City: Ocean Mining Ship

Chapter 13: Cabbage Price: 5000 Acres Of Land Acquired [Fifth Update]

Come and go in a hurry!

From the beginning to the end, Deputy Director Xu did not ask Zhang Heng about the origin of this batch of gold. It was a bit confusing for him. He had prepared a lot of words, but it all rotted in his stomach.

But I don’t know, whether it was intentional or unintentional, he created a very mysterious look, like a fog, full of secrets all over his body.

In fact, since the first batch of 350 tons of carbon steel with a carbon content of up to 9.1% that he sold to China Shipbuilding Group, his background has been thoroughly investigated by relevant departments. After the investigation, the conclusion was that his family was ordinary and his grades were genius.

These are all true!

When I was in college, I studied metallurgical engineering, which is a branch of materials science.

I am also studious. While learning my major well, I also studied other majors by myself, such as mechanical design, software engineering, etc.

When I was in school, I also participated in many projects hosted by Professor Tang because of his love for me.

If he hadn't encountered an unexpected accident at home when he graduated, he might have been studying for a master's and doctoral degree and stayed in the laboratory to do various experiments.

In addition, the relevant departments also found out that there is a second grandfather who is two generations away in South America. He runs a mineral resources company. According to the information, this old man named Zhang Chi.

Whether in South America or Africa, he has a lot of mining rights.

In this way, the relevant departments have reason to suspect that Zhang Heng's things come from his second grandfather.

However, suspicion is suspicion, and it has not been confirmed.

In other words, Zhang Heng doesn't know these. If he knew, he wouldn't know whether to cry or laugh. His family has contact with his second grandfather Zhang Chi, who is his grandfather's brother, but not frequently.

One letter a year and one phone call in three years are good.

Five years ago, he was admitted to university and was invited by his second grandfather to go to South America to play for a few days.

With a wealthy relative, their family should be well-off, but who can tell the world's things?

But then again, Zhang Heng had already guessed that these things would be found out. He thought it was good to find out. They were real and fake, ordinary and extraordinary, ordinary and a little mysterious, and could cover up a lot of suspicious things.

Zhangjia Village Committee!

"Mr. Zhang, on behalf of the city, I welcome you to invest in your hometown!"

Deputy Liu was much more serious. While expressing his welcome again, he also wanted to implement the investment as soon as possible: "We have studied the issue of 5,000 acres of land."

"After investigation, from your Zhangjia Village to the seaside, there are 2,700 acres of wasteland belonging to your village. With this side as the center, it will expand to both sides to reach 5,000 acres. It is necessary to expropriate the land of two other villages."

"There is no problem with these. They are all wasteland and fine sand. They are either abandoned or planted with trees. There is no problem with expropriation."

"Led by the city, hosted by the county, and assisted by various agencies, 5,000 acres of land can be cleared in three months."

Deputy Liu did a lot of preliminary work and said a lot in one breath, showing full sincerity.

"Thank you!"

Zhang Heng expressed his gratitude sincerely and asked a substantive question: "About the price?"

"We are poor here, not as good as big cities. In order to attract investment, we have issued many documents to support enterprises. Regarding the expropriation of industrial land, it is 50,000 to 75,000 per mu."

Deputy Liu laid the groundwork and finally said: "After research, we can give a price of 50,000 per mu, because part of the land here belongs to the village committees of three villages, so... 5,000 mu, only need to pay 200 million!"

Discounted one-fifth at once!

Show sincerity again.


Zhang Heng was not dissatisfied. To be honest, this was already a bargain price. It would be a bit too much to bargain again: "The wharf in our village..."

"The wharf is within the scope of land expropriation!" Deputy Liu said immediately.

"Thank you for the support of the city."

Zhang Heng smiled again, more satisfied, but he would still raise some requests: "I have a few requests here, and I also hope that the city and agencies at all levels can agree."

"You say..."


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