City: Start Awakening Time and Space Dual Spirits

Chapter 239 Taking You as an Example

"Let me tell you, in fact, if he trains you well, you will never improve so fast, and you have found that your spirit power has increased a lot than before.

Just passing through a swamp like this will improve your soul power. Don't you know the importance of this training?

If you train your soul power according to your thinking, it will not take a year or a half to improve this state.

You can’t improve at all, how long have you been here? You can reach this state in less than a month, haven’t you noticed?’

Hearing Ji Chen say such words, Wang Si next to him stopped talking, because he knew that it was true according to what he said. Their soul power has improved so fast and the training in this swampy land definitely has something to do with it. Absolute "zero eight three" relationship.

"Okay, don't think about it too much, you quickly welcome the brothers over, and go to the side to find some vertical bars and the like, since we have come here, we don't need to do this.

People like this quagmire can't stand it, but the wood can come in, let these brothers come over with their will, although they say they can't reach this shore with this strength, but with these wood as stepping stones, they can absolutely over here. 35

Hearing Ji Chen say this, the fourth king felt very depressed, so why didn't you lay down the wood for me when he came over? Why did you let me fall into the quagmire?

But Wang Si just thought about it. He didn't dare to say it. If Chief Gu didn't like to hear it in this place, it would be unavoidable to be cleaned up. Then he hurried to find the wood, and the more he searched, the more embarrassed he felt.

When everyone saw Ji Chen and Wang Si on the other side looking for something like this, they already understood their intention, but they were also thinking, why didn't Ji Chen do this directly when he passed by? Why did they have to wait for Wang Si to pass by before doing this? What? Everyone is very puzzled.

Ye Feng watched them do this, and had a general idea in his heart, this Ji Chen, he definitely gave this coolie work to others, it seems that he is also not willing to contribute.

"You don't have to think so much. Your captain must have thought of this method after he passed by, but he didn't think so early. This king fell into it. After he grabbed it, he seemed to have inspiration and suddenly thought of it. this point.

In fact, after Ye Feng said this, he felt that he didn't believe what the reason was. It was too far-fetched. Normally, you should have thought of this when you passed by.

After you pass, there is some wood. You put some wood in the middle. Everyone can be a stepping stone after you pass. Why bother with such a big ups and downs? The most annoying thing is that the royal family fell into the quagmire. All drenched and now full of dirt.

In this way, Wang Si'er prepared a lot of wood, and then threw it into the quagmire. There was a peculiar thing that nothing could float on the top.

Even if you are a piece of wood, it won't work, but it doesn't sink so fast. Through this stall, everyone asked the age, and his wood that hasn't sunk came over like this.

And they came here relaxed and happy, which made me feel very uncomfortable. After all, I fell into the quagmire, and now my body stinks, and I have to pick up wood for them. Although this work is not very tiring, I always feel I was very frustrated.

After arriving on the other side, Ye Feng looked directly at the crowd, and then said to the crowd.

"Let me comment on what kind of drawbacks you have in this swampy land this time? What kind of mistakes and what kind of progress you have made, I will analyze it for you, and improve your future training."

Hearing Ye Feng say such words, everyone felt that they were very confused, and they were talking about what they were doing? Wouldn't it be possible to go back and train again?

Besides, you have come here this time to know how difficult the risks are. Everyone was not poisoned to death by poison gas, but almost killed by lizards. Besides, you have to be careful not to fall into the swamp under your feet.

What a dangerous place this is. They finally come over, and you come to have sex and make irresponsible remarks, which makes everyone very incomprehensible.

Seeing that everyone seemed very incomprehensible, Ye Feng said to everyone.

"I know that you all feel that finding your love this time is very hard, very difficult, but have you ever thought about it, if you can't overcome this difficulty... 0

There will definitely be many difficulties in the future. This is the known danger we face. If you act in the future, you will face the unknown danger, which will be the test of life and death.

You don't want me to say a few more words to you here, you feel awkward, but one thing you know, I will summarize the experience for you, when you are training.

There will be no such thing, I hope you can understand my painstaking efforts, I do this entirely to help you rather than harm you.

But today you remember what I said, I will only say these words once today, because I don't have so much time with you.

After here, all matters will be negotiated with your captain, and your captain will be fully responsible for everything here.

There are many more people who come here, and they will follow your example, and if you don't do well, there is no point in coming here.

Because you are not doing well, you are the first batch of people, if you do not set an example, then they will not have any development after coming here. "

Everyone knew what Ye Feng meant when they heard this.

"You can now familiarize yourself with whether your soul power has improved, how you came here before, and what it looks like when you pass through this swamp.

Let's take a closer look at how long it has taken. Your soul power has improved so much. If you were outside, you wouldn't be able to improve so much without a year and a half.

In the end, we have to thank Ye Feng, you know? He was heartbroken for you to come here.

And I'm just assisting you in your cultivation, and I can't really help you. There is one thing that maybe you don't know, your resurrection from the dead is what he did for you.

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