
A few minutes later, Zhao Zheng and Ling Donglai came to no man's land thirty miles away.

After arriving, Zhao Zheng looked at Zhou Cheng and said, "If you can hold me for a move, even if you win." "

"Young Master Zhao, are you underestimating us too much?" Zhou Cheng and they all showed a hint of anger when they heard Zhao Zheng's words.

"It's not to underestimate you, but above the Great Grandmaster and the Great Grandmaster are two heavens and earth. Zhao Zheng said lightly.

"Then we would like to see Zhao Gongzi's high moves." Zhou Cheng looked at Zhao Zheng and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, Nar wait, be careful. "

Zhao Zheng nodded, and then Zhao Zheng moved.

"The dragon elephant broke the sky. "

Only listening to Zhao Zheng's loud drink, a dragon-elephant power appeared from Zhao Zheng.

The next moment, an incomparably terrifying force swung out from Zhao Zheng's hand.

With this punch, Zhao Zheng used ten percent of his power, and the power of the system version of the Shock Fruit was also used by him.

Under normal circumstances, Zhou Cheng and they were either killed or injured, but with Ling Donglai there, when Zhou Cheng and they couldn't hold on, Ling Donglai would naturally make a move to block Zhao Zheng's attack.


"Big Roto Heavenly Palm. "

"Bastard gossip. "

"Three changes. "


Zhou Cheng and they felt Zhao Zheng's terrifying power, and their faces changed drastically, and they used their strongest strength to fight against Zhao Zheng's power.

But after their power collided with the dragon and elephant, they were like paper, fragile, and instantly shattered.

To be honest, Zhou Cheng's strength is definitely not weak, but it is a pity that they are facing Zhao Zheng.

The power of the dragon and elephant breaking the sky is originally terrifying, and with the terrifying destructive power of the system version of the shock fruit, except for people who are in the same realm as Zhao Zheng can block it, those below Zhao Zheng's realm are absolutely impossible to resist.

"Boom. "

There was a huge explosion in the air, and Zhou Cheng's tricks were constantly broken.

Seeing that Zhou Cheng and them were about to be injured by Zhao Zheng's power, Ling Donglai, who had long been prepared on the side, moved.

"Heaven-shaking. "

Ling Donglai shouted loudly, and used the Heaven-Shattering Chapter of the Martial Dao I Ching to resist Zhao Zheng's dragon elephant breaking the sky.

"Boom. "

With a loud bang, the ground under Donglai's feet was like an earthquake, all cracked, and the crack lasted for hundreds of meters.

This is still Ling Donglai to bear nine out of nine forces, only a trace of strength spread out from Ling Donglai's body, but just this trace has caused such a terrifying destructive power, if you really go all out, Zhao Zheng can casually create an earthquake of magnitude nine or more in a radius of tens of miles.


"Gongzi, your strength has improved again. After Ling Donglai dispersed Zhao Zhengli, he said with a smile.

"Ling Lao is not bad, and it seems that he has also improved a little. Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

"My improvement is too insignificant compared to Gongzi. Ling Donglai shook his head.

After speaking, Ling Dong looked at Zhou Cheng and said with a straight face: "Now that you believe it, you still feel that you have been wronged by entering the door of Gongzi?"

"Master, in fact, when you told us about Zhao Gongzi's strength, we already believed it, we were just unwilling. Zhou Cheng said with a wry smile.

If you are unwilling, you can leave, why do you follow?" said Ling Donglai.

"Master, we are not unwilling to us, we are unwilling for you, Master, you are the number one grandmaster in the world, your talent is high, and you can actually worship under a young man in his twenties, how can we accept this." Zhou Cheng shook his head.

"What do you know, come under the door of the prince, there will be your benefits in the future, as for the old man, I am even more willing, the reason, you will know later. Ling Donglai said with a smile.

"Young Master Zhao, I will wait for nine people in the future, I am willing to listen to your dispatch, I have just offended a lot, and I ask for forgiveness." Zhou Cheng heard Ling Donglai's words and looked at Zhao Zheng respectfully.

"It doesn't hurt. Zhao Zheng shook his head with a smile.



Dozens of minutes later, Zhao Zheng took Ling Donglai and they returned to the villa.

At this moment, Yang Xuan had also walked down from the upper floor and was waiting in the hall.

After seeing Zhao Zheng and their return, they came over one after another.

"Grandpa, in the future, they will be the disciples of my Zhao family, and when the succession ceremony is over, let them return to Tianbei with you, responsible for teaching those who improve their strength in pills, with their teaching, they may still not be as good as those who practice orthodoxy, but they are definitely not much worse. Zhao Zheng pointed at Zhou Cheng and they looked at Yang Xuan and smiled.

"This is my grandfather Yang Xuan, the head of the Tianbei Yang family, you will listen to him in the future." After Zhao Zheng finished speaking, he said to Zhou Cheng beside him.

"Yes, I've seen Patriarch Yang later. When Zhou Cheng heard Zhao Zheng's words, they immediately said to Yang Xuan.

"You don't have to be polite. Yang Xuan did not dare to snub, and immediately said.

Although Zhao Zheng asked Zhou Cheng to listen to him, he didn't dare to really treat Zhou Cheng and them as subordinates, these are nine great masters, and there is one peak of the great grandmaster, and the lowest strength is the middle of the great grandmaster.

Such a great grandmaster added together, to be honest, in addition to the royal family, it is definitely the power of the first family in the world.

If it was before, Yang Xuan would not dare to think that they Yang Jiaran would have nine great masters, but now because of Zhao Zheng's relationship, the nine great masters obey him, how can this not make him very excited.

"Zheng'er's major affairs must not be delayed, and after meeting Tianbei, he will take out all the wealth of the Yang family to recruit troops. Yang Xuan thought solemnly in his heart.


After introducing Zhou Cheng and them to Yang Xuan and they got to know each other, Zhao Zheng arranged a place for Zhou Cheng and them, and at the same time Zhao Zheng also asked Ling Donglai to leave Tianhai City and rush to Shangjing overnight.

Tomorrow is the beginning of his succession ceremony, and at this succession ceremony, Zhao Zheng wants to kill Zhu Xu, the prince.

Once the prince Zhu Xu is killed, the entire Daming will shake.

The ancestor of the royal family, the Chongzhen Emperor, may all come out of the palace because of it.

For the time being, Zhao Zheng still needed Six Gates, the largest authority, to do things for him, so Zhao Zheng needed to make Dong come outside the palace to intercept Emperor Chongzhen.

As long as it shows Ling Donglai's attitude of protecting Zhao Zheng at all costs, the royal family will definitely not dare to remove Zhao Zheng from the position of the chief worship of the six doors.

Because the royal family did not dare to bet on how angry Zhao Zheng would be once he was removed from his position.

Therefore, even if they are not happy with Zhao Zheng, the royal family must endure it, unless one day, when they are sure to remove Ling Donglai, they will really deal with Zhao Zheng.

When the royal family really faces Ling Donglai, it will be time for the protagonist of the royal illegitimate son to appear.

The illegitimate son of the royal family inadvertently entered a inheritance secret realm, cultivated in it for hundreds of years, and as soon as he was born, he directly surpassed the realm of the great master in half a step, and directly stood at the top of the first revival of aura.

With two and a half steps beyond the realm of the Great Master, the royal family would definitely not tolerate Zhao Zheng.

But really at that time, Zhao Zheng is estimated to also make a move on the royal family, at that time, how strong Zhao Zheng's own strength will be, Zhao Zheng himself does not dare to think.

There are two protagonists before the royal illegitimate son, a Xiao Madness, a cultivator of the reborn city, after killing these two protagonists, Zhao Zheng's luck value does not know how much it will reach, just draw something good, Zhao Zheng can have the power to surpass the limit of the first aura recovery, at that time it was too simple to kill the royal family.



PS: The third is more sent.

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