"Old ancestor, it is better to choose the day than to hit the sun, it is better to kill Zhao Zheng and Ling Donglai now, and then declare that Zhao Zheng conspired to rebel and was killed by our royal thunder. Zhu Xuan looked at Zhu Youzhen and said.

"I'm fine here, but aren't you in a hurry to move your mother to the imperial tomb?" said Zhu Youzhen as he looked at Zhu Xuan and smiled.

"Then wait a few more days, in these days, I will canonize my mother as the empress dowager, move to the imperial mausoleum, and then go to the chaos with grandfather to kill Ling Donglai and Zhao Zheng, anyway, it is not bad for these few days." Zhu Xuan said with a smile when he heard Zhu Youzhen's words.

"Good. Zhu Youjian nodded.

"Then ancestor, I will leave first to deal with my mother's affairs. Zhu Xuan said.

"Go ahead. Zhu Youzhen waved his hand.

Soon, Zhu Xuan left Zhu Youzhen's palace, and after Zhu Xuan left, Zhu Youzhen looked in the direction of Tianhai City and showed a smile: "Ling Donglai, you will never think that my fate will return tomorrow, hundreds of years ago I came out of Zhu Youzhen, hundreds of years later, there was another Zhu Xuan, right? "



At about two o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, Zhao Zheng took Liu Xue and them back to King Zhao's mansion.

Yang Xuan, Zhao Tianming, Yang Xiuyi, and Yang Bo, Yang Yi were all waiting for Zhao Zheng in King Zhao's mansion at the moment.

As soon as Zhao Zheng returned, he was hurriedly shouted by them.


"Zheng'er, the eyes of the Zhu family do not tolerate a threat to their existence, the founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang is so, and the future emperors are also like this, when they are not capable, as long as you do not rebel, they can endure, but as long as they have the ability, it will definitely not endure, I am afraid that it will not be long before this Emperor Mingwu will deal with Ling Lao and you together with the Chongzhen Emperor." Yang Xuan immediately spoke after Zhao Zheng came over.

"Grandpa, isn't this the best? There is no need to find an excuse for rebellion, it is directly that we are not willing to be killed by them, and we have no choice but to resist before rebelling. Zhao Zheng looked at Yang Xuan and said with a smile.

"Zheng'er, Elder Ling said that this Emperor Mingwu is not simple, don't you take it lightly?" Yang Xuan looked at Zhao Zheng's indifferent appearance and said seriously.

"Don't worry, I never fight uncertain battles, grandpa, how many of our troops do we have now?" asked Zhao Zheng, looking at Yang Xuan.

"There are 80,000 people who have already taken the True Yuan Refining Body Pill to reach the Grandmaster, and the others have not passed the loyalty test, so they have not been allowed to take the True Yuan Refining Body Pill for the time being. Yang Xuan said.

"The army composed of 80,000 grandmasters is enough for the time being, the rest of the True Yuan Refining Body Pill will not be directly distributed, distribute it with military merit, order it down, prepare for an incident, and when the time comes, the army that rebels with us will exchange military merit for True Yuan Refining Body Pill." Zhao Zheng looked at Yang Xuan and said.

"Zheng'er, do you mean we are preparing for trouble now?" asked Yang Xuan looking at Zhao Zheng.

"Zhu Youzhen and Zhu Xuan are coming to kill us, why are you waiting for something?" said Zhao Zheng with a smile.

"Zheng'er, there is no problem in the army, although the number is not much, but the quality is high, comparable to a million-strong army, there is no problem, the main thing is that you and Ling Lao, can you deal with Emperor Chongzhen and Emperor Mingwu? "

"Because Emperor Chongzhen and Emperor Mingwu are undefeated, it's hard for them to believe that we can win. Yang Xuan looked at Zhao Zheng and said in a deep voice.

"As long as they dare to come, they will stay forever." Zhao Zheng looked at Yang Xuan and said confidently.

"Wang Ye, when the time comes, you deal with Emperor Chongzhen, I will deal with that mysterious Emperor Mingwu, although Emperor Mingwu can't see through the real strength, but the old immortal is confident that he can still deal with it, the old immortal has recently felt something, although the realm has not broken through, but the strength has gone further, presumably there is no problem in dealing with Emperor Mingwu." Ling Donglai looked at Zhao Zheng at this time and spoke.

"Elder Ling, when the time comes, you can deal with Emperor Chongzhen, and this Emperor Mingwu will be handed over to me. Zhao Zheng looked at Ling Donglai and said with a smile.

For Ling Donglai to be able to break through, Zhao Zheng was not the slightest surprise, because Ling Donglai's qualifications were originally the figures of the ceiling of the martial arts world, if it were not for the world level restrictions, Ling Donglai would have already entered the rebirth realm, such as today's cancellation of the power limit of the rebirth realm level, Ling Donglai's qualifications are naturally the power to easily reach the rebirth realm.

But it is not enough to reach the power of the rebirth realm, Zhu Xuan has the external hanging of Tongtian jade in his hand, making it impossible for Donglai to win over Zhu Xuan's who opened the hanging.

"Wang Ye. When Ling Donglai heard Zhao Zheng's words, his eyes froze.

But just as he wanted to speak, he was interrupted by Zhao Zheng.

"Elder Ling, you can break through, can't I break through, you are not short to follow me, do you think I will do something unsure?" said Zhao Zheng with a smile as he looked at Ling Donglai.

"After that old immortal killed Emperor Chongzhen, he went to help Wang Ye. Ling Donglai heard Zhao Zheng's words and said in a deep voice.

"Maybe I can solve Emperor Mingwu faster than you. Zhao Zheng said with a smile.


"Zheng'er, you and Ling Lao have confidence in surpassing Emperor Chongzhen and Emperor Mingwu, I will immediately order to go down and prepare for trouble. Yang Xuan heard the conversation between Zhao Zheng and Ling Donglai on the side, and his heart was also much relieved.

"Hmm. Zhao Zheng nodded.


Time passed quickly, and five days passed in the blink of an eye.

On the fifth day, Zhao Zheng's Gluttonous Heaven Devouring Technique improved again and reached the peak of the first layer.

The first layer of the peak of the gluttonous heaven-swallowing technique, Zhao Zheng said something inflated, Zhu Xuan's level, he casually killed a lot of it.

If the Dan Yuan realm does not come out, he is invincible, the first layer of the peak gluttonous heaven swallowing technique is too unsolvable, as long as it does not reach the Dan Yuan realm, it is impossible to resist the heaven-swallowing power of the gluttonous law phase, and it will be directly sucked into the mouth of the gluttonous law phase, and then refined into pure energy to increase the power of the gluttonous law phase.

Even if there are some changes in the future because of his appearance, but no matter how big the changes are, Zhu Xuan's strength cannot reach the Dan Yuan Realm, it is not bad to be comparable to the peak of the Birth Realm, the strongest strength that Zhu Xuan has theoretically reached, he can kill in seconds, can Zhao Zheng not swell?

Zhao Zheng is a little impatient now, he now really wants to see the sense of despair generated by Zhu Xuan's instant killing when Zhu Xuan is very pretending, which must provide a lot of luck.

PS: Fifth more.

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