City: Ocean Mining Ship

Chapter 20: The Boy Who Spreads Money [Fourth Update]

There were more than a hundred people in the group!

It took two buses to seat them, and they were well prepared.

This is it!

"..." Zhang Heng was confused.

"Mr. Zhang, look... This is the land acquisition map we got from the city. Although it is not the final version, Deputy Mayor Liu has told us that it is roughly like this."

Sun Jianli smiled and pointed on the big map with expectation: "This location is an abandoned small wharf. This piece to this piece is all within the scope of land acquisition."

"You said you want to build a finished oil warehouse... I feel that it is most appropriate to build it on the left side of the wharf. When the time comes, you only need to connect the oil pipeline to transport oil from the sea to the oil tank."

"This is the right side of the wharf. The large warehouse you mentioned is most suitable to be built here. It is closer to the wharf. When the time comes, The cargo ship docks at the berth, unloads the ship and transports it to the warehouse. Only one road needs to be built in the middle, which is very convenient. "

"Our Hengyuan Mining Group is engaged in the finished oil business, and this natural gas business should also be there."

"We can completely extend the left side of the finished oil warehouse and build a natural gas storage warehouse. Don't worry, our China Construction Group has experience in this area. The Sinopec Group built a natural gas storage warehouse of hundreds of millions of cubic meters a few years ago, which was undertaken by our China Construction Group."

"We have experience in this area!"

Sun Jianli's enthusiasm was so hot that it can be seen that his eloquence is also one of the best.

"That... Mr. Sun, we are the boss of China Construction Group after all, okay?" Zhang Heng had no room to play, and he really didn't know whether to cry or laugh at this moment.

"Boss Zhang, brother Zhang, you don't know, I look like the CEO of China Construction Group, a big CEO of a state-owned enterprise with a good reputation, but it's just a good name."

Sun Jianli cried and said, he looked so miserable: "But even if I am a CEO, there are thousands of mouths waiting for me to feed."

"If it's the headquarters, it's okay. There are also some CEOs of branches in developed cities, and they have nothing to say. They live a comfortable life. What about our Chaojie City Branch?"

"It's hard, you don't know, especially now that many private construction companies have developed and compete with us. As a CEO, I have spent a lot of effort. After so many years, I can barely keep it."

"Otherwise, this branch would have been disbanded long ago!"

Sun Jianli was half true and half false, not half, it should be said that 80% is true and 20% is false.


Zhang Heng couldn't stand this look. He was really the CEO of a large state-owned enterprise. Even if it was a municipal branch, he was still the CEO: "The natural gas storage warehouse is indeed to be built, but... it is not included in the first phase of the project."

"Is there any problem with the funds?" Sun Jianli asked with an embarrassed look.

"Yes, there is such a problem!" Zhang Heng did not lie and replied truthfully.

"We can help you advance the money, no problem."

"Let's do the first phase of the project as I said."

Zhang Heng remained sober. It looked good, but once he agreed, he would lose the initiative. He added: "I am confident in the quality of your China Construction Group in engineering, but there are always unexpected things."

"If there is no problem with the first phase of the project, I will definitely find you when I build the second phase. You can rest assured about this."

"Well... your team is complete this time, and it just happens. This is the general plan of my entire industrial plant. It is not drawn professionally, so I entrust you to help me plan and refine it."

"Don't worry, it's still the same price."

"And for the first phase of the project, you design it according to my general plan, and then give me a quote together. What do you think?"

Zhang Heng had seen everything. There were hundreds of people coming, and they had already dispersed to survey the map, including the survey of the deep-water port terminal.

"Three days, just three days, we can produce the first rough version of the drawing!"

Sun Jianli is eager to win this project and the subsequent projects. He said that he could advance the money just now for this purpose. Now that this road is not feasible, he can only use speed to gain an advantage: "If you are not satisfied at that time, we will modify it."


Zhang Heng had nothing to be dissatisfied with and agreed directly.

At this moment, he has slowly come to his senses. Because of this industrial plant, the scale is huge and all industries are waiting to be developed.

The role is automatically transformed into a money-making boy of major construction companies.

Who would not want to jump on it and share a piece of the pie now if they are well-informed?

As the general manager of China Construction Group, Sun Jianli's enthusiasm and humbleness can be explained.


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