Hearing Ye Feng say such words, Hong Zhen was really angry. He didn't expect that he would say such words. This was a shirk of responsibility.

"I said, why would you say such a thing? Let me tell you, if the two of you can't solve this group of people, there is no need for you to lead this team.

You don’t have this confidence, you have to know that if they want to train to be what we want, they must go through different tortures, if they don’t experience such pain, how can they get the strength we want?”

In fact, when Ye Feng said such words, Ji Chen also felt that Ye Feng's words were somewhat inappropriate. After all, if they were to lead a team, if they didn't train hard.

They can't meet their requirements at all, and if you are looking for a place for the lower abdomen, there is no need for them to enter Death Valley. After entering Death Valley, many things will definitely happen.

At that time, if the two of them don't control it, it will be impossible. If the two of them can't control as much as Ye Feng said, what team will the two of them lead.

"I said that Ye Feng was right about what Lao Yang said. 050 If we really didn't suffer in it, we wouldn't be able to meet our training requirements at all. In that case, would we..."

Ye Feng was under control before we finished speaking, because he didn't expect Ji Chen to be so serious, he actually knew what to do about this matter, and he basically guessed what happened after entering Death Valley. It's almost there, but now I'm just thinking about the benefits of Hong Zhen and I didn't think that Ji Chen would take it seriously.

"I know this matter in my mind. I will tell you what to do after entering. I will tell you everything, but you must listen to me here. Master, you must give me something about this matter. The advantage, otherwise I don't want to go directly into the valley with this group of people."

Following Ye Feng's words, Ji Chen felt very surprised, what's the situation? Why didn't you let me speak? What do you mean here? Do you have other goals?

"I'm sure I don't understand what's going on with this matter. I didn't expect that you kid is trying to get benefits from me. I told you that there is nothing good (cabc), so I can only tell you to hide this information.

As for the benefits, I definitely don't have anything. If you want benefits, you can find them by yourself. Let me tell you, although I say that I don't know about this matter.

But you can't do things that are illegal. If you say that, I will kill you right away.

In fact, what Ye Feng listened to was Hong Zhen's words. If you don't give us benefits, we'll be done. We'll find out for ourselves, but you can't say anything without giving us any benefits. This is what Ye Feng wants to hear.

"You give evidence to the matter, my master has already said so, we can let it go, if there is any problem, you don't have to participate in the performance.

Hearing Ye Feng say such words, Hong Zhen felt a little fooled, what does this mean? Did they give them an amnesty?

And when Ji Chen heard Ye Feng say such words, he finally knew what he meant. It turned out to be such a thing. He just wanted to do things in the future and not be controlled by his master.

"I don't mean that, let me tell you, the purpose of our formation of this special team is not purely for what, it is just one of our strengths.

But if there are some things we do out of line, you can't care. After all, you have already said that we have to prepare everything by ourselves. Then you also know that everything is done by normal means.

We can't do anything at all, and you know some things aren't so easy to do. "

When Lao Cai heard Hong Zhen say such words, he felt very surprised. He didn't expect Hong Zhen to think of this. In fact, Ji Chen knew what to do.

Because they have this strength to benefit this group of people. After all, this group of people is engaged in such a dangerous job. If the benefits to them are less, then there will be something uncontrollable for those group of people sooner or later.

Because of this truth, in fact, anyone knows who would want to do things that are not beneficial, and their risks are still so great.

After all, they can't be reunited with their own family after leaving their hometown, and there is one more thing. Although they are said to have died once, they also know that life is precious.

Therefore, they cherish the current situation very much. For them, it must be more good than good for them, but if you really want them to work hard, you will not give them enough benefits.

It is absolutely impossible for them to work so hard for you, no matter if you saved their life or what kind of person, this thing is like this, if it does not benefit you, he will not work hard for you at all. It's a humane and normal thing.

But Ji Chen didn't think that Ye Feng would ask for privileges in Hong Zhen, which means that they basically won't care about what they do in the future. Just more.

"You know I still don't know what you think, I tell you I can ignore this matter, but you can't do anything too outrageous, you have to know what the group of people in our group are here for, Not for what benefit you get.

Not for your nonsense, I know you are a daring boy and can do anything, but I tell you to take it easy. 35

Hearing the teacher say such words, Ye Feng is already very satisfied. He knows what to do with this matter, because he knows that these people must do some shameful things, but it is impossible to say nonsense. Why should he set up this team himself, he doesn't want to.

Ye Feng's original intention of forming this team was that he wanted Ji Chen to have his own strength, but he didn't expect that Hong Zhen would be involved in this matter, if that's the case.

He just said that he wanted to solve the kind of people and things he didn't like with this team. Although he said it was a bit reckless, there should be no problem in doing so.

Because he also knows that there are many people who are intriguing, and there are many people who harm the world, but on the bright side, everyone knows that they can't control him. He can use this team to do this thing.

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