The Extremis virus shocked all the viewers in the live broadcast room.

Even if the plant exploded in the end, it still planted a seed in everyone's heart.

However, when they saw that Tony was about to test the new Iron Man suit, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly became excited.

Compared with the story of Tony and Maya, everyone hoped to see a new progress in Tony's armor.

"Mark 42? How many suits did Tony make in the meantime!"

"Sure enough, Tony and the suit have become one."

"There are so many in the room, so handsome"

"He just implanted a micro sensor device into his arm. Was it optimized from the Mark 7?"

"Xiaodai is still here, haha, Tony is also a nostalgic person"

"Xiaodai is still as stupid as ever"

"I have to say that Jarvis really helped Tony a lot."

"Yes, if there was no Jarvis, Tony’s strength would probably be reduced by at least half!"

"In comparison, Hua Zhibing is garbage"

"Some people said that artificial intelligence would destroy the world, but I don't think we have such a chance with our technology level.

" After receiving the news, Ma Hailiang, chief engineer of Aisen Heavy Industry Group, quickly put down his work and asked his colleagues to watch the live broadcast directly in the conference room.

Every time Tony conducted a new battle will test , he would watch it if he was caught.

Last time, he watched it secretly.

Since he was completely defeated, he gave up struggling and followed suit.

"I wonder what kind of surprises Mark 42 will bring us."

Ma Hailiang sat in the first row. He looked confused.

Behind him, a friend asked blankly:"Automatic navigation? Isn't Mark 7 an automatic navigation?"

"Why is there another one?"

"It should be a more accurate and fast navigation positioning, otherwise he wouldn't have implanted a micro device in his arm."

"By the way, Tony is really talented in developing armor."

"I don't know what's going on in his mind."

"Push-type, automatic navigation, these two points together, always feel not so simple"

"Let's see how he tests it first."

Ma Hailiang listened to everyone's discussion and did not stop them.

He did not understand the meaning of propulsion and automatic navigation.

After thinking about it, Ma Hailiang said:"I have a hunch that Mark 42 may break through our understanding of mecha."

"Everyone should take notes later."

"I hope everyone can find the key issues from this."

The partners in the rear nodded immediately.

Now there is pressure from the top.

If there is no action,

I am afraid that the whole team will suffer.

Someone couldn't help but mutter:"What's going on with the Federation today? Why did they suddenly give us so many resources?"

"I thought we were preparing for war."



In the Tiandao Administration Office, several military industry bosses were discussing the Mark 42 that Tony was about to test.

One of the military industry bosses smiled and said,"Mark 42, Tony is obsessed with developing new battle suits, so he probably has a lot of them hidden, right?"

"I still remember that there was a set of war machines, which was still occupied by the Earth Era official."

A physicist asked:"Lao Ming, you are a professional, tell me about propulsion."

Lao Ming was stunned and laughed and scolded:"Hu Chun, I don't believe you don't understand."

But Lao Ming continued:"Propulsion, I guess it means jet"

"A jet-powered steel suit? Plus automatic navigation?"

"To be honest, I can’t imagine what kind of combination it will be."

Another military industry boss said:"The test may not be successful."

"But it must be the new type of Iron Man suit that Tony created."

The director said,"It would be great if our artificial intelligence could be as good as Jarvis."

"I estimate that by then, the Blue Star Federation will undergo earth-shaking changes."

The historian Huang Lao said with a smile:"Director, aren't you worried about the danger of artificial intelligence destroying the world?"

The director pointed to Darwin and said:"Compared with Mr. Darwin's natural destruction, artificial intelligence is really nothing."

Huang Lao was stunned, and then laughed.

At the Norland base, the general manager Li Chungang sighed and pointed at Tony's figure on the screen.

He said to the people behind him:

"Look at this guy, he got the Mark 42 without making any noise."

"We haven't even come up with a new element."

"It's a bit embarrassing."

Li Chungang was a little embarrassed.

The team hasn't made any achievements yet.

It's really disappointing.

The 08 people behind him looked at the screen without saying anything.

Compared with the prolific Tony, they really don't seem to be that good.

Li Chungang's phone vibrated.

He opened it and saw that it was a message from Li Qiye:

Tony is really a god.

He grinned. In a sense,

Tony is a god-like existence!

The savior!

But when the picture jumped again, the expressions of all the people watching became gradually solemn.

Some people even shed tears again.

【Xiao Dai was cleaning the floor. Tony and Jarvis were talking. The micro-sensing device was injected.】

【Jarvis said:"I have also prepared a safety guide for you to ignore."】

【Tony threw down the gauze used to wipe the blood and said,"Then ignore it and start directly."】

【Tony looked up at Xiaodai and said,"Xiaodai! Xiaodai, the hat on your head is not given to you for nothing. It is worthy of the name. What are you doing here?"】

【Tony pointed to the spot just now and said,"Go do your job and clean the blood off the mat."】

【Jarvis said:"Sir, let me remind you that you haven't slept for 72 hours."】

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned

"How long is 72 hours? Two days and one night?"

"Compare���Long night"

"What's going on? Tony?"

"Is this a side effect of the Iron Man suit?"

"Oh my god! You are made of flesh and blood. You can't really think of yourself as an iron man."

"Go and have a good rest"

"You are a Blue Star hero, don't strain yourself"

"Yes, go and have a rest!"

"I think he's in good condition. Maybe he ate something?"

"Not sure, let's see what the situation is later."

There are many medical experts in the expert group.

Looking at Tony with frowns, someone said:"On the surface, it doesn't look like a big problem"

"But anyone who hasn't rested for so long"

"Everyone is very tired, but he is full of energy"

"I suspect that his nerves were too tense at the moment, causing his brain nerves to transmit wrong action signals to his body."

"If it continues, it will definitely put a great burden on the body."

Feng Xiaotian suddenly asked:"Sudden death?"

The medical expert was stunned and nodded slowly.

Tibetan fox Xiaoliang and Darwin looked at the screen worriedly.

Darwin even said:"It seems that it is caused by too much mental pressure. Is it because he carries too much?"

"Saving the world is not your job alone, there is no need to do that."

Everyone murmured in a low voice.

Tony did not dwell on this matter too much.

【Tony put his hands together and bowed to the row of battle suit models in front of him, then said,"Look here, ladies and gentlemen, good evening, and welcome to the delivery room!"】

【"I am very happy to announce that you will soon have a lively, naughty and cute baby brother."】

【Tony said to the robot arm:"First close-up and then zoom in, put the date and time on it."】

【"Mark 42 Propelled Self-Guided Suit Test"】

【"Initialization Procedure"】

【Tony stretched out his hands and twirled his fingers in the air.】

【The multiple parts on the table responded and lit up.】

【"Jarvis, some music!"】

【Tony danced with his eyes closed to the soothing music.】

【Looking at the arm parts on the table, Tony suddenly stretched out his left hand】

【Only the arm parts didn't move at all.】

【Tony's eyes widened, and he reached out again helplessly, but there was still no movement.】

【Tony bit the injection site on his arm with his mouth and hit it with his fist:"Okay"】

"Oh my god, is Tony trying to make me laugh to death?"

"New dance?"

"Could it be that he wants to remotely control those components and enable automatic navigation?"

"What are you thinking? This part is not a Mark 7. It has a propulsion device."

"I suddenly remembered that there are many novels that have telekinesis and flying swords."

"That's right, haha, Tony's expression is really funny"

"Finally, I hit my arm with my fist and the truth came out!"

"I heard that the older generation of the Blue Star Federation, if they couldn't see the TV or something clearly, they would just punch the back a few times."

"No, you really believe it, Tony is just kidding."

Not only the audience laughed non-stop.

The experts of the Tiandao Administration were also���The historian Huang Lao laughed and said,"This is Tony's true nature."

"But I always feel that he seems to be very lonely."

A military industry leader said:"I think he wants these components to locate the position of his arms by themselves, and then wear them automatically?"

"Amazing creativity!"

"But it is unlikely to be completed."

Lao Ming nodded and said,"Indeed, when the micro-positioning device is injected into the arm, the blood flow and muscle peristalsis will affect the position."

"The error tolerance is too low and it is very dangerous."

Physicist Hu Chun echoed:"If it is a magnetic device, I think it is possible."

"Director, you can recommend the magnetic remote control adsorption method to the relevant team. It should be of reference value."

The director nodded and said,"Yes, I will remember it."

Several other military industry leaders were watching the live broadcast room with interest.

"Having said that, our strength is still not enough. We haven't even restored the suit yet."

"Is it you, Aisen Heavy Industry, who are responsible for restoring the suits? Didn't you develop mechas before? Why can't you do that now?"

"It is not easy and takes some time"

"We can't rush it. After all, this is equipment that soldiers will wear. If something goes wrong, it is likely to cause the aircraft to crash and people to die."

"Well, I know, but......Damn! What the hell!"

Everyone was calm now.

Just after being stimulated by the desperate virus, the military industry boss's exclamation directly attracted everyone's attention.

But when they saw the live broadcast screen, they all looked shocked.

Darwin's expression was the funniest, his eyes and mouth were all round.

【Tony reached for the arm part on the table twice to no avail.】

【After adjustment, reach out to the workbench again】

【After a short delay, an arm part on the workbench suddenly lit up blue light.】

【The thruster's jet ejected force, rising into the air, and then rushed towards Tony's left hand.】

【With a snap】

【The arm part fits perfectly on Tony's palm, and layers of mechanical structures spread from the palm to the top of the arm.】

【Then, the shoulder part of the left hand automatically flew over and directly covered the shoulder.】

【Then, Tony stretched out his right hand and indicated the right hand part.】

【Similar to before, the right arm part is accurately put on the hand and spreads upwards quickly】

【Tony showed an excited expression, with a big smile on his face. 】

The audience in the live broadcast room were all shocked.

From top to bottom, countless exclamation marks filled the screen.



"Holy shit! They flew! Can these parts fly?"

"Damn it! Tony, what you built is not an iron suit, but a flying sword!"

"Me and my little friends are shocked!"

"Ah! Special effects! Definitely special effects!"

"Loki: This is unscientific!"

"Mark 42 jersey, so cool!"

"This is much better than the previous wearable robotic arm and the positioning wrist patch of Mark 7!"

"Nini is awesome! I like him so much!"

"What is the scientific reason for this?"

"I get it! Holy shit I get it!"

"What do you understand above?"

"The reason why Mayan plants explode after regeneration! Because rapid regeneration must consume energy, consuming energy will produce chemical reactions, release a lot of heat energy, and finally explode!"

"you......You might be seriously ill!"

"I love this way of wearing the Mark 42 uniform!"

"Please tell me how to do it!"

"When the shoulder area flew past, I saw two small tail flames. What was that thing? Was it a propulsion type?"

"Propulsion! Automatic navigation! So that's what it means!"

Hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room crazily expressed their love for the new wearable method of Mark 42.

However, many toy model manufacturers cried secretly.

It was too fast!

The update and iteration were faster than their drawing.

There was no time to imitate it!

There was a little silence in the director's office. The faces of several military industry leaders and physicists who had just talked loudly were a little hot. As soon as they said it was impossible, Tony successfully punched them. Even though several military industry leaders were used to big scenes, they were now like ostriches burying their heads on the beach. They squeaked and whimpered and couldn't speak. Biologist Darwin exclaimed:"What kind of technology is this?


"Not only can it navigate automatically, it can also fly over automatically, and it can also expand outward from the components?"

Physicist Lao Ming said in a deep voice:"It has a very high technological content!"

"Automatic navigation should be a micro-manipulation of the macro navigation system."

"And I suspect the tiny device injected into his arm is more than just a simple positioning"

"It also has comprehensive capture modes such as motion nerve capture system and behavioral dynamic capture capability."

The military industry bosses recovered a little.

Someone praised:"What Lao Ming said is right. Tony completed the positioning and attachment of the arm and shoulder parts during the movement. It's just that it may not be worn directly with positioning."

"The linkage between Jarvis and the micro-device, and the complete control of the parts of the suit, is the core part."

Historian Huang pointed at the screen and said,"I just saw a viewer say there is a question"

"The arm parts are because the palm energy storage can be used as a flying power"

"But what about its other parts?"

"Do they all have energy nozzles?"

Several military industry leaders were silent.

One of them said,"I infer that it is a micro rocket engine that generates forward momentum in a pulsed manner."

Physicist Lao Ming frowned and said,"It doesn't seem appropriate to put a micro rocket engine in this kind of component."

The military industry boss shook his head and said,"The servo mechanism plus the swing nozzle, I guess there is also the principle of the production of the vector thruster mixed in it."

"Small thrust rocket engines provide power for attitude stability and change, speed and orbit correction of missile warheads and spacecraft."

"It is usually composed of a booster system, a propellant tank and several groups of rocket engines with different thrusts. It has a wide thrust range and can be adjusted. It can work in a pulse mode. The number of starts can reach hundreds of thousands. It can work in a vacuum and weightless environment."

"Theoretically, after the transformation into a micro-attitude control engine, it is enough to just adjust the weight of that component."

The big man suddenly paused and frowned,"Aerodynamics seems to be unavoidable?"

The other people looked at each other and nodded. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Yes, these parts are all different shapes."

"Even with a pulse micro-attitude engine, it is still difficult to fly so fast and stably."

"The problem of aerodynamics is absolutely unavoidable and cannot be ignored."

As they were chatting, biologist Darwin suddenly said:

"I remember, is there a so-called turbulent theory of fluid mechanics?"

The physicists and military industry leaders suddenly became quiet.

Especially the physicists represented by Lao Ming.

The shock on their faces became more and more intense.

Lao Ming even said tremblingly:"Tony, have you already discovered a way to calculate turbulence?!"


"Turbulence is the most terrifying module in fluid mechanics. How could it be solved at that time?"

Zanghu Xiaoliang and the others were confused. They didn't know what they were talking about.

But seeing everyone's expressions, it is obvious that the meaning behind turbulence is very important!

Lao Ming took a deep breath and said,"When the flow rate increases to a very large value, the streamlines are no longer clearly discernible, there are many small vortices in the flow field, the laminar flow is destroyed, and there is not only sliding but also mixing between adjacent flow layers.

At this time, the fluid moves irregularly, and a component velocity is generated perpendicular to the axis of the flow tube.

This movement is called turbulence, also known as turbulent flow, disturbed flow or turbulent flow.


"Studying the effects of turbulence can help us break through the obstacles of turbulence! In layman's terms, it can reduce the obstacles of water or other fluids to nothing!"

"The current state-of-the-art turbulence theory is based on statistics"

"But there is no specific solution to solve the actual turbulence."

When the physicist Lao Ming said this, his face was trembling.

The turbulence problem is one of the problems that are recognized as difficult to solve in the world.

If Tony masters the solution to the turbulence problem, it will probably set off a huge earthquake in the Blue Star Federation!

It is a problem that will change the whole world!

Everyone who understands the significance of the problem is a little breathless.

The director said solemnly:"I believe that if Tony masters the solution to the turbulence problem"

"The one who controls the solution must be Jarvis"

"Through the artificial intelligence Jarvis, the turbulence problems encountered are calculated in real time, and the flight attitude is adjusted to perfectly match Tony's position."

Biologist Darwin said:"So, even if there are calculation formulas and avoidance plans for turbulence problems, the ability of Jarvis, an artificial intelligence, is the core of it?"

Several physicists nodded.

Jarvis's ability is really too strong.

A military industry leader exclaimed:"If we can have the help of Jarvis, many things will be twice as easy to do!"

Everyone agrees on this point.

In the live broadcast room.

Tony's Mark 42 test session is still going on.

Everyone is watching.

Will Tony's test of Mark 42 be successful in the end?


【After the two-handed arm parts fell accurately on the arms, Tony smiled】

【"Great! I see! Launch all the parts!"】

【As soon as the voice fell, several parts on the workbench suddenly took off and flew towards Tony's position one by one.】

【The leg parts flew over, Tony bent his legs, and the suit quickly covered his thighs】

【The other one seemed to be faster and smashed several devices in the laboratory.】

【The parts rushed towards him at high speed, and Tony quickly stretched out his hand to flick them away. Sparks flew everywhere, and Tony pouted and said,"It seems to be too fast, a little slower, just a little bit will do."】

【However, the speed of other components did not decrease much, and they flew back and forth in the laboratory.】

【The glass of the Iron Man suit display case next to it was shattered】

【After several flights, he finally covered Tony accurately when he stretched out his left leg.】

【However, before he could stabilize his body, an inverted triangle part of the suit suddenly rushed towards his crotch.】

【There was a crisp sound, and Tony covered his crotch and exhaled in pain.】

"Oh my god! This Mark 42 is interesting. It's so naughty."

"Hahaha, it turns out Tony is a crotch-covering type!"

"Just like he said, this baby brother is lively, so lively"

"He disassembled all the parts of the armor, it is no longer like the previous integrated modules, which is good."

"That would probably be very painful!"

"It hurts just looking at it!"

"I think Mark 42 is here to torture Tony."

"Comedy Mark 42"

"I like this armor."

"He is definitely here to repay his gratitude!"

"The consciousness of resistance is very obvious, which shouldn’t happen!"

"Tony: You are not good at this.

Seeing this, the audience in the live broadcast room almost burst out laughing.

The experts who were originally discussing the turbulence problem seriously were even more stunned and laughed so hard that they fell backwards.

"Tony's armor is really interesting."

"I'm really looking forward to your future performance, haha"

"My goodness, the crotch hit is so painful to me."

The director grimaced, feeling the same way.

That part didn't slow down.

It just went straight up!

"I wonder if any of Mr. Tony's functions have been affected."

Biologist Darwin said with a laugh.

【Before the pain in his crotch could be relieved, a back armor suddenly flew up from behind and knocked Tony away.】

【Fortunately, Tony reacted quickly, stretched out his hands just before hitting the ground, and used the pulse thrusters to stabilize his body.】

【Tony quickly said,"Take your time, JARVIS?"】

【He staggered back to the equipment platform, with his shoulder armor and chest parts all fitted to his body.】


【The visor parts came out from the side, knocking the workbench aside and smashing directly onto the ground.】

【Spray around the face shield���The airflow directly lifted into the air, facing Tony】

【Tony now only had one visor that was not completed. He revealed his face, looked at the visor hanging in the air and said,"Come on! I'm not afraid of you!"】

【Sparks were spurting out of the mask's nozzle, and it seemed to be facing Tony like a spirit.】

【The propulsion device blew out gas and quickly rushed towards Tony's face, turning around halfway and facing the inside of the mask towards Tony's face.】

【Tony did a backflip and was hanging in the air with his head down, with the mask firmly stuck on the helmet.】


【Landing on one knee with perfect posture, the air waves spread all around】

【Tony landed in a domineering posture and said to himself,"I am such a genius!"】

【As soon as the words fell, the part that had been smashed into the display case suddenly rushed out and hit Tony's back.】

【There was a loud bang】

【The newly assembled Mark 42 suit was shattered. Tony fell to the ground, rolled over in pain and took off his mask.】

【Jarvis said,"As always sir, it's always fun to watch you work."】

【Tony struggled to get up, looked at the mess in the studio, and rubbed everyone's sore shoulders.】

"Jarvis, are you a funny guy sent by the monkey?"

"Damn it!"

"Mark 42 is not just lively, it's a naughty monkey!"

"Hahaha, was this last collision an expression of his dissatisfaction with being forgotten?"

"This armor is so interesting."

"No, isn't this the time to be sad? Why am I so happy?"

"That purple potato spirit is probably preparing to attack the Earth again, and I'm still laughing!"

"I have decided, from now on I will call this Mark 42 the Anti-Tony Armor! It was specially built by Tony to fight against him! Hahahaha"

"Anti-Tony Armor? That's a good name! It sounds nice and appropriate!"

"Anti-Tony armor, awesome!"

"yyds Seeing Tony's helpless expression, I want to laugh"

"I guess even he himself didn't expect this to happen."

"Anti-Tony Armor, Anti-Tony, this name is really great, the brother upstairs gives you a thumbs up!"

"In fact, relatively speaking, I believe that the combat effectiveness of Tony's armor will be even more powerful than before!"

"Just now, the mask was spraying gas while it was speeding. Is it the propulsion type?"

"But the force-bearing area of the mask is so large, wouldn't the air resistance be very unstable? How could it fly so steadily?"

"Jarvis is the real deal. This is all controlled by Jarvis, right?"

"I seriously doubt that Jarvis is not an artificial intelligence at all, but a real person"

"He also laughed at Tony."

"He has a lot of fun working.......How did you think of saying that?"

The audience was amazed at the process of Tony testing the Mark 42 suit.

The parts that can navigate and fly by themselves opened everyone's eyes.

In the meeting room of the Aisen Heavy Industry Group, the lights flickered.

Chief Engineer Ma Hailiang was recording in a notebook.

He asked the department members to record���At the same time, he was also recording.

This was actually the reason why he was able to recruit so many department members.

He did it himself.

He turned around and asked the department members:"What did you record?"

Everyone immediately responded one by one.

"The Mark 42 armor material retains the inherent gold-titanium alloy, and I see that special ceramics should be added."

"It has strong defensive capabilities and should eventually be able to withstand ultra-high temperatures and pressures."

"Not only the armor material, but also its flight system and arc pulse cannon seem to be much more sophisticated than before. It should have been deeply upgraded."

"The actual effect is still unknown, but I would venture to speculate that the flight ability and weapon attack power will be greatly improved."

"Of course, the most unconventional thing is that Tony split the armor into various parts."

"It has the ability of automatic assembly. The advantage is that it can be remotely controlled and automatically assembled. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. Since the automatic assembly of MK42 saves a lot of screws on the connecting parts, I think it may be easily damaged."

"This is a great inspiration for us. We can directly use this method of assembling parts to improve overall efficiency."

"Improve more equipment modules, and even change and adjust weapon modules"

"Mr. Ma, I suggest that you pay more attention to the subsequent combat part of the suit to obtain more capabilities and usage methods."

Ma Hailiang nodded.

The analysis just now was basically based on the grasp and inference of the current situation.

Almost every link shocked them.

It's just that they don't know much about the so-called turbulence.

No one has realized that it may be related to this problem.

A partner suddenly smiled and said,"Mr. Ma, I see that everyone on the Internet is saying that Mark 42 is an anti-Tony armor, which is quite vivid."

Ma Hailiang was slightly startled.

The playful assembly method of this armor.

The ruthless crotch attack.

It is really an armor against Tony!

"Whether it's anti-Tony or anti-Thor or anti-Hulk, we have to hurry up"

"If it really doesn't work, we can only develop Mark 1."

Ma Hailiang looked around and said,"If we can only develop Mark 1, it will be a shame for our Aisen Heavy Industry Mecha Team!"

Everyone lowered their heads.

There was shame on their faces. They couldn't even develop a product from the Earth era many years ago. It was indeed a shame. Suddenly, a voice that seemed to be outside the screen sounded in the live broadcast room. The audience listened carefully and immediately found that it was Tony's own voice.

"This is......Tony's inner voice at the time?"

"Can one capture past lives and uncover information to this extent?"

【"Actually, if you ask me, three days without a nap is not a very long time. I didn't expect it to be so bad."】

【"Then I had to put down my work and watch TV"】

【"That's when I saw him"】

The screen quickly dimmed.���They were confused

"What does that mean? Who did you see?"

"Why do I feel like Tony is a little angry?"

"I don't know. The picture seems unstable and fluctuating."

"It doesn't matter who you see, Tony said he didn't expect it to be so bad, is this?"

"Could it be that he is sick?"

"Sick? Aren't those fragments in his heart already controlled by the Ark Reactor?"

"Perhaps it was a disease we didn’t know about that troubled him and prevented him from resting for 72 hours?"

"Tony is so pitiful, he can only bind himself to steel and the studio"

"Tony, go and have some rest. I feel bad seeing you like this."

"Yeah, I almost cried when I saw Tony's armor fall off and he was lying on the ground."

"You just saved the city, you don't need to be so tired."

The picture trembled and became clear again.

The new memory picture made the audience in the live broadcast room silent at the same time.

【A middle-aged man with a bun and a full beard appeared on the screen.】

【A middle-aged man walks past a group of refugees kneeling on the ground with his hands behind his back.】

【Amidst the flickering lights, a voice rang out:"Some people call me a terrorist, but I think I am a master."】

【A large number of guns are pointed at the refugees and they will be executed.】

【"You guys, get ready for a good lesson!"】

【"Long ago, in Sand Creek, Colorado, you brutally slaughtered the remaining old, weak, and sick in the friendly Cheyenne tribe after the warriors went out hunting, and occupied their land."】

【"39 hours ago, the SAM Air Force Base in Kote was attacked. I did it."】

【The screen kept flickering, with figures, corpses, smoke from explosions, etc.】

【The black-robed master took off his glasses and even said with a smile:"Of course, including an ancient church full of women and children."】

【"The soldiers are out exercising, the warriors are not here, President Ace, you have refused to accept my teachings, and now, you have missed it again."】

【A man was tied to a rack with firewood and gasoline piled underneath. A man picked up a torch and lit the woodpile. The fierce flames burned the tied man.】

【"You know who I am, but you don't know where I am, and you can't foresee my arrival."】

There was a crackling sound on the screen.

The online audience in the live broadcast room was extremely confused.

But the next moment, countless comments filled the air.

"Damn it! The Chitauri monster just left and this kind of person appeared?"

"Are terrorists so rampant?"

"Master, you call yourself a master!"

"The era of Blue Planet Earth was really chaotic, even worse than ours now."

"This is indeed not as safe and peaceful as our Federation."

"Terrorists, Tony will definitely go and deal with them again"

"Hey, you guys, can't you just calm down? Tony just saved the world and hasn't slept for three days!"

"Terrorists who commit all kinds of evil! Die!"

"Tony will go���?"

"I think Tony will go."

"Anti-Tony armor? I can't wait to see Tony wearing Mark 42 and beating up these terrorists!"

"Tony, go go go!"

"I always feel that Tony's condition seems to be very wrong"

"There is definitely something wrong if you don’t sleep for a long time. I hope Tony will stop thinking about saving others and think about himself!"

"I wonder if Tony will make it."

The screen continued to jump.

Some TV broadcast images flashed in the middle.

When it became clear, Tony suddenly rushed out of a restaurant in panic.

He stumbled all the way, and many people cast puzzled eyes at him. He quickly reached the side of the street.

The iron suit had opened the back compartment, and Tony stepped directly in.

Even with the support of the iron suit.

Tony fell to the ground suddenly, struggling to squat.

The audience in the live broadcast room was suddenly extremely panicked.

"Tony! What happened to Tony?!"

"He seems so weak!"

"What happened just now? I think I saw a child talking to him?"

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