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Under the hazy moonlight, amidst the desolation of the ground, an old fox with a human face, a mass of bloody red light, about the size of a chicken, was faintly suspended in mid-air, spinning non-stop.



Seeing this scene in his eyes, Wu Chen couldn't help being stunned. Suddenly, he felt a strange fragrance coming to his nostrils. He was startled, and immediately had to breathe again, trying to block the fragrance out.


But he never thought that at this moment, the moment the strange fragrance entered his body, he would feel his body lighten, and in an instant, all the wear and tear just now was recovering quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.



"not good!"

Seeing the red light and strange fragrance with such an effect, Wu Chen couldn't help being startled. As he is familiar with online novels, he immediately thought that this might not be the inner alchemy cultivated by the old fox. At this moment, he is swallowing the inner alchemy , to heal yourself?

Everything in this world is a definite number in the Dao, with yin and yang poles, as the so-called 28 is caused by nature, yin and yang are the same, no matter what living things have their birth, they must have their extinction, only those that exist in the illusory Legendary Immortals can prove the Dao and completely transcend the cycle of life and death.

Regardless of whether it is a human being or any other living being, once born in this world, they will inevitably suffer from birth, old age, sickness and death. Therefore, since ancient times, there have been many people who have abandoned their families and relatives, and have spent their entire lives seeking immortality and alchemy, just to ascend to become immortals, become immortals with golden bodies, and live forever. Not old, live the same life as heaven and earth, and coexist with the sun and the moon!

to this!

Wu Chen expressed his understanding, because, not long ago, there was a strong desire in his heart, wanting to use the help of the golden finger to upgrade a little bit, and then seek longevity, so, in his opinion, all living beings So there is such an idea, it is very likely that it is out of fear of the cruel laws of nature.


Not only human beings have this kind of fear, but other creatures in the world are also greedy for life and afraid of death, trying to see through the secrets of the sky, and the Chengcheng Avenue enters the city to have a longevity area that coexists with the world.


In China, after thousands of years of exploration, a sect called "Taoism" was born, and the main business of this Taoist sect is to find ways to seek longevity.

After long years of research, Taoists discovered that there are no other than two ways for all living beings to seek longevity in this world: one is inner alchemy, because of outer alchemy!

The outer alchemy is made of medicine, mercury, gold and stone according to a specific method; while the inner alchemy is more mysterious, there are not only the theory of Yin and Yang harvesting and nourishing, but also the theory of breathing and refining Qi, and the methods are varied.

Just talking about the way of refining qi, in fact, it is to cultivate the inner alchemy in the body by absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon. There are so many methods in it, and there are countless methods, and most of these methods are complicated and mysterious, and it is difficult to list them all!


Having said that, in fact, most of these so-called secret methods of training qi are tricks to bluff people. No matter what kind of creatures in the world, if there is no special opportunity, it is tantamount to fantasy .

On the contrary, livestock such as cattle, horses, pigs and sheep will often unknowingly give birth to calculus such as bezoars and dog treasures that are close to the inner alchemy, nothing else, just because they are born stupid

It has fewer distracting thoughts than other creatures.


It is also because they are all stupid, so even if there is an inner alchemy in the body, it is difficult to know, let alone practice, and in the end they are all cheap for the butcher who slaughters pigs and sheep.

When the donkey is slaughtering the cow, the butcher with the knife can get a windfall once he picks up the bezoar and donkey treasures from the offal of the animal and sells them to the merchant who buys medicinal materials.

In fact, from the time of the Qin and Han Dynasties, there has been a family of Taoists who have built Kanli's inner alchemy, and both men and women have studied it.

They believe that the reason why the living beings in the world cannot get rid of birth, old age, sickness and death is because there is a tendon knot in the body, which is in charge of the life span. By swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon, this muscle tendon can be turned into a true courage, and when the body is perfected , you can get rid of the cycle of birth and death and become a Daluo Jinxian.


This alchemy technique has been passed down for thousands of years. Although there are some people who have cultivated a little way, and even practiced to the end, they can produce bleeding pills in the dantian, but they still cannot escape life, old age, sickness and death in the end. At most, they are more than Common people. After living for so many years, it is hard to say whether he will become a god or immortal after death.

After all...we haven't died, have we?

But having said that, the old fox with a human face in front of him was able to cultivate an inner alchemy the size of a chicken, which is also amazing. It is the first time Wu Chen has seen such an almost demon-like existence after living at least in his twenties!


As a hooker with golden fingers, Wu Chen was shocked, but it took only a short while to react, and then he thought to himself: "In the novels of gods and monsters, the inner alchemy of monsters is The crystallization of a body's cultivation is the source of supernatural powers, and it is also where their wealth and life lie!"

"I don't know if the old fox in front of me can be considered a monster, but the inner alchemy must be very important to it, and it must not be allowed to use the inner alchemy to recover. Although I really want to take another look, the inner alchemy It's mysterious, but if it accidentally escapes, it will be a big joke."

As a boy from a mountain village, Wu Chen has heard of the Legendary of animals repaying their favor and revenge since he was a child. In addition to the ferocious appearance of this old fox with a human face, Wu Chen does not want to leave any trouble behind. Let this old fox have a chance to make a comeback and take revenge on himself!



As soon as he thought of this point, Wu Chen didn't say a word, and said coldly 310, and then, he saw a fierce look in his eyes, and he made a move directly, while grabbing the inner alchemy with one hand, at the same time, the other hand descended from the sky, and a big force , It directly covered the ferocious and weird face of the old fox.


He had already been severely injured, but at this moment, the inner alchemy who had been taken away by Wu Chen to practice, how could he stand Wu Chen's force? With a stern scream, the old fox's entire face They were all scattered, and in a blink of an eye, they changed back to their original fox appearance.


Due to the serious injury, it couldn't hold on any longer, and fell on the ground. It already had more air intake and less air output, but Wu Chen still didn't dare to be careless. Absolutely, so he shot again without hesitation, punched brazenly, and shot again.


Like a muffled thunder, Wu Chen punched everywhere, and the old fox let out another scream. Immediately, its head burst open like a ripe watermelon under the impact of external force.

The blood splashed, with a little warmth, splashed all over Wu Chen's body, making him look like an evil ghost crawling out of the abyss hell, ferocious and terrifying, but he didn't care at all, watching The old fox who was completely dead in front of him immediately grinned, but it was precisely because of this smile that he looked more ferocious and terrifying than before..

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