"Where are people?!"

Inside the small building, Qi Siyuan suddenly heard Wu Chen's questioning, and Qi Siyuan was slightly taken aback, and then reacted, and quickly replied with a smile: "The man is inside, I will ask someone to bring him out."

While speaking, he turned his head and shouted loudly: "Old itchy, bring him out."


Hearing it and shouting, someone inside responded, and immediately, a man with a rough appearance and a strong figure came out of the room, dragging a middle-aged man whose hands were tied.

Wu Chen took a look, where he looked, and as far as he could see, he saw the middle-aged man with his hands bound. Although he looked ordinary and looked ordinary, there was a hint of sternness in his eyes.


The most important thing is that even at this time, he can still keep calm and say nothing. This is what Wu Chen couldn't help but stare at.

As the saying goes: A dog that bites does not bark!


Just the first time they met each other, Wu Chen could tell that this guy was a ruthless person!

Beside, Qi Siyuan saw this, and quickly pointed to the middle-aged man and said: "His name is Shang Wenqiang, nicknamed Sang Biao, he used to be a bastard, and now he is the property manager of a community under Junhao Real Estate. According to my investigation, that day At night, he was the one who sneaked up on you from behind while you were drunk, and beat you with a sap."


Wu Chen responded irrefutably, and then, his eyes were fixed on Shang Wenqiang. At this time, Shang Wenqiang also noticed Wu Chen. Although he tried his best to keep calm, his pupils couldn't help it. shrink for one.


It was just for a moment, but... just this moment, it was enough for Wu Chen to be sure that that night, it was undoubtedly this guy who beat him up!


Thinking of this point, Wu Chen snorted inwardly, then looked at Shang Wenqiang pretending to be indifferent, and asked indifferently: "That night, you were the one who beat me up while I was drunk, right?"

"Sap what? I don't understand what you're talking about!"

Facing Wu Chen's question, Shang Wenqiang immediately replied in a pretense of confusion: "Let go of me, it's illegal for you to do this, young man, you are still young, don't go on the road of breaking the law.... ...."


Hearing this, Wu Chen couldn't help chuckling, and he said with a smile: "Since I have someone bring you here, it means that I already know everything, why do you pretend to be stupid like this, you are just a sap That's it, it's not a big deal, so you don't have to worry about what I will do to you."

Shang Wen insisted on his own strength: "Brother, I really don't know what you are talking about. You must have found the wrong person. I don't know you at all, and I didn't hit you with a sap..."

Seeing this, Wu Chen couldn't help shaking his head, then turned his eyes to Qi Siyuan, and said leisurely: "Vice President Qi, are you sure you arrested the wrong person, but he has never admitted it?"


Qi Siyuan's face was a little ugly, and he quickly argued: "Wu Chen, listen to me, I can assure you that I definitely did not find the wrong person. I spent a lot of effort to find this guy. ...No, I got the information from Zhang Hao's secretary, at the beginning, it was Zhang Hao's secretary who called this guy himself, there is absolutely no mistake!"

Wu Chen didn't answer, but looked at Shang Wenqiang again in a blink of an eye, and there was a bit of teasing in his indifferent words: "You heard it too, my vice president Qi swore that you were the one who beat me up , but you refuse to admit it, so it makes me feel very embarrassed, you say, who should I trust?"

"Trust me, trust me!"

Before Shang Wenqiang could answer, Qi Siyuan next to him said impatiently, "Wu Chen, I'm telling the truth, you must believe me!"


Hearing this, Wu Chen couldn't help but sigh: "Vice President Qi, actually I'd like to believe you, but as the saying goes, you have to show evidence, otherwise how can you make me believe you?"


Qi Siyuan was taken aback for a moment, then came to his senses, slapped his thigh suddenly, and said loudly: "I have the evidence, Zhang Hao's secretary is a cautious person, and he recorded the audio specially when he was on the phone. It took a lot of money to find a hacker and take the recording."


Hearing this, Wu Chen immediately became interested, and he looked at Qi Siyuan with a little surprise: "This is incredible, Vice President Qi, I didn't expect you to have such thoughts, why, you never thought of letting that hacker come to me Take a walk here?"


Hearing this, Qi Siyuan's expression changed drastically, becoming very ugly, there was nothing else, because Wu Chen's words were impartial and hit his vital point.

In fact, the reason why he spared no expense to invite a hacker to help out was originally to target Wu Chen and want to get the recording back from Wu Chen. The hacker was really capable and hacked into Wu Chen's cloud account without much effort. Several recording files were found.

Qi Siyuan was overjoyed when he saw this. He had already solved the problem, but the hacker poured cold water on him, saying that Wu Chen is really a cunning fox. , and there are no less than ten download records...


cloud disk!

Qi Siyuan's face turned black on the spot, and without further ado, he directly ordered the hacker to erase all traces of the intrusion, and started to deal with Wu Chen offline, but... unfortunately, he Obviously some underestimated Wu Chen's rank, so that now he is subject to Wu Chen everywhere.


At this moment, facing Wu Chen's question, he quickly forced a smile and said, "Wu Chen, you are joking, what is the relationship between the two of us, how could I do such a thing."

While speaking, he quickly took out his mobile phone, opened the recording file, and clicked to play. During the recording, two people were talking. The unfamiliar voice should belong to Zhang Hao's secretary, while the other voice belonged to Shang Wenqiang. !

In the recording, it was he who was hired by Zhang Hao's secretary to beat Wu Chen's sap.

After hearing this, Wu Chen was silent for a while. Then he turned his head again, looked at Shang Wenqiang, and then asked indifferently: "Now...do you have anything else to say? ?”

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