"Come on! I knew he would use a particle collider!"

"Xiao Wang! Assemble the equipment quickly!"

"Where's the prism! Where's the damn guy! Tony has already put the prism away!"

"What!? It's already this late, and you're telling me there's a power outage!"

The Norland R&D Base Center is the top scientific research center of the Blue Star Federation.

It focuses on microparticles and quantum mechanics.

The world-renowned Jiuzhang quantum supercomputer today has some technology from the base's R&D center.

The general manager of the base is having a video call with the director.

Chief Engineer Li Chungang is responsible for completing the tasks assigned by the leader.

Create new elements simultaneously!

When the Baishi Lunhui account just started live streaming, they received a request from the leader, and hundreds of people in the base watched it at the same time.

The leader also required that after the live streaming, each project team must have in-depth discussions and exchanges, and form a final communication plan to submit.

Li Chungang and his team have a heavier task.

They have to build some important mecha structures at any time.

Now they are building new elements.

However, there were many mistakes in the preparation process.

The only thing they guessed was the particle collider.

After a panic, the power supply was finally restored.

Li Chungang looked around.

The particle collider in the base was larger and more powerful than the home version of the collider in his previous life.

The effect should be better in theory.




Li Chungang's eyes sparkled, and he suddenly pulled the switch.

This was not the first time the collider had been used.

The initial collision was not a very complicated process.

However, because they were trying to capture new elements, they chose palladium as the raw material atom.

But when the switch was turned off, there was a loud bang!

The front part of the particle collider exploded directly.

Fortunately, the explosion was not powerful, and only the surroundings suffered.

Li Chungang's face suddenly became ugly.

"This shouldn't be the case. Isn't it an isotope of palladium?"

Li Chungang frowned.

According to scientific theory, this is the correct one!

But the actual results told him that it was wrong!

""Continue! Change a collider!"

Li Chungang gritted his teeth and said firmly.

There are four ion colliders in the entire forbidden area.

Two large ones and two small ones. The one that was scrapped just now was a large particle collider.

However, what made him despair was that when the fourth particle collider exploded, the entire process of imitating and creating new elements was still at the beginning stage!

This was unacceptable to him.

His professional ability seemed to be insulted and condemned!

"What went wrong?"

Li Chungang frowned.

After thinking it over, he reported the matter to his leader.

"The successful creation of new elements will most likely depend on whether the catcher has the ability to awaken the relevant memories!"

Suddenly, a staff member exclaimed:"Fuck! Look outside, it's broad daylight, why is the sun gone?!"



In the office of the director of the Tiandao Administration Bureau, one of the military industry leaders suddenly sighed:

"I failed to create a new element here, and I have already scrapped four particle colliders."

The other people smiled bitterly and said:

"I've scrapped three."

"Stop talking, my head hurts, five of my devices are broken!"

"Oops! My only small collider exploded"

"It's poisonous! Why can't anyone succeed?"

Other scientific authorities were helpless.

"Could it be that this thing is cursed?"

"Doing science, but still believing in curses?"

"This new element is likely to be an isotope of palladium."

"It shouldn't be, otherwise why would we fail just after launching the collider?"

"Perhaps there are other important links that have not been exposed in the scenes of the previous life?"

"I have to sigh again that the discovery of this new element is likely to change some of the material patterns of the current Blue Star Federation."

"That's right, the storm is coming."

"Tony is a genius, and his father is also a genius!"

"If the technological environment at that time was similar to that Tony was in, it would have been successful by then!"

"Bai Shi Lun Hui is a bit tough, eight years old, and persisted until now"

"The number of viewers in the live broadcast room is almost 40 million now!"

The Tibetan fox Xiaoliang said with a smile:"Tony has successfully created a new element to replace the palladium element. At least he will not die from palladium poisoning."

"The rumor that the artificial intelligence Jarvis controlled the mecha that was circulated before did not seem to be so tenable."

Everyone nodded.

Not only this point.

Including Tony's attitude many times.

Firmly believe in your own beliefs and protect the people you want to protect.

Instead of relying on the powerful mecha to cause damage.

Humanist and sociologist Feng Xiaotian suddenly said:"There are still too many historical doubts in this era of Blue Star."

"We have not yet fully discovered the true face of S.H.I.E.L.D., but from the fact that Tony's father is one of the founders and can create new element structures, we can see that S.H.I.E.L.D.'s strength is extraordinary."

"Is AI finally problem-free?"

"What is the secret behind the so-called Southwest region?"

"Why is there still a historical gap when there is a superhuman team? Can't protect? Is the enemy getting stronger?"

"Why do all the other 118 elements match the Federation, but only this one element doesn't match? Did someone do something specifically for this element?"

Feng Xiaotian looked around and said,"Don't think I'm looking for trouble."

"Anyone who can explain the questions I just mentioned will be called a teacher."

Everyone was silent.

No one could explain.

Those present were not ordinary people.

It would be fine if ordinary citizens did not understand. It was impossible for them not to understand these questions.

But no one was willing or even deliberately asked.���Avoid these panic-inducing topics.

These doubts were like being woven into a big net by a pair of big hands.

It enveloped the Blue Star Federation.

The director's breathing was rapid, and he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He looked up suddenly and blurted out a horrified

"Oh my god! Why is it so dark?"

More than a dozen experts looked out their windows at the same time.

"Holy shit! What’s going on?"

"It's only afternoon now, and it's already dark?"

"It was sunny just now!"

"Weather change? Magnetic field interference?"

The director hurriedly walked to the huge French window.

When the whole sky was exposed to his vision, there was only endless horror in the director's eyes.

The sun had disappeared.

The originally blue sky fell into darkness!

In the high and strange night sky, there were stars twinkling and lighting up.

In just a few seconds, it had quickly evolved into a dazzling array of stars!

All over the sky!

Every star seemed to be moved by being manipulated.

In a trance, it actually gathered into a variety of magnificent scenes.


"Is this a lotus?!"

The director looked stunned.

In the sky, countless stars gathered into a lotus!

But then, the lotus blossomed.

In the whole sky, all the stars evolved and spread all over the lotus.

The lotus petals rotated, embellishing the black curtain.

Such a magical scene.

Everyone was unexpected.

They had never encountered such a situation.

Huang Lao was shocked and said:"I have never seen such a strange phenomenon in the classics."

"But the vision appears when the new element is created."

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