City: Ocean Mining Ship

Chapter 18 Authorization For Automatic Mining Task Instructions [Update 2]

910 tons of carbon steel can be mined and refined at one time, which is worth 11.83 million!

Two voyages a day means 23.66 million!

Under the temptation of huge wealth, what does it matter if you are a little tired?

In addition, staying in the captain's cabin, the environment and ecology are also very good, but it is a bit boring. But when you think about 23.66 million a day, all the boredom can be put aside.

The biggest disease in the world is poverty!

Go to bed early and get up early.

Get up when it is still light, cook some breakfast to fill your stomach, and then set off to the seaside, and then go sailing.

It is still the original route, repeating the mining and processing and refining, and then returning.


A palm print on his forehead, Zhang Heng can't say that he didn't use force, and he almost jumped up in pain: "Damn... I cried because of my stupidity!"

It is stupid!

There is Smart No. 1 on the mining ship!

Its intelligence level is not comparable to the current intelligence level of the earth for decades.

With such intelligence, he doesn't need to drive it at all. It seems that he has never driven it. He just plays the role of accompanying the ship on the voyage. If it is a fixed mining task, he only needs to authorize Smart No. 1, and there will be no problem at all.

"Smart No. 1, now I officially authorize you to perform the mining and processing and refining tasks!"

Zhang Heng authorized it solemnly.

"Accept the authorization, generate the captain's first-level instructions, generate the task, and calculate the route. Please confirm again, captain!"

Smart No. 1 is much more formal, which shows how solemn the authorization of such a task is.

Or it is because of the lowest level code of the intelligent program.

Alien technological civilization is also afraid of the conflict between humans and artificial intelligence, so the intelligent program is not allowed to execute instructions beyond a certain range without formal authorization.


Zhang Heng looked at the virtual screen full of sea charts and mission content, and the time taken for each step was calculated in milliseconds: "Let's go sailing three times a day. If the repair takes a certain amount of time, we can adjust it to two sailings!"

"Okay, Captain!"

"Okay, return and send me back to shore!"

Zhang Heng smiled, but he was careless and should have thought of this earlier. He suddenly asked: "Regarding the chemical reactor used in the power system, can it be manufactured under the current conditions?"

I knew that the mining ship used a chemical reactor as its power system.

And it is not a simple chemical reactor, but a seawater reactor, which decomposes seawater, compresses it into chemical fixation, and then undergoes complex reactions to provide power.

The value of this chemical reactor is very great!

If it can be reproduced and reduced to become a car engine, then can't it be driven by seawater? 100% environmental protection and saving money, zero emissions and zero saving are not a problem.

There are also aircraft engines. Adding seawater may not be suitable due to weight, but chemical solids can be added. They are many times lighter than fuel and have incredible power.

Finally, and the most valuable part, using chemical reactors to generate electricity is not only economical, but also has a large amount of power and can generate more economic benefits, just like decomposing seawater to produce pure water.

Pure water can also be sold for money, right? If there is such a reactor, let alone other places, the rich countries in the Middle East will definitely rush to build it.

"Captain, this is very difficult. Unless this mining ship is repaired to more than 90% and the processing cabin is repaired to 100%, many special materials can be extracted."

In the huge database of Intelligent No. 1, there is information about the power system: "Even so, there are some materials that need to be synthesized artificially, which will be very difficult."


Zhang Heng nodded. If it were easy, he would be suspicious. It is normal to have difficulties: "Intelligent No. 1, you know what we humans, no, it should be said that carbon-based life, are least afraid of?"

Without waiting for an answer, he said directly: "The least feared is difficulties. If there are difficulties, challenge them, overcome them, and conquer them, and finally succeed. In the future, when the industrial plant is built, I will set up a special materials research center for materials science research."

Material Research Center!

It was already within his plan.

It was also built for himself. What he learned in five years of college, he would not easily give up, and he continued to learn and improve. In this process, the knowledge absorbed will always belong to him.

This probably confirms the saying: learning never ends.


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