In the future, Liu Sisi will be the biggest help in Xiao Mad's second period of reiki.

It can even be said that Liu Sisi is Xiao Mad's golden finger.

Liu Sisi's talent in cooking was too high, and when the second time his aura was revived, he comprehended the medicinal diet on his own.

Later, he got a recipe for ancient medicinal meals.

Because of a coincidence, when Liu Sisi was cooking medicinal food, the aroma attracted a powerful old man.

Just as Huang Rong attracted Hong Qigong, Liu Sisi also used her near-perfect cooking skills to keep this old man, and also let the old man take Xiao Mad as an apprentice.

Although Xiao Mad's high qualifications also accounted for part of the reason, in the final analysis, it was because Liu Sisi's cooking skills attracted the old man, and he also kept the old man for several days before Xiao Mad rushed back.

Xiao Mad was able to almost dominate the second revival of Spiritual Qi, all because he worshipped this old man as a teacher.

This old man was one of the strongest in the second Reiki Revival, and after Xiao Mad became his apprentice, he was taught by his apprentice, and naturally rose very quickly.

After Liu Sisi was taken away by Zhao Zheng, that Xiao Mad lost not only a heroine, but also a huge gold finger, the two superimposed, definitely not as simple as one plus one.

Zhao Zheng estimated that taking away Liu Sisi, Xiao Mad would have to provide him with at least about 20,000 qi luck values.

"Fortunately, I have a future memory, otherwise, it would be really difficult to suppress these protagonists." Zhao Zheng thought with a smile in his heart.



After Lin Hong and them left, Zhao Zheng returned to his room.

He was ready to use his Qi luck to break the dimensional wall again and see if he could get anything good.

By the way, it is worth mentioning here that Ling Donglai had already left Tianhai City in the early hours of the morning.

The reason is also very simple, Ling Donglai is ready to help Zhao Zheng recruit a group of subordinates.

Zhao Zheng is about to become the chief worship of the six doors, and he needs some masters to support the scene.

Here Zhao Zheng is going to blow the automatic setting of the system's identity.

The identity that Ling Donglai automatically set in this world is very good.

Ling Donglai was the number one grandmaster in the world a hundred years ago, and a hundred years ago, although Ling Donglai did not accept disciples, it was still the same as the Shattered Void World, and when Ling Donglai saw the forgeable material, he would give some guidance.

Those who can be pointed out by Ling Donglai are, without exception, people who are most affectionate.

To put it simply, it is the person who knows the Entu newspaper.

For Ling Donglai, who has the grace of teaching, he is definitely treated as a master from the bottom of his heart.

This is that there is no name for masters and apprentices, but there is a master-apprentice.

According to what Ling Donglai said to Zhao Zheng yesterday, he taught about nine talented people a hundred years ago.

If these nine people had not fallen, the lowest strength should have reached the early stage of the Great Master.

As long as Ling Donglai's trip goes smoothly, he can bring Zhao Zheng the subordinates of the nine great masters, and with Ling Donglai restraining them, these people are definitely very loyal to Zhao Zheng.

Nine Great Masters, what a huge help?

Not to mention letting Zhao Zheng rule a six doors, even if Zhao Zheng rebelled and overthrew the Ming Dynasty, it would be a breeze.

However, as emperor, Zhao Zheng was not interested for the time being.

Because in the future, if the aura is revived and the imperial dynasty or something, it is almost useless.

Unless when Zhao Zheng breaks the dimensional wall, he can extract the method of establishing the Yun Dynasty.

If the Yun dynasty is established, then the imperial dynasty will be different.

What kind of cultivation sect, what immortal gate, in front of the Yun Dynasty are all garbage.

The Yun Dynasty is not a simple imperial dynasty, it is a Yun Dynasty where everyone is like a dragon and everyone can cultivate

Even the Lord of the Yun Dynasty and the civil and military officials can also borrow the Fortune of the Yun Dynasty to increase the cultivation speed, up to a few thousand times the cultivation speed.

In terms of combat, it is even more possible to borrow the power of a country against the enemy.

When encountering an opponent that is difficult to deal with, directly borrow the strength of all the people in a country, and easily cross two or three great realms to face the enemy.

If he could really extract the Yun Dynasty method, Zhao Zheng was willing to be worthy of his name.

His name is the same as the first emperor of the ages, and if there is a method of fortune, he does not mind becoming a godless king who suppresses the world.

But the method of Yun Dynasty, Zhao Zheng can only think about it.

After all, the world that can establish the Yun Dynasty is a truly top-level world.

In the future, memories can only be compared to the end of the revival of Reiki and the complete recovery of the Divine Realm.


"If you can still get me to draw good things this time, I will offer you up later." Zhao Zheng returned to his room and looked at the soft bed passage that brought him good luck twice in a row.

After speaking, Zhao Zheng lay down on the bed.

"System, I want to break the dimensional wall. After lying down, Zhao Zheng called the system.

"The host currently has a qi luck value and can break the dimensional wall twice, does it start to break?"

"Break it. Zhao Zheng nodded.

PS: The fourth more sent, ask for advice, the protagonist should be a godless king, in my outline, there are two main lines, one is to take the godless king stream, suppress all the immortal gates after the revival of the aura, those who disobey will all suppress and destroy the door, the other is to take the personal flow, with personal force, rampant in the world, everyone reply in the book review area, tomorrow the author will look at the book review area after waking up, and then decide how to write the next one.

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