physique recorded in the ancient books, haha, I didn't expect to be chased by six doors to Tianhai City to actually encounter the body of Xuanyin, God wants me Wang Heng to rise ah."

"But I don't know if it's an illusion, why did the man next to the Xuanyin body just now give me a feeling of heart palpitations, even the head catcher of the half-step grandmaster of the six doors didn't give me this feeling ah, except for the grandmaster, it is impossible to give me this feeling, but that man is at most twenty years old, how can it be a grandmaster?" It must be an illusion, yes, it must be an illusion. Wang Heng walked on the road, thinking secretly in his heart.

PS: The fourth change, the guarantee of the bottom four changes every day, everyone rest assured, ask for free evaluation votes, if you have it, vote for it, the new book needs data ah, kneel and beg.

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