Hearing Chen Wan'er's words, Zhao Zheng looked at Chen Wan'er with some surprise.

"I'm not a fool like Hui Kong, he can't see your roots, so he bargained, putting into your door is a great opportunity, the god realm dominates reincarnation, what a terrifying existence, following you, I'm afraid that it will be easy to ascend to the god realm in the future." Seeing Zhao Zheng's doubtful eyes, Chen Wan'er couldn't help but think in her heart.

"You reminded Xu in the past, even if there is a good cause, Xu can actually let you leave directly, and you don't need to pay any price." Zhao Zheng looked at Chen Wan'er and said with a smile.

"No, Your Majesty Emperor Zhao, you are wise and martial, sooner or later the imperial dynasty you created will unify the ancestral world, this is the trend of the times, I join on behalf of the Daozong is just to follow the general trend, and I also ask His Majesty Emperor Zhao not to refuse." Hearing Zhao Zheng's words, Chen Wan'er immediately said.

"Follow the trend? A good one conforms to the general trend, but will the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor believe this? Speak your mind. Zhao Zheng looked at Chen Wan'er and said lightly.

"The reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor is in your eyes, what is it in your eyes? The giant axe phantom you just had contains the Avenue of Space, the Avenue of Power, and the Avenue of Attack, and all three avenues are complete, the small achievements of the avenue are already gods in the god world, and the perfection of one avenue is the supreme god, and one side can be divided in the god world. "

"One avenue is complete, one avenue is a great achievement for the peak of the god realm, dominating the existence of the gods, Your Majesty Emperor Zhao, your three avenues are complete, it is definitely the reincarnation of the god emperor, and it is simply a great creation of heaven, and it is not difficult to ascend to the god realm in the future."

"At the same time, only after surrendering to Your Majesty Emperor Zhao, my great calamity can be resolved, I was killed by someone in my previous life to reincarnation, that person has the power of a demigod, if I hadn't obtained a wisp of Heavenly Destiny in this life and become the son of luck in the ancestral world, I am afraid that I would have been killed by my great enemy in my previous life with a great god power."

"This wisp of Heavenly Destiny will be useless when I ascend to the Immortal Realm, and if I don't have a great force to protect me at that time, I will be found and killed by him." Chen Wan'er looked at Zhao Zheng and said in a deep voice.

"Actually made up my brain into the reincarnation of the god realm master, no wonder the attitude has changed greatly." Hearing Chen Wan'er's words, Zhao Zheng showed a smile in his heart.

"You worship under the Dao Sect, as far as I know, the Dao Sect is also a big force in the immortal world, and it is enough to protect you." Zhao Zheng looked at Chen Wan'er and said lightly.

"Good birds choose trees to live, there are better, why not choose better? Moreover, the Dao Sect may not necessarily offend my great enemy for me, after all, even if I restore my peak cultivation in my previous life, it is just the icing on the cake for the Dao Sect, and if my great enemy pays a big price, I am afraid that the Dao Sect will not protect me. "

"But it is different to surrender to His Majesty Emperor Zhao, His Majesty Emperor Zhao is now reincarnated into the ancestral world, everything starts from scratch, I join His Majesty Emperor Zhao's imperial dynasty, which is equivalent to sending charcoal in the snow, as long as I give His Majesty Emperor Zhao merit, His Majesty Emperor Zhao will definitely shelter me in the future, right?" Chen Wan'er looked at Zhao Zheng and said solemnly.

"If you have great merit, Daqin will naturally shelter you." Zhao Zheng looked at Chen Wan'er and said lightly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." When Chen Wan'er heard Zhao Zheng's words, she immediately had joy in her eyes and wanted to bow down.

"If you want to make Xu pay attention, you need to let Xu see your ability first, let the Dao Sect enter the Daqin, Xu can give you a great creation, even if you become the supreme god of the god realm in the future, it is not difficult." Zhao Zheng looked at Chen Wan'er and said lightly.

Since Chen Wan'er had made up his brain to become the master of the God Realm, Zhao Zheng naturally used it.

However, what is too easy to get will not be rare, so Zhao Zheng will give a task.

Zhao Zheng's great creation is not fake, because if Chen Wan'er really lets Daozong join Daqin, Zhao Zheng will let Chen Wan'er enter the harem and become the empress of Daqin, and Empress Daqin has a national fortune second only to Zhao Zheng, and in the future, Zhao Zheng's fortune dynasty will advance to the Heavenly Court, even if someone with stupid qualifications has the luck of Empress Daqin, he can become a supreme god, or even a master.

"Become the supreme god of the Divine Realm? Your Majesty can rest assured that Wan'er will definitely let the Daozong join Daqin. When Chen Wan'er heard Zhao Zheng's words, her eyes were full of surprise, and she said seriously.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your news." Zhao Zheng nodded with a smile.

"Hmm." Chen Wan'er nodded.

"By the way, Nangong Yu said that you entered the Dragon Gate Secret Realm to get something, and now the Dragon Gate Secret Realm is all Xuan, say that you want that thing, and you can use it as a reward for you to pull the Daozong into Daqin." Zhao Zheng looked at Chen Wan'er and said.

"It is a medium-grade immortal medicine of the Nine Soul Grass, my memories in my previous life have only recovered less than one percent, and after using the Nine Soul Grass, I can recover more than thirty percent of my memories, which will help me a lot." When Chen Wan'er heard Zhao Zheng's words, she immediately said.

"This is the Nine Souls Grass, take it." When Zhao Zheng heard Chen Wan'er's words, he flipped through it casually, took out the Nine Soul Grass with the key of the Dragon Gate Secret Realm, and handed it to Chen Wan'er.

The value of the Nine Soul Grass was close to 20,000 qi luck value, but compared to Chen Wan'er, it was too much worse.

By including Chen Wan'er in the harem, Zhao Zheng can get a qi luck value starting at 500,000, and a Nine Soul Grass is regarded as an early investment.

"Your Majesty, I have not made an inch, and I can't accept it." Chen Wan'er saw the Nine Soul Grass that was close at hand, and her beautiful eyes condensed and refused.

"Don't you have confidence in yourself? Do you think you can't preach the Dao Sect and pull into Daqin? Zhao Zheng looked at Chen Wan'er and smiled.

"Wan'er can definitely pull the Daozong into Daqin." Chen Wan'er assured when she heard Zhao Zheng's words.

"That's okay, this Nine Soul Grass will be regarded as a reward in advance." Zhao Zheng looked at Chen Wan'er and said.

"Then Wan'er thanks Your Majesty for the reward." When Chen Wan'er heard Zhao Zheng's words, she nodded heavily, and then took the Nine Soul Grass.

"You deserve it." Zhao Zheng shook his head.


Soon, Chen Wan'er refined the Nine Soul Grass in the Dragon Gate Secret Realm.

During Chen Wan'er's refining of the Nine Soul Grass, Zhao Zheng also sorted out all the treasures in the Dragon Gate Secret Realm.

One immortal king weapon, two top immortal weapons, three upper-grade immortal weapons, fifteen middle-grade immortal weapons, eight lower-grade immortal weapons, and other immortal-level heavenly materials and earth treasures also have dozens of pieces.

These items can be sold into gas luck value, but Zhao Zheng is not selling it for the time being, after all, he is not particularly lacking in gas luck value at present, first stay in Daqin, first, you can reward the meritorious minister, and secondly, in case of emergency, when there is no gas luck value in the future, take it out and sell it, which can alleviate the urgent need.

PS: Second more.

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