City: Ocean Mining Ship

Chapter 70: Funny Fatty [Sixth Update]

I had an idea about metallic glass early on.

Otherwise, Zhang Heng would not have prepared his papers, and he would prepare not one but two papers.

So, after a few days of busy work with the two seniors, Professor Tang would come to care from time to time. The speed was amazing, and a high-end Chinese paper and an English paper were freshly released.

After reading the two papers, Professor Tang said that there was no problem, and he signed as the corresponding author and submitted the papers under his name.

It is worth mentioning that.

After Professor Tang's efforts, his master's and doctoral studies were also signed and approved by the school.

Unless there are major accidents in this regard, there will be no problems. After all, Professor Tang has a quota, and this quota is not given by the school, but from the superior department, that is, it is affiliated with the school, and the school's approval is required.

Under normal circumstances, the school will not block this, and it depends on the will of the tutor.

Master's and doctoral studies, and then metallic glass.

It has come to an end for the time being.

The school's 20th anniversary celebration arrived as scheduled.

The scene was grand, with students in school, as well as graduated seniors, and finally outstanding alumni and relevant leaders and superiors.

But these are not the protagonists.

The protagonists are the highly prestigious professors in the school and those honorary professors.

Don't underestimate the honorary professors, they are the truly influential people.

Those who can be hired as honorary professors of Central South University are people who have made great achievements in the fields of metallurgy and materials, and those who have made achievements in this area are all academicians without exception.

Among them, two are academicians of the two academies.

From this lineup, we can already see the strength of the school, and what is lacking is time precipitation.

"You kid, you can't find me after graduation, and your phone number has changed, as if you disappeared!"


Zhang Heng laughed and scolded, not daring to be too loud. The leader on the stage was speaking. He shrugged and whispered, "I can't help it. I'm back home. I can't keep using the number in Xiangnan Province. Although the number of the place of origin is not important now, it feels a bit weird."

"That's right. You're a big boss now. If the place of origin of the big boss's phone number is questionable, the customer may think you're a liar."

Li Ke teased, but he was really not polite at all: "Rumor, Daotu heard it, made a fortune, so what? After all, we have lived together for five years, so don't you support it and treat it as poverty alleviation."

"You said it was Daotu's hearsay, rumors are not credible, don't you know?"

Zhang Heng retorted, as if he was hiding from her: "Fatty, you are a double first-class university graduate, but you have wasted your Chinese lessons for more than ten years? You gave them all back to the teacher? That's a wrong word."

"Poverty alleviation? Poverty alleviation for your poverty? If you want poverty alleviation, you should help the poverty of the young lady. Living together, living together, I'm not gay." Zhang Heng looked sultry.

"Hengzi, you have changed, you have become bad!" Li Ke looked distressed and heartbroken.

"Get lost!"

Zhang Heng started to curse. In terms of being coquettish, this fat guy ranked first in the dormitory: "Don't think I don't know. You often climbed over the wall and sneaked out in the middle of the night."

"You are here to exchange experiences with seniors and juniors, okay?"

"With your weight, fat, and fat all over your body, which senior or junior is willing to exchange experiences with you?"

Zhang Heng's eyes were full of contempt, and finally he added: "Only poor girls are willing to accept your poverty alleviation."

"Can we still have a pleasant chat?"

"Then let's not chat, it's killing the chat."

"..." Li Ke wanted to hit someone and gritted his teeth in anger. Maybe it was because he was fat and broad-minded, so he quickly threw it aside and changed the subject: "The third and the eldest will come in the evening. When they come, we will have a good meal in dormitory 603."

"It's been a while since we last saw each other."

Zhang Heng agreed very much. After five years of getting along, they had a deep relationship. There were no such messy things in their dormitory: "They are all busy, why are you not busy and can come to participate?"

"Can't I ask for leave?" Li Ke felt wronged.

"Under normal circumstances, only people who do odd jobs can ask for leave."

Zhang Heng was really ruthless in attacking people, and his face was like this: "They are all confidential units. Look at the eldest and the third, they are so busy that they can't even attend the school celebration, and you? You came here early in the morning, which fully explains the problem."

"Damn... Look at my temper!"

"The leader is watching from above?"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you."

The result of the quarrel was that Zhang Heng won the overall victory.

Graduates from Central South University are still very popular. Those with good grades are usually arranged to confidential units when they are strong. As scientific researchers, they can stay if nothing unexpected happens.

And students with average grades are poached by private companies when they graduate, and they all have good places to go.

This is also the advantage of the smelting major. After all, it is a branch of the major of materials science. There is an urgent need for talents in this field in China.

As for why private enterprises do not compete with graduates with good grades, the reason is very simple. They cannot compete with confidential units.

Entering a confidential unit, engaging in scientific research, and being a formal scientific researcher, who would be willing to go to a private enterprise?

Even though the welfare benefits of private enterprises are very good, facing the iron rice bowl, the competitiveness is still a little worse. The most important thing is the platform. The confidential unit has a large platform, countless big men, and it is easier to produce results, while private enterprises do not have this advantage.

If it weren't for the sudden accident at home.

Zhang Heng's original destination was also a scientific researcher in a materials research institute.

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