Zhao Zheng knew that Xiao Mad would come to Liu Sisi sooner or later, so Zhao Zheng spent five hundred qi luck to open a system prompt.

As long as Xiao Mad finds Liu Sisi, the system will prompt Zhao Zheng.

With Zhao Zheng's speed, he rushed at full speed, and he could reach Liu Sisi's villa in an instant, so Liu Sisi's safety was still very guaranteed.


"Wang Ye. Liu Sisi saw Zhao Zheng walk in from the door, and immediately shouted with surprise on his face.

"Hmm. Zhao Zheng nodded at Liu Sisi, and then looked at Xiao Mad.

Xiao Mad also looked at Zhao Zheng at this moment, and saw Xiao Mad's face full of gloom.

"King Zhao, the well water between you and me does not violate the river water, let me take Liu Sisi, I Xiao Mad owes you a favor. Xiao Mad looked at Zhao Zheng and said in a deep voice.

Hearing Xiao Mad's words, Zhao Zheng smiled.

The protagonist is really the same, the last Ye Chen liked to use human favors to solve problems, and now Xiao Madness is the same.

Don't say that Liu Sisi is Benwang's personal cook, even if she is just an insignificant maid, it's not something you can take away, your favor is worthless here in Benwang. Zhao Zheng looked at Xiao Zheng and said coldly.

"Zhao Zheng, are you too humiliating, do you really think that I Xiao Mad is afraid that you will not succeed?" Xiao Mad heard Zhao Zheng's words, and his face turned cold.

"If you are not afraid of King Ben, why did you come here secretly? Zhao Zheng looked at Xiao Fan with disdain.

"Zhao Zheng, do you really think that with Ling Donglai behind you, you can look down on anyone? Xiao Mad heard Zhao Zheng's words and said coldly.

"Oh, you actually know that there is Ling Donglai behind me? Zhao Zheng said lightly.

"This does not require any intelligence, can make the royal family endure the anger, except for another martial arts myth Ling Donglai in the world today, who else has the ability to make the royal family tolerate? Xiao Fan sneered.

"Guessed well, it is indeed because of his royal family that he put up with me, but don't worry, Ling Lao is not here, kill chickens and use ox knives to deal with you, I am enough alone, Sisi, I promised you, I will help you avenge, now I will help you slaughter him." After Zhao Zheng finished speaking to Xiao Mad, he looked at Liu Sisi and smiled.

"Thank you, Wang Ye. When Liu Sisi heard Zhao Zheng's words, he immediately thanked him.

Do you really think that if you kill the ordinary Grand Master peak like Duke Quan with one move, you will be invincible in the world? Xiao Mad looked at Zhao Zheng's incomparably cold face, and then released a coercion in his body that only had in the late stage of the Great Master.

"Late Grand Master?" Zhao Zheng looked at Xiao Mad's realm, his eyes narrowed.

In the future, Xiao Mad is still in the middle of the Great Master, if so, will the protagonist also change in the future?

"The host does not have to think much, the protagonist of the general trend in the future will not change, and it will become just a small trend, such as Xiao Mad, the protagonist of luck, because he is about to face the host, but the strength is not enough, so his luck will bring him some small adventures and increase some strength, these adventures will not be too big, and will definitely not exceed the strength that the host cannot face." The voice of breaking the dimensional wall system appeared in Zhao Zheng's mind.

"So I'm relieved. Hearing the system's words, Zhao Zheng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.


"Zhao Zheng, even though you are gifted and demonized, I am not weaker than you, and even my strength is stronger than you, my strength is honed between life and death, and how many life and death trials have you experienced so far in cultivation? "

"You get out of the way now, let me take Liu Sisi, I can give you a face behind Ling Donglai, but if you don't let go, don't blame me for breaking your martial arts will, a genius like you, once defeated once, it is more difficult to break through than to ascend to the sky, Zhao Zheng, a woman and your future, what do you choose?" Xiao Mad looked at Zhao Zheng without speaking, thinking that Zhao Zheng was shocked by his strength, and immediately laughed.

"Have you finished talking nonsense? The strength is not strong, but there are a lot of words. Zhao Zheng looked at Xiao Zheng and shook his head.

"Toast without eating and punishing wine, Zhao Zheng, you asked for it. Xiao Mad looked at Zhao Zheng, and his face became extremely cold.

"It's really a human being, you are really arrogant enough, but unfortunately, you don't have arrogant capital in front of me. Zhao Zheng looked at Xiao Mad and shook his head, and after speaking, Zhao Zheng gently slapped a palm at Xiao Mad.

This palm Zhao Zheng used the power of the peak of the Great Master.

"How come?" Feeling the aura of Grand Master Zhao Zheng's peak, Xiao Mad's face changed in shock.

However, Zhao Zheng's palm power has already struck, and Xiao Mad does not dare to slack, so he can only resist it vigorously.

However, Zhao Zheng's palm power is so easy to resist, not to mention that Xiao Mad's strength is one level lower than Zhao Zheng, even if Zhao Zheng also uses the power of the late grandmaster, Xiao Madness will be injured, and now a realm higher, Xiao Madness is directly hit hard.

Zhao Zheng's palm power with the shock fruit drilled into Xiao Mad's body, directly hitting Xiao Mad's internal organs hard.

"Poof. "

I saw Xiao Crazy spit out a mouthful of blood, and he was half kneeling on the ground in pain.

"Impossible, how can your realm be the peak of the Great Master?" Xiao Mad looked at Zhao Zheng with a pale face and said in disbelief.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for hitting the will of Xiao Mad, the protagonist of Qi Luck, and obtained 7,600 Qi Luck points. "

The prompt sound of breaking the dimensional wall system appears at this time.

"The first blow to the protagonist really got a lot of luck points. Hearing the system prompt, Zhao Zheng smiled in his heart.


Originally thought that you had what strength you could be so arrogant, but I didn't expect it to be like this, Mo said that King Ben broke through, even if King Ben did not break through, you are not the opponent of King Ben, you are tempered between life and death, but how can the strength of King Ben not be tempered by thousands of tempers?

With his strength, he can kill Xiao Madness with one move, he deliberately does not kill, isn't it just to squeeze Xiao Mad's qi luck value dry? The next protagonist who returns from Xiu Zhen, he needs some hole cards, 10,000 qi luck value to break a dimensional wall to get items is no longer enough as a hole card, he needs 20,000 qi luck value once, or even 30,000, 40,000 or even 50,000 once qi luck value to do it.

Now his qi luck value is more than 70,000 points, two times is not enough, how can he make up enough 100,000 qi luck value from Xiao Madness, squeeze Xiao Mad's qi luck value almost dry, Zhao Zheng is considering killing Xiao Madness.


PS: The fifth is more sent.

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