"? ? From what Tony said, does he really want to wear a mecha and rush into space?"

"He said that satellite, what satellite was it?"

"Seraph Satellite? I'm a little dizzy now. Is the technological level of Blue Planet too awesome in history?"

"Is there any need to say this? The history of Blue Planet during this period of time has completely crushed our current history."

"Good man, you are getting more and more rubbish as you grow older."

"Wearing a mecha and galloping at 40,000 feet in the sky, how cool!"

"What is that thing he drinks? I see he keeps drinking it, vegetable juice?"

"Personal hobby"

"By the way, his mecha is really powerful. It can fly at high altitude. Can it be observed without radar?"

"I don't believe that the military at that time would not pay attention to it."

The audience in the live broadcast room all recognized the super performance of the mecha.

However, some people also raised many doubts.

After all, it is a flying object. In that high-tech era, there must be people in the military who discovered it, right?

The shock on the faces of several people in the expert team became more profound as they saw more performance of the Mark mecha. The military industry leaders were completely silent. Too strong! The performance of the mecha that had never been imagined was presented in history that was not known how many years ago!

"Forty thousand feet! This is the fighter plane area of Blue Star now!"

"This mecha is very powerful!"

"I think we need to vigorously develop artificial intelligence. You have seen the memory segment just now."

"Such a complex mecha structure was completed in just a few seconds."

"And the super interactive ability and computing power can help us solve most of the problems"

"What I want to know now is, has the author of this account of reincarnation awakened any memory ability now?"

The director shook his head slightly

"The specific federal citizen has not been found yet, and there is no response to the private message."

He is now more eager to know than before.

Who is this person!

Historian Huang Lao said in a deep voice:"Just now I listened to you talking, and I wondered if this artificial intelligence Jarvis is beyond the advanced artificial intelligence mentioned before?"

Everyone paused and nodded.

Huang Lao said in a scholarly attitude:"And I saw that this artificial intelligence seems to be able to easily invade other people's networks? Just like a hacker?"

"So, Jarvis, the artificial intelligence, could indeed be the culprit for the historical rupture of the blue planet?"

Humanities and sociologist Feng Xiaotian had an indifferent expression on his face.

"I really want to know, at that time, were individuals allowed to master such cutting-edge power?"

"Aren't the authorities worried that his power is too strong and he will do evil to humans at will?"

Senior biologist Tibetan Fox Xiaoliang said softly:"In the previous memory fragment, Tony said that he wanted to help humans, not use his weapons to hurt humans."

"The reason why he chose not to hand in the mecha was to prevent it from being used by evil people like the previous new weapons."

Humanistic sociologist Feng Xiaotian laughed out loud:"Mr. Zanghu, I think there is no need to whitewash his past life!"

"He and his group are arms manufacturers! Arms dealers! This is an unchangeable fact!"

"There is an old saying on Blue Star: It is easy to change the country but difficult to change one’s nature!"

"Especially the power he has now, although he doesn't have a hanging weapon system, I believe it will not be too bad"

"A person, a person as arrogant and rich as him, suddenly possessed this power"

"I can imagine that he will definitely forget what he said before!"

Seeing that Zanghu Xiaoliang wanted to speak, Feng Xiaotian continued:"Mr. Zanghu, this is human nature."

Zanghu Xiaoliang opened his mouth and finally gave up talking.

The other experts were also silent.

Think about it, if it were you, with this magical technological mecha.

Who can hold back and continue to walk on the right path?

Everyone looked at the past life memories in the live broadcast. They wanted to see what Tony in the past life would choose to do next.

"I just want to trace the truth of history. It doesn't matter what he does."

Old Huang smiled faintly and continued to write down the record.

As for Tony's mecha, after it has weapons, whether it will cause killing.

He doesn't care.

Look at the world with the eyes of God.

Record history with the heart of all things.

This is Old Huang's motto. It is also one of the reasons why he is famous all over the world in history.

The audience in the live broadcast room are still expressing their love for Mark's mecha.

However, the barrage of comments with the same idea as Feng Xiaotian gradually began to increase.

"I feel more and more that this unknown history was ruined by Tony."

"If it is just artificial intelligence, I guess it won't be able to destroy the world."

"Now you have built a suit of steel! And did you notice that Jarvis, the artificial intelligence"

"The iron suit can be automatically assembled directly!"

"Horrifying! If it could directly assemble tens of thousands of mechas to form an army, who could stop it?"

"Can anyone explain to me why he keeps drinking that green vegetable juice?"

"Why are you explaining this? Didn't you see that everyone is discussing whether or not to keep the mecha privately?" In the office of the director of the Federal Tiandao Administration, the director summoned his assistant again.

"Raise the level of the extraordinary archive of Baishi Lunsa to level 5"

"In addition, federal citizens aged 8 years old are being checked worldwide!"

"If you don’t reply to private messages, then we will directly conduct a global investigation!"

"I don't believe that I can't find this person!"

The assistant was stunned again.

Not to mention the Level 5 extraordinary file.

It is two levels higher than the Level 3 extraordinary file!

That is a completely different level!

The director upgraded the information of the Hundred Life Reincarnation to Level 5, which means that in the eyes of the director.

The appearance of this mecha is more valuable?

The assistant was puzzled.

It doesn't seem so exaggerated, right?

"Good Director, but there are tens of billions of citizens in the Federation, and the number of citizens around 8 years old is not a small number."

"I'm afraid that it will take a lot of manpower and material resources, and it won't take too long."

The director frowned and said with some dissatisfaction:"Who asked you to check it out alone? Can't you use your brain?"

"8 years old is old enough to go to school. Today happens to be Monday. Before the weekend holiday, we only need to check those who are not in school."

The assistant blushed and secretly scolded himself for not thinking of such a simple thing.

Suddenly, the huge holographic projection composed of the expert group in front dissipated.

A slowly rotating Möbius ring appeared.

The assistant was shocked and left the office without saying a word.

The director was stunned at first, and then his expression was solemn.

He straightened his clothes and sat upright.

This was an emergency meeting of the Supreme Court initiated by the Supreme Court using the fifth-level authority.

It has not been held for more than ten years!

But it was opened today.

Thinking of the call from Elder Wu not long ago, he had some vague guesses in his mind.

But he didn't expect that when the figures of the three court elders appeared,

Elder Wu Chengen actually spoke directly and indifferently

"From now on, cancel all artificial intelligence research in the world!"

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