If you can reach the peak of the first layer of the gluttonous law phase, the real rebirth realm, it will be swallowed casually one by one.

After the protagonist who returned from Xiu Zhen appeared, it means that the first revival of Aura has begun to come to the end, in this time period, although it cannot be born out of the rebirth realm, but it is equivalent to the power of the rebirth realm, heaven and earth will not be limited, as long as you have that ability, you can exert the power of the rebirth realm.

And after the second reiki recovery, heaven and earth will not have restrictions on strength, because the second reiki revival will appear cultivation sects, and some sects even inherit immortal weapons, and it is too normal to have the power to surpass the peak of the second reiki recovery.

There is no limit For the previous Zhao Zheng, it must be more hurtful, because many luck protagonists appear with their own magic weapons, and they can skip the challenge, but now, unrestricted power is the best for Zhao Zheng, his gluttonous heaven-swallowing technique is invincible, crossing a big realm against the enemy is a demon, crossing two big realms against the enemy is the reincarnation of an immortal, then Zhao Zheng crosses three or even four big realms to kill in seconds, what level?

In a word, as long as the number of layers of Gluttonous Heaven Devouring Technique cultivation is high enough, Zhao Zheng can be an immortal even if he is just a mortal.


After putting all the Tianyang Fruits into the Gluttonous Law Phase, Zhao Zheng began the Gluttonous Heaven Swallowing Technique hang-up cultivation.

The Tianyang fruit doubles once, the gluttonous law phase will swallow once, each time it is swallowed, the gluttonous law phase will be enhanced once, and then the gluttonous law phase space will increase a part, which directly forms a virtuous cycle, it can be said that as long as there is time, the expansion speed of the internal space of the gluttonous law phase can completely keep up with the doubling speed of the Tianyang fruit, and the cultivation speed of the gluttonous heaven-swallowing technique will be even faster.


A day later, Zhao Zheng finally entered the early stage of the first layer of the Gluttonous Heaven Devouring Technique.

After successfully practicing the gluttonous heaven-swallowing technique, the gluttonous law phase has changed from a phantom to an entity, and the size has also expanded from ten zhang to thirty zhang, with cultivation, the body size of the gluttonous law phase will increase, and it is possible to reach hundreds of millions of zhang in the future, after all, the body size is not large, how to devour the sky and the earth?


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, there was only the last day left before Zhao Zheng's wedding day.

Half a month ago, Han Linger and her family left the Zhao Royal Mansion, and only after Zhao Zheng went to greet their relatives, they would officially move into the Royal Mansion.

That evening, Zhao Zheng dined with his family.

"Zheng'er, tomorrow you will officially start a family, who do you plan to appoint as Princess Zheng?" During the meal, Yang Xiuyi looked at Zhao Zheng and asked with a smile.

"Liu Xue. Zhao Zhengdao.

"Zheng'er, although Xue'er is good, but Minglan is actually more suitable for Princess Zheng, her family lineage is far beyond the Liu family, if Xue'er is the princess, I am afraid that she will not be able to suppress others." Yang Xiuyi looked at Zhao Zhengdao.

"No rules do not form a square circle, my wife, do not look at the family lineage, only look at who enters first, who is the princess zheng, Liu Xue and I have known each other since childhood, it is my main room, she is naturally the princess of the zheng, not to mention, after becoming my princess, do you still need to see their family lineage?"

"It is also said that no matter how strong the woman's family lineage is, it is nothing, and when you enter the door of the Zhao family, you must abide by the rules of the Zhao family, and the mother thinks too much. Yang Xiuyi said with a smile.

"Hmm. Zhao Zheng nodded with a smile.



The next day, as soon as dawn broke, Zhao Zheng left the palace in fresh clothes to greet his relatives.

Zhao Zheng first went to Liu's house to welcome Liu Xue.

After seeing that Zhao Zheng went to the Liu family first, many families were ready to befriend the Liu family.

This order of greeting is very exquisite, the first to welcome is the main room, Zhao Zheng is the king, that is the princess of the zheng, in the future, Zhao Zheng is not there, can control the existence of the royal palace.

Liu Xue became the princess of the right, and in the future, take care of the Liu family casually, the Liu family can rise, and befriend the Liu family, it is definitely earned in blood.

No one befriended Liu Xue's family before, because many families were watching to see who was the Princess Zheng, in case they bet first and offended the real Princess Zheng, wouldn't it be very bad?

The people of the Liu family were also very excited when they learned that Zhao Zheng was the first to go to their Liu family to welcome their relatives, and quickly brought Liu Xue, the bride dressed in red and wearing a phoenix crown, into the palanquin and waited for Zhao Zheng to come.

Han Linger, Sheng Minglan, and Lu Xiaoyu did not show any displeasure when they learned that Zhao Zheng went to Liu's house first to welcome their relatives, because this had long been expected by them.

They know Zhao Zheng's character too well, Liu Xue followed Zhao Zheng first, then Liu Xue was destined to be in the main room.

That is, their family does not understand, and there is hope.


The reception lasted a full six hours before it ended.

Fortunately, for convenience, the Han family, the Lu family, the Sheng family, and the Liu family bought a house in a relatively close place to use as a place to welcome relatives, otherwise according to their real residence, they would not be able to fight for a day.


After Zhao Zheng returned to King Zhao's mansion with four red palanquins, countless fireworks began to be set off (the timeline is modern, these are there.) )。

"Wangye, it's time to dismount and take the four brides back to the house. At the gate of King Zhao's mansion, Zhou Cheng, who was leading Zhao Zheng's horse, smiled at Zhao Zheng.

"Hmm. Zhao Zheng nodded, and then jumped off his horse.

"Wang Ye, give. Zhou Cheng handed over a red rope after Zhao Zheng dismounted.

Ordinary people marry relatives one by one, and the groom can directly hold hands and bring them into the house.

But Zhao Zheng married four at a time, and naturally needed the red rope as a guide.

Although Sheng Minglan and they are not ordinary people, a red hood cannot block their sight, but rules are rules and cannot be changed.


Zhao Zheng held a red rope and greeted Liu Xue first, then Han Linger, then Sheng Minglan and finally Lu Xiaoyu.

After the four women held the red rope together, Zhou Cheng opened the way in front and led Zhao Zheng and them into the royal mansion.


Entering the palace, Zhao Zheng took the four daughters to the main hall to worship.

Zhao Tiancheng and Yang Xiuyi had long been waiting for Zhao Zheng in the main hall.


"Heaven and earth. "

"Erbai Gaotang. "

"Husband and wife worship. "

With the end of the etiquette handed down from ancient times, Liu Xue and her family were sent back to the house by their respective maids, while Zhao Zheng stayed behind to drink with Zhao Tianming and their guests.


"Zhao Shao, this is the last time I call you that, and I will be called Wang Ye in the future, you can take care of my sister in the future." While drinking, Lu Zihao pulled Zhao Zheng to toast.

"Don't worry, I will. Zhao Zheng nodded with a smile, and then had a drink with Lu Zihao.

Zhao Zheng then went to toast Liu Xue's parents.

Finally, Zhao Zheng toasted all the guests who came to attend his wedding.

Zhao Zheng accompanied the guests until about seven o'clock in the evening, and then left from the banquet.

Today is his big day, and he's going to get married.

Ordinary people have the custom of making a hole in a cave house, but Zhao Zheng's identity, who dares to make trouble? Even Lu Zihao, who has the best relationship with Zhao Zheng, does not dare to be half distracted.

So Zhao Zheng's cave room spent candlelight night, it was safe and secure.


Ordinary people's cave candle nights are only one day, only once.

Zhao Zheng had four days and four times.

On the first day, Zhao Zheng and Liu Xue Cave Flower Candle Night, on the second day, Zhao Zheng and Han Linger Cave Flower Candle, on the third day and Sheng Minglan, on the fourth day and Lu Xiaoyu.

Four days later, Licheng and Zhao Zheng officially canonized Liu Xue as Princess Zheng, Han Linger, Sheng Minglan and Lu Xiaoyu as Princess Fang.

PS: The fifth more, this chapter is very entangled, according to my previous nature, I must write more cave room plots, but now this market, and Sheng Minglan they can't cave room together, but also divided into four days to write, so the cave room content forget it, one stroke over, one stroke over, everyone understands, haha.

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