"No, it's just boring, play with him." Zhao Zheng shook his head when he heard Ling Donglai's words.

After that, he opened the car door and walked down.

Ling Donglai followed.


Behind the trees not far from the villa, Ye Chen saw Zhao Zheng and Ling Donglai walking towards the villa, and a ray of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

"Finally, when you come back, as soon as you enter the villa, I want you to die." Ye Chen thought with great anger in his heart.


"If you want to deal with me, why don't you come out in the open and hide in the shadows, is it interesting?" When Zhao Zheng walked to the door of the villa, he suddenly stopped and looked in the direction where Ye Chen was hiding and said lightly.

Although I don't hide my breath, but if you want to find me, at least you have to be above the middle stage of the grandmaster, Zhao Zheng is not familiar with martial arts at all, it can't be him, is it this old man next to him? Seeing Zhao Zheng's eyes, Ye Chen's face sank, and he thought secretly.

Then Ye Chen walked out from behind the trees.

Since he was discovered, there was no need for him to hide.

"Zhao Zheng. After Ye Chen walked out, he looked at Zhao Zheng and shouted with an extremely cold face.

"Are you hiding near my house to deal with me?" said Zhao Zheng with a smile after watching Ye Chen come out.

"No, I'm just passing through here. When Ye Chen heard Zhao Zheng's words, he opened his eyes and said nonsense.

"Do you believe this kind of thing yourself?" said Zhao Zheng with a smile as he looked at Ye Chen.

"Believe it or not, I still have business, go first." Ye Chen looked at Zhao Zheng and said in a deep voice.

After speaking, Ye Chen really made a look like he was leaving.

But the moment Ye Chen turned around, Zhao Zheng's voice came out again.

Do you want to hide in the shadows again and see when I will be killed by your Yin Blood Feng Shui Array?"

Hearing these words, Ye Chen's expression changed greatly and he stopped.

"It's you, you're a feng shui master?" Ye Chen said coldly as he turned to look at Ling Donglai beside Zhao Zheng.

"Yes, Old Immortal is a feng shui master. Ling Donglai said lightly.

"I really didn't expect that there was a feng shui master next to you, but so what? Hearing Ling Donglai admit, Ye Chen looked at Zhao Zheng and snorted coldly.

You want to do it yourself?" said Zhao Zheng as he looked at Ye Chen and smiled.

"I didn't want to do this, because my master gave me a calculation when I left, so that I had to endure everything, within three months, I was not allowed to use force, otherwise there would be a catastrophe, but Zhao Zheng, you really provoked me, even if I violate my master's words today, I will kill you, not only you, even the Yang family behind you, I will uproot, I want your whole family to die." Ye Chen looked at Zhao Zheng and said in an icy tone.

Ye Chen's great calamity will actually happen in the future two months later, but now, it can be regarded as fulfilling Zhao Zheng in advance.

"What your master said is actually right, if you keep putting up with it, it may really be possible to be safe, but if you can't help it, then something will happen, Ling Lao, I don't want to see him standing and talking to me." But when Zhao Zheng heard Ye Chen's words, he looked at Ling Donglai beside him and said lightly.

"Yes, Gongzi. Ling Donglai nodded respectfully.

"Zhao Zheng, do you think that the old thing next to you can deal with me, my strength is something you can never imagine, I am the realm of the peak of the grandmaster, the old thing next to you is probably at most between the middle stage of the grandmaster and the late stage of the grandmaster, my realm is something that he can't touch in his life, and now I will slaughter you." When Ye Chen heard Zhao Zheng's words, he laughed loudly, and his tone was full of swelling.

"You said the opposite, the realm of Ling Lao is something you can't touch in your life. Zhao Zheng looked at Ye Chen and shook his head.

At the moment after Zhao Zheng finished speaking, Ling Donglai moved.

I saw Ling Donglai swinging his palm at Ye Chen in the air.

"Boom. "

Only listening to a loud noise, Ye Chen was instantly pressed to the ground by a huge force, this force was extremely powerful, and Ye Chen, who had the peak of the grandmaster, did not even have the power to resist.

The moment Ye Chen's legs knelt on the ground, they all turned into smashes.


"My legs, no... How can this not be possible? Grand Master? How can you have the protection of a Grand Master by your side. Ye Chen, whose legs were shattered, knelt on the ground and shouted in great pain, his tone was full of disbelief and horror.

"Why not?" said Zhao Zheng as he looked at Ye Chen and said lightly.

"It's impossible, even if it's the Yang family behind you, there can't be a grandmaster, no, you have other hidden identities, no wonder the Song Chamber of Commerce invited me out today, it turns out that a grandmaster is next to you, a grandmaster and a non-grandmaster, which is more important, they definitely choose you, what identity do you have." Ye Chen forcibly endured the pain and looked at Zhao Zheng and asked loudly.

"You don't need to know my identity, you just know that you are dying now." Zhao Zheng looked at Ye Chen and said.

"Don't you dare to kill me, Zhao Zheng, I am the only disciple of Tianji Divine Calculation Tianyangzi, my master is the first feng shui master of Daming, and I am a master of the late stage of the Great Grandmaster, and at the same time, the peak of the Great Grandmaster who has a relationship with my master has three Venerables, if you kill me, even if you have the protection of the Great Grandmaster, you will definitely die." When Ye Chen heard Zhao Zheng's words, he immediately reported his background threat.

"Daming First Feng Shui Master, what a big breath, this title was sealed by your master and apprentice themselves, right?" said Zhao Zheng with a smile as he looked at Ye Chen.

"This is recognized, even the supervisor of the Heavenly Superintendent of the Great Ming Division admits that it is inferior to my master in feng shui. Ye Chen said coldly.

"Si Tianjian's supervisor, can what he say represent everything?" said Zhao Zheng lightly.

"Zhao Zheng, it's useless to talk more, you either kill me now or let me go. Ye Chen looked at Zhao Zheng and said coldly.

Since you want to die so much, then I will fulfill you. When Zhao Zheng heard Ye Chen's words, his face turned cold.

Originally, Zhao Zheng wanted to keep Ye Chen alive for the time being.

After all, Ye Chen's luck value can still be scraped, and after he kills Tianyangzi, he will break the last hope in Ye Chen's heart, and kill Ye Chen, so that he can maximize the harvest of qi luck.

But now that Ye Chen is so arrogant, Zhao Zheng can't bear it.

If only others were it, for the sake of luck, Zhao Zheng could endure it, but Ye Chen couldn't, Ye Chen was so arrogant when dealing with him in the future, although he in the future and him now are not alone, but empathy, Zhao Zheng is unhappy.

Isn't it just some luck, it's a big deal to harvest a little more when you do the next protagonist.

"Kill him. Zhao Zheng looked at Ling Donglai and ordered.

"Yes. Ling Donglai nodded immediately.


PS: Third more.

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