"Are you so confident that you can kill me?" Zhao Zheng looked at Zhu Xuan and asked with a smile.

"If you really have invincible strength, you won't think about hiding strength, since you hide your strength, it means that your strength has a limit, you have a limit, and I don't, you are definitely not my opponent." Zhu Xuan said confidently.

"I haven't fought yet, how do you know that I'm not your opponent?" said Zhao Zheng lightly.

"It seems that you are unwilling to surrender, but since you toast and do not eat and punish wine, then I have to kill you and remove a scourge for Daming." Zhu Xuan looked at Zhao Zheng and said coldly.

"Just because you also want to kill me Zhao Zheng, it's still far away. Zhao Zheng looked at Zhu Xuan and sneered.

Then let me see how capable you really are. Zhu Xuan looked at Zhao Zheng and snorted coldly, and then directly urged Tongtian Jade to improve his strength.

In the end, Zhu Xuan's strength was directly raised to the peak of the middle stage of the Rebirth Realm.

This is the highest power of the regular promotion of Tongtian Jade, no matter how high it is, it will cost a lot, Zhu Xuan feels that there is no need for that, in the middle of the Rebirth Realm, he is enough to erase Zhao Zheng.

"It's a good improvement. Zhao Zheng said with a smile after watching Zhu Xuan improve his strength.

"Death is imminent, and you dare to speak hard. When Zhu Xuan heard Zhao Zheng's words, he let out a cold snort.

"Great Yanzhen Thunder Technique. "

I saw Zhu Xuan shouting, and a bucket-thick thunder light was condensed by him.

"Go. "

Zhu Xuan gently pushed, and the thunder light instantly galloped towards Zhao Zheng.

"Insect tricks, vulnerable. "

Zhao Zheng watched the thunder pillar attack, and his face showed disdain.

"Boom. "

Zhao Zheng slammed into the void with a punch.

"Click, click, click. "

A terrifying scene appeared, and I saw that the space around Zhao Zheng's body was actually directly torn apart at this moment.

An incomparably terrifying shaking force continued to gush out from Zhao Zheng's body.

"Scatter me. "

Zhao Zheng shouted, and the thunder that flew towards him was instantly crushed by an incomparably terrifying force.

The moment the thunder pillar was crushed, an even more terrifying shock force rushed towards Zhu Xuan.


"Xuantian Golden Light. "

Seeing the concussive power surging towards him, Zhu Xuan shouted, and a hundred golden rays appeared around him.

The golden light directly forms an object that resembles a protective shield.

"Boom. "

The shock force bombarded the golden light with an extremely violent sound, and the golden light was also constantly shaking, as if it would be shattered at any time.

After a few minutes, the golden light finally couldn't support it and shattered directly.

After shattering, the power of concussion also disappears.

"Is that what you're capable of? Zhao Zheng looked at Zhu Xuan and sneered.

Since the restriction of heaven and earth on the power of the Escape Realm level was lifted, the power of the system version of the Shock Fruit in Zhao Zheng's body was also directly released.

Zhao Zheng now does not rely on the Gluttonous Heaven Devouring Technique, relying on the system version of the Shock Fruit can exert a power comparable to the late stage of the ordinary Rebirth Realm, and Zhu Xuan wants to deal with him with the power of the middle stage of the Rebirth Realm, which is simply impossible.

"Zhao Zheng, it seems that I underestimated you, I didn't expect you to have such terrifying power, but you may also underestimate me, do you think I only have so much ability?" When Zhu Xuan heard Zhao Zheng's words, the surprise in his eyes turned into anger.

The next moment, Zhu Xuan urged the Tongtian Jade in his body with all his strength, and his strength improved again in an instant, directly reaching the late stage of the Rebirth Realm, and did not stop until the peak of the late Rebirth Realm.

Seeing this scene, the smile on his face was even worse.

Why didn't he directly use the Gluttonous Heaven Devouring Technique to kill Zhu Xuan in seconds, it was just to wait for Zhu Xuan to use Tongtian Jade to raise his strength to the late stage of the Rebirth Realm.

Tongtian jade is a rare treasure born in heaven and earth, and it is born with two kinds of magical powers.

A kind of trick, a kind of strength.

These two cannot be used at the same time, using the former, the latter will be temporarily unavailable, and using the latter, the former cannot be used.

The gluttonous magic phase of the Gluttonous Heaven Swallowing Technique can indeed kill the peak of the Escape Realm in seconds, but it is just the peak of the Escape Realm without any powerful magic weapons, and the Tongtian Jade is a real treasure of heaven and earth, and its escape technique can take Zhu Xuan to escape and leave.

Zhu Xuan is not a fool, once he sees that the gluttonous law is invincible, he will definitely run away.

Therefore, Zhao Zheng deliberately only used his own strength, that is, to lead Zhu Xuan to use Tongtian Jade to enhance his power, once used, Tongtian Jade's escape technique could not be used for a short time, then Zhu Xuan could only wait for death.


"Zhao Zheng, look at my strength at the moment, can I kill you, but now it is useless for you to beg for mercy, you will die today." After his strength was elevated to the peak of the late stage of the Rebirth Realm, Zhu Xuan looked at Zhao Zhengdao with incomparable inflatedness.

After speaking, Zhu Xuan released all his breath, and the void assassins around Zhu Xuan were constantly shaking, as if they couldn't withstand Zhu Xuan's breath.

The first Aura Revival Heaven and Earth barrier is very fragile, and it can easily break through space when it reaches the late stage of the Rebirth Realm, and if you have special abilities, you can break the space in the middle of the Rebirth Realm, and the system version of the Shock Fruit in Zhao Zheng's body is like this.


"Yes, now I can see something. Zhao Zheng looked at Zhu Xuan and said with a smile.

"Not bad, Zhao Zheng, my current strength, I can kill you with one move, although your strength just now is terrifying, but it has not reached the level of the late stage of the Escape Realm, I now have the power of the peak of the late Birth Realm, even if it is the peak of the ordinary Birth Realm, I am not afraid, what are you fighting with me?" Zhu Xuan laughed when he heard Zhao Zheng's words.

"You are not afraid of ordinary Birth Escape Realm peaks, what about the real Birth Escape Realm peaks? To be precise, are you afraid of the power that can kill the peak of the Birth Escape Realm in seconds?" Zhao Zheng looked at Zhu Xuan and showed a sneer.

After speaking, Zhao Zheng immediately urged the Gluttonous Heaven Devouring Technique.

"Gluttonous law, out. "

Zhao Zheng shouted, and a terrifying shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

The phantom solidified in an instant, turning into an incomparably terrifying ferocious beast, which was gluttony.

After the gluttony appeared, his body exuded endless ferocity.

If Zhu Xuan's breath made the surrounding space shake, then the breath of the gluttonous law phase directly shattered the surrounding space, and the space around the gluttonous law phase was like glass, shattered.


"This is the Dharma phase? Are you the Dharma realm? Impossible, impossible. Zhu Xuan shouted with horror on his face when he saw the gluttonous law that exuded infinite ferocity.

PS: Second more.

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