
"There was movement, someone came back. "

Outside Zhao Zheng's villa, Lin Hong's ears moved and looked in the direction of no man's land.

Ye Chen also heard the sound of breaking the void and looked over expectantly.

At this look, Ye Chen instantly felt as if the sky had fallen.

I saw Zhao Zheng using his inner strength to hold Tianyangzi's body and break through the air.

Looking at Tianyangzi's mud-like corpse, Ye Chen's eyes became extremely dull.

"No, Master Zun is dead, how can Master Venerable die, Master Zun can't lose, it can't lose. Ye Chen muttered to himself.

The battle of the great grandmaster, when the strength is equal, it is possible to fight for ten days and ten nights, even if there is a gap between them, it is impossible to divide the victory and defeat in such a short time, and decide life and death, right? "

"Could it be said that Zhao Zheng is the same as Ling Senior, a demon genius who is proficient in martial arts and feng shui, only Zhao Zheng is also refined in water ventilation techniques, which makes Tianyangzi's feng shui techniques useless, and then Zhao Zheng kills Tianyangzi with strength that is enough to leapfrog the challenge, yes, it must be like this. Lin Hong watched Zhao Zheng return with Tianyangzi's corpse, and thought in horror in his heart.


"Bang. "

After returning to the outside of the villa, Zhao Zheng casually threw a pool of muddy Tianyangzi in front of Ye Chen.

"Master. "

Ye Chen shouted in grief when he saw the corpse of Tianyangzi in front of him.


"Ding... Congratulations to the host for successfully causing the Son of Qi Luck to collapse his will and gain 9,600 Qi Luck points. "

When Ye Chen hugged Tianyangzi's body, a prompt sound that broke the dimensional wall system appeared in Zhao Zheng's mind.

After hearing this prompt, a smile appeared at the corner of Zhao Zheng's mouth.

Then Zhao Zheng looked at Ye Chen, looking at Ye Chen's grief at the moment, Zhao Zheng felt comfortable in his heart.

In the future, he will be even worse than Ye Chen now.

Now that the roles are reversed and miserably replaced by Ye Chen, how can Zhao Zheng be unhappy in his heart?


Dozens of seconds later, Zhao Zheng was also tired of hearing Ye Chen's crying.

"You are so sad, I will fulfill you and send you to reunite with your master." Zhao Zheng looked at Ye Chen and said lightly.

After speaking, Zhao Zheng didn't wait for Ye Chen to say something, and directly slapped it out in the air.


Ye Chen felt the palm power that came from Zhao Zheng's breaking through the air, and raised his head to look at Zhao Zheng with great resentment and roared.

"Boom. "

As soon as Ye Chen's words fell, Zhao Zheng's palm power had already struck.

"Bang. "

Ye Chen's head fell apart in an instant.

Zhao Zheng knows the law of immortality of the protagonist, if he hits other places, even if Ye Chen has no breath, maybe he may be resurrected by chance, such as being struck by lightning, suddenly resurrected, or suddenly appearing again, and then being saved by a passing master.

It's still convenient to hit the head directly, if the head is gone, then it's really dead.

The first Reiki revival is the work of a person without a head that absolutely no one can save.


"It's really in line with the protagonist's personality, after excessive sadness, is to turn grief and anger into strength? After blowing Ye Chen's head, Zhao Zheng thought of Ye Chen's eyes before he died, and a sneer appeared in his heart.

"Ding... Congratulations to Ye Chen, the son of the host Murderous Qi Luck, who obtained 5,300 Qi Luck points. "

With the moment Ye Chen's headless corpse fell to the ground, the prompt sound of breaking the dimensional wall system appeared again.

Hearing this voice, Zhao Zheng felt relieved in his heart, and was determined by the system to be dead, it must be dead and can no longer die.

However, the luck value given by Ye Chen's death, Zhao Zheng was a little dissatisfied.

"It seems that it is really squeezed dry, and the qi luck value given after killing is not as much as the qi luck value given when the will collapses. Zhao Zheng thought secretly in his heart.

"This time Ye Chen's will collapse and despair and kill, I was provided with a total of 19,000 qi luck points, plus the 8,600 qi luck points obtained by the auction house, and the remaining hundred points before, it has reached 27,700 points, and I can break the dimensional wall twice, and even it is not far from breaking the three-dimensional wall, and I don't know what I can get this time." Zhao Zheng thought secretly in his heart after checking his qi luck value.


"Duke Zhao... No, it should be Lord Zhao, subordinate Lin Hong, congratulations to Lord Zhao on winning the battle for the total offering, and the next six doors will be led by Lord Zhao. When Zhao Zheng was checking the balance of qi luck value, Lin Hong on the side suddenly looked at Zhao Zheng respectfully.

"You haven't officially taken office yet, so you don't need to call me an adult. When Zhao Zheng heard Lin Hong's words, he shook his head lightly.

"It's already a matter of settled dust, my lord deserves this title, and his subordinates will summon back to the Six Doors Headquarters later, and let the other two chief hunters lead the Six Doors Divine Capture to come to meet Lord Zhao, by the way, Lord Zhao, I don't know if your inauguration ceremony will be held in Shangjing, or in Lord Zhao's hometown Tianhai City?"

"If it is held in Tianhai City, the subordinates will notify the civil and military officials and the representatives of the major families to come to Tianhai City to participate. Lin Hong looked at Zhao Zheng and said respectfully.

"The inauguration ceremony? Let's hold it in Tianhai City. Zhao Zheng pondered.

"Yes. Lin Hong immediately nodded.

"Deal with this place, and then go down and arrange it." Zhao Zheng pointed to Lin Hong and pointed to the corpses of Ye Chen and Tianyangzi on the ground.

"Subordinates obey. Lin Hong nodded respectfully.

"Elder Ling, leave it to him here, let's go." Zhao Zheng nodded, shouted at Ling Donglai, and walked towards the villa.

Seeing Zhao Zheng leaving, Ling Donglai also followed, and when he entered the villa, Ling Donglai pointed his finger at the void, and the Yin Blood Array arranged by Ye Chen was broken.


"Congratulations to Gongzi for becoming the chief worshipper of the Six Doors, and has been in charge of the Six Doors since then. After entering the villa, Ling Donglai looked at Zhao Zheng and congratulated.

"It's just a starting point. Zhao Zheng looked at Ling Donglai and said.

"Gongzi is right, for the total worship of six doors by others, it is considered a high authority, but for Gongzi, the total worship of six doors is really nothing. Ling Donglai agreed.

PS: The third is more sent, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes.

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