"Ancestor, with your strength, how can you not stop this rebel. Zhu Chen looked at Zhu Youzhen with a shocked face.

"He's also half-step out of the realm. Zhu Youzhen said lightly.

"How is it possible, how can this evil son get out of the rebirth realm in half a step..." Zhu Chen heard Zhu Youzhen's words, and looked at Zhu Xuan with a shocked face.

Zhu Youzhen ignored Zhu Chen and continued to look at Zhu Xuan: "How did you think about it? Call me an ancestor, and I will give you a satisfactory answer." "

"Xuan'er, don't you just want Yunyun to be crowned queen, I listen to you, I will immediately abolish the queen and posthumously crown your mother empress. Zhu Chen also reacted at this time, looking at Zhu Xuan and hurriedly said.

A supreme master who has half-step out of the rebirth realm, and he an emperor with little ability, who the royal family will choose, fools can see that as long as Zhu Xuan is willing to return to the royal family, I am afraid that without Zhu Youzhen, the old ancestor, opening his mouth, the sect family will drive him from the throne.

"You don't deserve to call my mother that, my mother has loved her all her life and waited for you all her life, but do you have any feelings for her?

"You first say how you want to do it, if I am satisfied, I will be willing to call you an ancestor, if I am not satisfied, I will still choose my approach, you absolutely can't stop me, if you don't believe you can try." After Zhu Xuan finished speaking to Zhu Chen, he immediately looked at Zhu Youzhen.

"Zhu Xuan, do you want to be the emperor?" said Zhu Youzhen with a smile when he heard Zhu Xuan's words.

"What did you say?" Zhu Xuan's eyes fixed on Zhu Youzhen.

"Old ancestor..." Zhu Chen shouted at this time, but before he could say it, he was too frightened by Zhu Youzhen's eyes to speak.

As long as you become the emperor, why do you want to posthumously honor your mother, after you become the emperor, Zhu Chen naturally wants to abdicate, Zhu Chen has been the emperor for so many years, and suddenly loses his rights, isn't this more uncomfortable than you killing him?"

"I become an emperor, I am even a third-rate university, how can I be a good emperor?" Zhu Xuan looked at Zhu Youzhen and shook his head.

"Emperor Daming starts from me, there is Wen and Wu, Emperor Wen is like Zhu Chen, has the ability to govern the country, Wu is like me, as long as you have absolute strength, you have absolute strength, no one dares to deceive you, you can boldly hand over the imperial government to the minister to do, once you find that someone is deceiving and concealing, you can completely raid the family and destroy the family, and deter the ministers." "

"You have the strength of the half-step rebirth realm, countless times better than me back then, why can't you be an emperor?" said Zhu Youzhen as he looked at Zhu Xuan.

Zhu Xuan fell silent when he heard Zhu Youzhen's words.

"How is he going to abdicate?" a few minutes later, Zhu Xuan pointed at Zhu Chen and spoke.

"Lack of ability, pass the position with you. Zhu Youzhen said.

"Although you are the ancestor of Daming, but the imperial throne, do you really work to speak?" said Zhu Xuan as he looked at Zhu Youzhen.

"Don't you know the status of the half-step rebirth realm?" said Zhu Youzhen as he looked at Zhu Xuan and smiled.

"I don't know, my strength is cultivated by a strange encounter, I don't know the status of the warrior, even before, I didn't know the existence of the warrior, I only know that the half-step rebirth realm is the highest realm today, and I don't know the rest." Zhu Xuan shook his head.

"In this world, the half-step rebirth realm is like a god, with such strength, you can create a new Daming, what do you mean by that?"

"Are there very few cultivators in the half-step Rebirth Realm?" said Zhu Xuan curiously.

"There is only one person in this world besides you and me. Zhu Youzhen said.

"It seems that I still underestimated my strength. Zhu Xuan said.

"Warrior things, I will tell you later, you tell me now, this emperor you should not be, as long as you nod, in the future you will be the Daming's ninety-five emperor, and even you will become the emperor with the greatest power in Daming except me, other emperors, all have sect restrictions, and you don't, because you have the power to get out of the rebirth realm in half a step, the sect can't restrain you, I won't restrain you, I will fully support you." Zhu Youzhen looked at Zhu Xuan and said solemnly.

"Zhu Xuan has seen the ancestors. Zhu Xuan did not say whether he agreed or disagreed, but looked at Zhu Youzhen and saluted.

Seeing Zhu Xuan's gift, Zhu Youzhen didn't understand what Zhu Xuan meant.

"Good, good, good. Zhu Youzhen laughed.

"Zhu Chen, you immediately go and write the edict of the throne. Zhu Youzhen looked at Zhu Chen, who looked like a dead gray on the side.

"Ancestor, I..." Zhu Chen's face showed reluctance.

Do you dare not even listen to me?" said Zhu Youzhen's face with anger.

"My great-grandson did not dare, so I immediately went to write the edict of inheritance. Zhu Chen said quickly.

"Ancestor, I want him to taste the suffering of my mother before, I want him to become the most ordinary person, who can only do the hardest and most tiring work. Zhu Xuan looked at Zhu Chen, who wrote the edict of the throne, and looked at Zhu Youzhen.

"Xuan'er, in the future, you will call yourself Xuan, you will be the emperor in the future, you can do whatever you want. Zhu Youzhen nodded with a smile.

"I don't allow anyone from the royal family to give him assistance, if there is, ancestor, don't blame me for being ruthless." Zhu Xuan looked at Zhu Youzhen and said.

"You are the emperor, and after you give your will, there are people who dare to disobey the yin, and you can naturally exercise your emperor's rights. Zhu Youjian nodded.

Zhu Chen, who was writing the edict of the throne, heard Zhu Xuan's words, and his hand holding the pen was a little unstable, but in the end, Zhu Chen still wrote the edict.

Zhu Xuan hated him, he was Zhu Xuan's biological father, and sooner or later he would be able to regain his wealth.



At nine o'clock the next morning, Zhao Zheng, who was playing with Liu Xue, suddenly received a call from Yang Xuan.

"Zheng'er, something has happened. Yang Xuan said a little anxiously on the phone.

"Grandpa, don't worry, what's the matter?" said Zhao Zheng with a smile.

"Emperor Zhu Chen of the Ming Dynasty passed the throne to a man named Zhu Xuan this morning, and now Zhu Xuan has officially become the emperor of the Daming Dynasty, Zheng'er, do you know what Zhu Xuan's year name is?" Yang Xuan's tone was full of solemnity.

"What?" Zhao Zheng narrowed his eyes when he heard Zhu Xuan's words.

"Emperor Mingwu. Yang Xuan said in a deep voice.

"Emperor Wu? Zhao Zheng sneered.

"Ling Lao, he also watched the press conference of the throne ceremony, Ling Lao said that this Zhu Xuan is no longer a grandmaster, he has reached the half-step rebirth realm, and it is definitely not a simple half-step rebirth realm, Zheng'er, now the royal family also has two half-step rebirth realms, I'm afraid that your throne will be unstable, don't say so much, Zheng'er, you hurry back to discuss countermeasures, don't be outside first." Yang Xuan said.

"Okay, I'll take Cher and them back today. Zhao Zheng nodded, and then hung up the phone.

PS: Third more.

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