"Although the emperor who walks the path of the invincible emperor is rare, but he can be valued by you, and even joins on behalf of the Nether Dao Sect, if the old Dao is not mistaken, this emperor should be a powerful reincarnation, and not from the immortal world, but from the god world?" Cangmingzi said.

"Good." Chen Wan'er nodded.

"The reincarnation of the god and man is indeed a great opportunity, and this matter is counted as my Dao Sect's acceptance of your favor." Cangmingzi said.

"Ancestor Cangming, I represent the entire Dao Sect." Chen Wan'er said.

"Female Emperor Xuanming, you even represent the Dao Sect of the Immortal Realm in this imperial dynasty?" Cangmingzi's eyes changed.

"Good." Chen Wan'er nodded.

"Xuanming female emperor, although the god man is strong, but the old Dao confidence is not weaker than the god man, even if it is the reincarnation of the god man, it is impossible to let the old way bend his waist, you can join this imperial dynasty on behalf of the Nether Dao Sect, but you can't represent the Immortal Dao Sect." Cang Mingzi shook his head and refused.

"Ancestor Cangming, are you sure you want to miss this great opportunity?" Chen Wan'er looked at Cang Mingzi and said solemnly.

"This person is not an ordinary god man?" Cang Mingzi looked at Chen Wan'er's expression, and her expression froze.

"Master reincarnation." Chen Wan'er said.

"Domination reincarnation? Emperor Xuanming, do you know what you are talking about? Domination is the existence of Dominating Gods, how can it be reincarnated? When Cangmingzi heard the two words of dominance, his pupils shrank, and his tone showed disbelief.

"Cangming Ancestor, what is the cultivation of a kind of Dao Perfection?" Chen Wan'er said.

"According to the texts of the Divine Realm, a great road completes as the supreme god." Cangmingzi said.

"He has three great ways to complete." Chen Wan'er said.

"Impossible, the two great avenue perfections are extremely powerful existences in the domination, the three great avenue consummations are probably also the existence standing at the top in the god realm, who can reincarnate this kind of character?" Cangmingzi's face was full of disbelief.

"Although my strength is not as good as that of the Cangming Ancestor, do you think I will see the Dao Perfection wrong? And my pride is no worse than you, if I was willing to bend my waist in my previous life, it was impossible to fall, I would rather fall than bend my waist, you should know my heart, now I am willing to surrender, which shows that his strength is beyond my imagination, and it is worth bending over. Chen Wan'er looked at Cang Mingzi and said in a deep voice.

"Is he really a three-way consummation?" When Cangmingzi heard Chen Wan'er's serious words, her expression changed a little, but she still asked with uncertainty.

"That's true." Chen Wan'er said.

"I haven't seen this person you said, I still find it hard to believe, so can you let me meet this one?" Cangmingzi said.

"Yes." Chen Wan'er nodded.

"Okay, I will spend the means to re-inject energy into the Void Mirror, and use the Void Mirror to contact me directly, if I have seen the person you said, he is indeed the Three Dao Perfection, then I am willing to lead the entire Dao Sect to submit to him." Cangmingzi said in a deep voice.

"Good." Chen Wan'er nodded.

Dozens of minutes later, Chen Wan'er cut off the connection between the Void Mirror and Cangmingzi.

"Take charge of the sect, sort out the treasures in the treasure house of the Dao Sect, and follow me to Daqin to meet the lord of the Daqin country in half a month, by that time the Daozong will belong to the affiliated forces of Daqin, relying on Daqin, even you may become a god in the future." After cutting off the connection, Chen Wan'er looked at the Nether Dao Sect's Sect Leader Tai Xuanzi Dao.

"I understand." Tai Xuanzi nodded.

The purpose of sorting out the treasures is very simple, that is, to select many supreme treasures to give to Daqin, which is the same as the affiliated forces of his Dao Sect, every once in a while will send many treasures to seek the protection of the Dao Sect.

"Well, the Void Mirror will stay with me for the time being, and after the Cangming Ancestor has seen that one, I will return it to you." Chen Wan'er nodded.

"Good." Tai Xuanzi nodded.



Time passed slowly, and soon it was ten days later.

In these ten days, a big thing happened in the ancestral world.

That is, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple seems to be about to go to war with the Taoist Sect.

The reason is simple, those who entered the Dragon Gate Secret Realm in the past will not be in danger.

This time, only Chen Wan'er left the Dragon Gate Secret Realm alone, and both Huikong and Mo Fan died in the Dragon Gate Secret Realm, and the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple suspected that Chen Wan'er had poisoned Huikong and them.

Chen Wan'er ignored this.

Daozong's attitude was also very tough, and he directly said that Hui Kong and Mo Fan died in the Dragon Gate Secret Realm because of their poor strength.

For this answer, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple naturally disagreed.

The host of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple directly led many elders to the Dao Sect, wanting to force Chen Wan'er to give them an explanation.

Chen Wan'er came out at this time.

After coming out, he directly cast a magical power to repel the host of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

In ten days, Chen Wan'er took charge of a divine power in her previous life, and this divine power was still supreme.

Chen Wan'er, who exerted supreme magical powers, could deal with the middle stage of the Creation Realm.

Although the host of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple has the strength of the Creation Realm, it is only comparable to the ordinary early stage of the Creation Realm, and he was naturally repelled by Chen Wan'er.

After repelling the host of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, Chen Wan'er directly faced the host of the Ten Thousand Buddha Temple: "With my strength, even if I kill Hui Kong and Mo Fan, what can you do for me?" To kill is to kill, not to kill is not to kill, without retreating, the Taoist Sect and the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple officially went to war. "

As soon as these words came out, the host of Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple left with the masters of Ten Thousand Buddha Temple.

The host of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple knew that there was something going on in the Dragon Gate Secret Realm, but Chen Wan'er's strength, if she didn't say anything, she couldn't coerce Chen Wan'er, so she could only retreat.

Single-handedly repelling the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, Chen Wan'er's name spread throughout the ancestral world in a short time.

Although at the time of the Dragon Gate Conference, Chen Wan'er spread throughout the ancestral world in the name of genius.

But this time, Chen Wan'er repelled the top existence in the Zuyuan world, and Chen Wan'er directly became the top existence in the ancestral world, and her reputation naturally spread.

Because it spread too widely, Zhao Zheng on the way back to Daqin kept hearing Chen Wan'er's name.

Chen Wan'er's reputation is great, and Zhao Zheng is still relatively happy.

In that way, after he accepted Chen Wan'er as empress, he had a sense of conquest.

This is the same as why so many people like anchors and stars in the modern world? Is it really coveting them to look good?

It's just one reason, it's more about the desire to conquer.

The goddess who conquers the worship of everyone has a great feeling of refreshment in her heart.

Chen Wan'er is almost the most popular goddess-level figure in the ancestral world, and this kind of figure becomes Zhao Zheng's empress, and Zhao Zheng naturally has a sense of conquest.

PS: The fourth more, Lin Fei is the protagonist name of the old book, I didn't pay attention to the book review in the past two days, sorry sorry.

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