In this clip, the most discussion among the audience in the live broadcast room.

Everyone is discussing this constellation.

"Ursa Minor, I’ve never heard of this constellation. Is there such a constellation?"

"I haven't heard of it either? Is the naming method different?"

"Is it possible that some astronomer could explain this?"

"By the way, this Thor is not from the Blue Planet!"

"Judging from the meaning of the clip, Thor fell on the blue planet from nowhere."

"In other words, in this universe, besides humans, are there other humanoid life forms?"

"Aliens? Shit! Are they going to attack the blue planet?"

"Could it be that this period of Blue Planet’s history was destroyed by these aliens?"

"I feel that the truth of this era on Blue Star is gradually being revealed to us."

""What is Tony doing now?"

Several physicists in the expert group were going crazy.

The few simple words between Jane and Eric made them feel the insignificance of their own knowledge.

"Who is Einstein?"

"Rosen Bridge? Wormhole? What the hell?"

"From what they said, the wormhole is like a passage? And then Thor fell directly to the blue planet through the wormhole?"

"These few clips contain so much information!"

"I've never heard of those place names Sol mentioned."

"Could it be that, as netizens say, it is aliens? A planet with life outside the Blue Star?"

When everyone talked about this, they all showed excitement on their faces.

Since the Blue Star was discovered thousands of years ago, both ordinary citizens and scientists have hoped to find a second planet suitable for human habitation. Does Thor's strange way of coming here mean that there is still a planet outside the Blue Star that everyone is looking forward to? This speculation is too important!

"If so, does Tony know about it?"

"With such a high level of technology, does he know the coordinates of that planet?"

"When the reincarnation is found, it will be equivalent to finding a planet with life!"

Huang Lao, who records history, was also excited.

This is the power and function of the memory of the past life!

Capture the past!

Create a new future!

If the memory of the past life is not captured, who would know.

Has life from other places ever come to the Blue Star?!

Tibetan fox Xiaoliang smiled.

Maybe at some time in the future.

His biological handbook will add a lot of chapters!

However, the director next to him did not have any happy expression.

Instead, he was worried!

Thor is most likely an alien creature!

Under the current concept of the Blue Star Federation, how many alien creatures are good?

The history of Blue Star, I am afraid it was destroyed by them!

"No, SHIELD knows Thor?"

The experts suddenly came to their senses.

SHIELD arranged for Coulson to find the hammer.

The hammer belongs to Thor.

Doesn't that mean that SHIELD already knew who Thor was?

Everyone looked at each other.

"This SHIELD is really omnipotent!"

"I'm afraid it's comparable to the Supreme Court!"

"But even so, the era of Blue Star is still broken!"

"SHIELD is looking for Thor, who is one of the members of that superhuman group?"

"I guess Iron Man must be the same in the later period!"

During the discussion, everyone seemed to have grasped a clue.

"There are still too few clips now!"

"Not clear enough!"

"But I think that wormhole is what we should focus on in the future."

"Now, although the warp drive can help us travel in space, if we follow the clip,"

"Wormholes seem to be something that goes straight and reaches the other side in a blink of an eye."

In the Blue Star Federation, the initial development of the curvature engine has been completed.

Driven by the immigration planet plan, it is rapidly developing interstellar equipment.

I didn't expect that in the past era of Blue Star, there seemed to be a more magical way.

""Blue Planet's past technology was really strong!"

Everyone was once again filled with emotion.

Historian Huang Lao was writing furiously.

He liked to use this kind of writing to record history.


Under the superhero helmet,

Ye Xuan looked at the skyrocketing activity.

He glanced at the clips of Thor and the others.

He had some understanding in his heart.

"I captured not only my experience"

"But from that world?"

I don't quite understand the specific working method of the super body.

But looking at the reward amount of more than 200,000 in the background.

Whatever you want, you can have it!

"200,000 is not enough, can we get 300,000,000,000, or 100 million?"

If there is 100 million, he is sure to reproduce the might of Iron Man in the Blue Star Federation!

The clip of the previous life is playing

【In the complicated studio, Jane gave Sol her ex-boyfriend's clothes to wear.】

【Thor said in a loud voice:"This mortal body is too weak, I need to replenish my energy."】

"WTF......This is the first time I heard someone talk about being hungry in such a boastful way!"

"Mortal Body...Think you are God!"

"My goodness, Thor is increasingly looking like an alien. His behavior and speech are completely different."

"The main thing is the explosive effect when it appears!"

"Tony and him are on par with each other!"

【In the dessert shop, the girl with glasses asked Thor:"How did you get into that cloud?"】

【As Thor was eating the cake, the girl with glasses said,"You ate a whole box of sandwiches, how can you still be so hungry?"】

【Thor took a bite of cake and finished his coffee:"I like this drink." Then he threw it to the ground.】

【"Continued Cup!"】

【Everyone was shocked, and Jane said,"If you want something, just say it, don't throw things."】

【Suddenly a group of people came in and said,"Just like before, Izzy, you missed the interesting thing about the crater."】

【"They say a satellite crashed in the desert?"】

【"We were having a lot of fun, and then the FBI showed up."】

【Jane turned around and asked,"Excuse me, did you say there was a satellite crash?"】


【Eric asked,"What does that satellite look like?"】

【"I don't know anything about satellites, but it's heavy, I mean nobody can move it, they say that satellite has radiation, and I touched it"】

【Thor walked over, grabbed the other person's clothes and asked,"Where is it?"】

【The man was startled and said,"Fifty miles west"】

"Wow! Is this the hammer?"

"It's definitely true. In the previous clip, the hammer is almost a historical site."

"Looking at Thor's expression, is the hammer really his?"

【Thor walked straight out, and Jane and the others quickly chased after him.】

【"Saul, what are you going to do?"】

【Thor strode forward, causing a small area of traffic paralysis.】

【"I'm going to take back what's mine."】

【Jane was surprised and asked,"You have a satellite?"】

【"It's not what they say." Sal paused and said,"If you take me there, I will tell you everything."】

【Jane said:"Everything?"】

【Thor said:"Yes, when I get Thor's hammer back, you will get the answer you want."】

"? Thor's Hammer?!"

"That thing is called Thor's Hammer?"

"Awesome! Thor can use this hammer. Is he a god?"

"Many people can't lift that hammer. I don't believe he can lift it."

"This is really awesome"

"I guess Thor doesn't understand traffic rules....The road looks like his."

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