"The Cosmic Cube, can it open another channel from the Blue Planet?"

The director and many experts looked at each other, all of them were extremely solemn.

This might be the only thing that can find a channel to other worlds!

The Cosmic Cube!

"The Cosmic Cube of the Earth Era, on the Blue Planet"

"Are you still there now?"

"Director, I suggest that the Federation mobilize and search for the Cosmic Cube with all their strength."

The Director nodded.

Not only the Cosmic Cube, but also the scepter.

They must all be searched! As long as they can find some clues, there may be more hope.

【The director was about to take the Rubik's Cube away when he was suddenly stopped.】

【Loki said:"Please stay! I need it"】

【"We don't have to make a big deal out of it."】

【Loki said,"Of course, I came all the way here just for this."】

【"I am Loki from Asgard, I have a glorious mission."】

【Eric was surprised and asked,"You are Loki? Thor's brother?"】

【The director said:"There is no connection or conflict between us."】

【Loki raised his head and said,"Boots and ants have nothing to do with each other."】

【The director said solemnly:"Do you want to trample on us?"】

【Loki said:"I come with good news."】

【"To build a world without constraints"】

【The director said:"Not bound by anything?"】

【Loki said:"Freedom!"】

【"Freedom is a lie. Only when you get rid of it can you truly experience it.......What is peace?"】

【Loki turned around and pointed his scepter at Eric. Suddenly, Eric's pupils turned black and he was controlled by Loki.】

【Hawkeye came over and said to Loki,"Sir, Commander Fury is stalling for time. This place is about to explode."】

【"Hundreds of cubic meters of soil will fall down and bury us all."】

【Dr. Eric said:"Yes, the passage is being destroyed. If we don't leave within two minutes, we will die here."】

【Hawkeye raised his hand and shot Director Fury in the chest, then took the Rubik's Cube box and left with Loki.】

"Fuck! No freedom constraints?"

"Loki is mentally retarded!"

"How could Thor have such a younger brother!"

"Damn, that scepter is awesome. Just poke it and it can control that person."

"If he were really allowed to take the scepter and poke it up, would the whole world be controlled by him at the start?"

"Director Fury is not going to die!"

"He also took away the Cosmic Cube! I'm so pissed!"

"He wants to build a world where freedom is not constrained, and I have a bad feeling about that!"

"Loki looks really conceited!"

"Could it be that our current Blue Star Federation is the world created by Loki?"

"Crazy! If that's the case, I'll commit suicide right here in Jiangdong!"


Jiang Liu'er hadn't recovered from the shock of hundreds of millions of active points.

Suddenly he heard Loki's words.

He was slightly startled.

"this...Isn't that what I want to pursue?"

Then his eyes sparkled as he stared at Loki on the screen. What he said was so similar to what he wanted!


"The crisis has finally arrived!"

"As a designated envoy, Loki came to the Blue Planet Earth to explore first."

"I'm afraid that the so-called Chitauri army will arrive soon!"

The director and the expert group exchanged in deep voices.

Everyone's expression was very uneasy.

Now, it has been basically confirmed that the huge mechanical whale captured at the beginning was something from the Chitauri!

"It is estimated that the Earth era suffered heavy damage at that time!"

Several military industry leaders were also silent.

They didn't know what kind of weapons they could use to deal with these terrible invaders.

"Maybe a nuclear bomb?"

"With the technological level of Blue Planet Earth at that time, nuclear bombs should be able to be developed, right?"

"What's the point of using nuclear bombs! Nuclear bombs are a double-edged sword, and the damage to human society is too great."

"Don't let the invaders be destroyed by ourselves before we even get rid of them."

Everyone basically rejected the idea of using nuclear bombs. It's not worth it to hurt the enemy by 1,000 and lose 800 of our own. The director glanced and found that the message in the bullet screen was

"Are we the world created by Loki without freedom and restraint?"

The experts also saw this sentence and laughed. However

, there was a little lack of confidence in their laughter.......

It’s really hard to say!

"Fury is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. If he died, there would be no power left to resist."

The director sighed, but in the live broadcast, Fury stood up and pulled out the bullet.

He was wearing a bulletproof vest and was not shot.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

【Fury told Hill through the intercom that Hawkeye had betrayed him, and a gunfight began between the two sides.】

【After a fight, Loki and his men finally escaped.】

【When the helicopter was taking the director and several others away, the huge base suddenly collapsed, and the terrible shock wave spread in all directions, shaking the helicopter up and down.】

【The two sides had a gunfight in the wilderness. Loki stretched out his hand and waved his scepter, launching an energy wave to knock down the helicopter.】

【The director jumped off the helicopter, took out his intercom and said,"Hill, are there any casualties?"】

【Hill said:"Many people were buried! I don't know how many people are still alive."】

【The chief said:"Notify everyone, I want everyone who is not involved in the rescue to go find the suitcase."】

【"Coulson, we're back at base, alert level 7."】

【"This means the war has begun!"】

【"What should we do?" Colson asked."】

【The director looked ahead and said with a firm expression:"Start the Avengers Plan!"】

"The war has begun! As expected, in the Earth Age, there was finally a terrible war!"

"The director is awesome! He even dares to fight aliens!"

"Avengers Plan!"

"Judging from the director's expression, he must have started planning long ago."

"How to fight a war! In the previous clips, there were so many people!"

"Loki's scepter alone is not easy to deal with!"

"What a pity! If the artificial Superman Rogers was still alive, it would at least add some strength to the battle."

"Rogers' era should be the time of Tony's father. It has been so many years, how could he still be alive?"

"Avengers Plan! What is the plan?"

"I guess it has something to do with the information I saw in Tony's hand before"

"Oh my gosh! Here it comes! I captured a new picture again"

"this......Isn't this my Black Widow? How come she was kidnapped?"

【In the dilapidated factory】

【The widow in a vest was tied to a chair with gauze stuffed in her mouth】

【Several strong men are interrogating her.】

【The terrorist leader said:"I didn't mean to end up like this tonight. Who do you work for?"】

【Another person pushed Black Widow's chair backwards, leaving it hanging in the air. If she fell, she would be smashed to pieces.】

【The leader was still asking questions, and Black Widow responded nervously.】

【"The famous Black Widow is just a vase"】

【Suddenly, a terrorist's cell phone rang, and after answering it, the other party was looking for Black Widow.】

【As soon as the leader spoke, a hurried voice came from the other end of the phone.】

【"Your location is Sorensky Square, Zone 1, Building 14, Floor 3"】

【"We have an F-22 watching you from a few kilometers away, give her the phone, and if you dare to refuse I will blow you up"】

【The leader handed the phone to Black Widow in a daze】

【Black Widow with a cell phone in her head】

【"we need you"】

【The widow said dissatisfiedly:"What a joke, I'm working"】

【"Urgent situation"】

【"This idiot is just halfway through the interrogation and he's already confessing everything. Listen, I can't get away now."】

【Coulson continued:"Listen Natasha, Hawkeye Barton has betrayed us."】

【The widow paused and said,"Don't hang up."】

【The leader reached out to grab the phone, but Black Widow kicked him in the middle. Being tied to a chair did not affect her fighting ability at all.】

【A few seconds later, they all fell to the ground, and the black sister did a backflip, and the chair broke into pieces on the ground.】

【Picking up her phone and carrying her shoes, she quickly walked outside.】

"Damn! I am dying of laughter!"

"Is this Black Widow’s reverse interrogation?"

"Sad for those little idiots"

"This is what a secret agent should be like."

"Black Widow’s figure is so amazing!"

"Black Widow: I'm playing with you, but you really think you're an important person"

"Love it!"

"Are you so brainless? This is the prelude to war!"

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