"Okay then, I'll be back in ten days. "Willow Snow Road.

"Well, when you come back, you can see the phoenix feather streamer. Zhao Zheng nodded with a smile.

"Then I'll just wait. Liu Xue said with a smile.

"Hmm. "

Next, Zhao Zheng and Liu Xue chatted for more than ten minutes and ended the call.



At the same time, in the prefect's mansion, Lu Zihao found his sister Lu Xiaoyu at this moment.

"Just say something, don't dangle it, disturb me reading." Lu Xiaoyu saw Lu Zihao walking around in front of him without speaking, and said with some impatience.

"Sister, last night, a big thing happened, do you know?" Lu Zihao heard Lu Xiaoyu's words, stopped and looked at Lu Xiaoyu and said in a deep voice.

"Dad told me this morning. Lu Xiaoyu nodded.

"Then what do you think?" said Lu Zihao.

What else can there be but surprise? The grandmaster of Zhenguo in his twenties, this is absolutely ancient and shining, and in today's world, I am afraid that no one can compare with him. Lu Xiaoyu said.

"Gone?" asked Lu Zihao after Lu Xiaoyu finished speaking.

"What the hell are you trying to say, don't beat around the bush. Lu Xiaoyu put down the book and stared at Lu Zihao with beautiful eyes.

"Actually, I just wanted to ask you how you feel about Zhao Shao?" Lu Zihao saw Lu Xiaoyu's eyes and whispered.

"The four princes of Tianhai City have the best reputation for Zhao Zheng, and my impression of him must be good, not to mention that she is still an unprecedented young grandmaster, and she will succeed the chief worship of the Six Doors in half a month, and my current perception of him is not only admiration or admiration." "

"By the way, didn't you always say that you and Zhao Zheng have a particularly good relationship, can you introduce me to get acquainted, I want to see what kind of demeanor the famous young grandmaster has overnight. Lu Xiaoyu looked at Lu Zihao.

"I have a lot of photos with Zhao Shao on my phone, haven't you seen them before?" said Lu Zihao.

"Can a real person be the same as a photo?" retorted Lu Xiaoyu.

"Actually, it's pretty much the same. Lu Zihao said.

"You don't usually come to me for ten days and a half a month, what do you want to do when you come to me today? Lu Xiaoyu suddenly reacted and looked at Lu Zihao.

"Dad said that you are not too young, I want to find you a husband, let me ask you what you mean." Lu Zihao whispered.

You keep asking how I feel about Zhao Zheng, is the husband my father is looking for me Zhao Zheng?" Lu Xiaoyu looked at Lu Zihao's beautiful eyes and said.

"It's Zhao Shao, sister, let me tell you the truth, Zhao Shao is amorous, definitely not a good match, I know that with your character sister, you definitely can't stand the grievances of competing with others, I will help you refuse dad." Lu Zihao looked at Lu Xiaoyu and said seriously.

How did he become amorous?" said Lu Xiaoyu.

"In addition to his fiancée Liu Xue, Han Linger of the Han family is unclear with him, and Sheng Minglan Zhao Shao of Tianxiang Pavilion also has ideas, with Zhao Shao's identity today, I am afraid that Sheng Minglan's status as an imperial princess is nothing, as long as Zhao Shao is willing to spend some effort, Sheng Minglan will become Zhao Shao's woman sooner or later. Lu Zihao replied.

"Zhao Zheng, the four beauties of Tianhai City, actually has three?" said Lu Xiaoyu in surprise.

"Yes, the three most beautiful beauties in Tianhai City will be taken down by Zhao Shao. Lu Zihao's tone was a little envious.

"The three most beautiful beauties, don't you deserve to be called the four beauties of Tianhai City?" Lu Xiaoyu heard Lu Zihao's words, and his eyes were cold.

"Sister, of course you deserve it, of course you do. Lu Zihao saw Lu Xiaoyu's death look back, and quickly said.

"Zhao Zheng, the four beauties, he has already got the third, I believe he must have some ideas about my fourth one, tell my father, I agreed." Lu Xiaoyu looked at Lu Zihao and said in a deep voice.

"Sister, what nonsense are you talking about, weren't you the most hated person before, how come you know that Zhao Shao has three beauties, and you still have to go up?" Lu Zihao heard Lu Xiaoyu's words and exclaimed.

"Zhao Zheng, the four beauties of Tianhai City, he got three of them, but I was omitted, what do you let people outside think of me? Doesn't it mean that I am not worthy of the list of the four beauties, and I used to hate people who are abusive, because many abusive people have no ability and abuse love, Zhao Zheng, his young grandmaster, the whole Daming, no, who in the whole world can compare with him?"

"And Zhao Zheng he is not like you, taste is so low, although he has some amorousness, but who did he choose? Liu Xue, Han Linger, Sheng Minglan, which one is not a real top beauty, although there are many beauties in the world, but those who reach the point of your sister and Liu Xue are always a minority, in the future, Zhao Zheng, he is in the affair, the lowest is also a beauty of our level." "

"To put it in a bad way, how many of us can there be in the world at our level? Lu Xiaoyu said lightly.

"Are you really my sister? Why don't you feel like it? It's changed too much. When Lu Zihao heard Lu Xiaoyu's words, he looked at Lu Xiaoyu suspiciously.

"I've always been like this, okay, go back and tell Daddy, just say I agree." Lu Xiaoyu said.

"Sister, you must not be wronged yourself, in fact, I know, Dad talked to you before me, maybe Dad told you, let your Lu family be important, as long as you become Zhao Shao's wife and concubine, you can keep my Lu family rich for several generations, and even let me always climb Zhao Shao's relationship to rise, I really don't need it." Lu Zihao looked at Lu Xiaoyu and said in a deep voice.

"Lu Zihao, you take yourself too seriously, I agree, because I think in the world today, except for Zhao Zheng, there is no other person who can make me look at it, if I really don't like it, I won't agree with anything you say." Lu Xiaoyu looked at Lu Zihao and said in a deep voice.

"Sister, are you really serious, if you are really sure, then it will never be possible to change. Lu Zihao heard Lu Xiaoyu's words and said solemnly.

"Okay, why so much nonsense, I Lu Xiaoyu decided things, I will never regret it. Lu Xiaoyu looked at Lu Zihao and said impatiently.

"Sister, you are thinking about it, I will talk to Zhao Shao about this tomorrow, before tonight, if you change your mind, talk to me." Lu Zihao looked at Lu Xiaoyu and said in a deep voice, and after speaking, Lu Zihao left Lu Xiaoyu's room.

After seeing Lu Zihao leave, Lu Xiaoyu looked at the door and shook his head and said, "Silly brother, you really think too much." "

"Grandmaster Zhenguo, who is in his twenties, I really don't know what kind of demeanor you really are. Lu Xiaoyu thought of Zhao Zheng in his heart, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.



PS: Third, explain the questions in the book review area, the main line of this book has not changed, it will always be the son of all kinds of luck, the emperor for Zhao Zheng, is just an identity, just the same identity as the prince of the Zhao Group, but it has become a little more noble.

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