Everyone was very happy when they heard that Death Valley was approaching. Although there must be many unknown dangers in the collarbone, no one wanted to waste time on this road.

No matter what the danger is, their destination is Death Valley. Since their destination is Death Strand, they still want to get there as soon as possible.

Because the real training is about to start, and Death Valley is also a place that he has made them look forward to very much. No one wants to let their strength stagnate. After reaching Death Valley, they really don't know what kind of surprises will be there.

"I said that Ye Feng is about to reach Death Valley, should you tell us what kind of dangers there are in this Death Valley? Let us have a plan in our hearts, we can't say that we would take the liberty to enter it. If something goes wrong, don't you think? If we have prepared in advance, we can feel better.

"Actually, everyone should listen to your knowledge of death stocks. I don't know much about you. I just heard that there are many strange things in death stocks.

The most powerful of them should be poison. Although I have never been to this place, I just heard about it, and you should know it earlier than me, you should know more than me. "

"To be honest, I really don't know much about Ye Feng. If I knew about it, I would have already told everyone about it, and there is no need to hide it.

I thought you knew more than I did. At first I was guessing that you were trying to hide it from us, but we didn't know until we arrived at this place, but you didn't know either.

Isn't the danger we face very important? Although everyone now knows that you have the ability to be resurrected, if there is a problem, I don't know whether to talk about it or not.

What should you do if you encounter any danger? Wouldn't that mean we're going to be wiped out. "?"

"You raised this question well. Actually, there is one thing I have never told you. I am only responsible for sending you here. How to train you is your business. I told you before, what should I do? , If you have trained for a period of time, I should withdraw.

I can't accompany you to train. You are all people who have died once. I am not someone who has died once. I have to add team members to you. You must know that this place is not just about you. These people are staying here.

Our team is going to grow gradually, and I have to go out to find some available talents, don't you think?"

Hearing Ye Feng say that, Ji Chen really doesn't know what to say. How could he possibly train with him? They are all people who have died once, but Ye Feng is not, he There is still much to do.

"Oh, I really think too much, I thought you and you had to train with us, it seems that I am really a businessman, but when you go out to look for players.

You must carefully observe whether he can reach a consensus with us. You don't want to come here with a whole person who is the opposite of us, and it will affect our training at that time. ah? 99

"Don't worry, I still have this understanding. When I choose people, I can't say that I will rescue them when I see them, and then send them here. You must know that I will rescue a person.

I myself am depleting my soul power, and my soul power is not meant to be endless. Sometimes I don't want favors from you, after I resurrect you.

Do you know how long I have been recuperating? Although I didn't recuperate for a long time, it was because I had soul stones to help me recover my soul power. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to recover within 10 days and a half months.

"Actually Ye Feng, even if you don't say it, we know that we owe you a favor, but we sometimes think that we really envy you for having such an ability.

You have to know how powerful it is to be able to resurrect a person. If anyone has this ability, then they can definitely say that they can walk sideways anywhere and be offered as an ancestor by others, but you It really didn't reach that level, it seems that you are really a person who does great things.

"Aren't you exaggerating a bit? After I'm resurrected for you, how can I do big things, you don't have to think so much, you should train and do what to do.

Let's study the specific things in the future. You don't need to say how much you owe me after I resurrect you. You don't need to think too much about this matter.

In fact, I resurrect you to see if you can do it. If you can't, I can't resurrect you and come here to train. It's a helpless move.

Because after all, you are people who have died once. If you say that you have only come back to life after you have died, it will be for your relatives or your enemies.

That is definitely a very terrifying thing. If they do not kill you, they will definitely kill your family members. Instead of helping you, they will harm you.

But if you are here, then it will be completely the same. You can train well here, and then you will train to a certain level.

Basically, there is no need for it in this place. You should go out and practice it. At that time, you can do whatever you want, and don't take it lightly against your enemies.

There must be a unified arrangement. You are a team now, not when you can do whatever you want, you know? But your business (good money) is our business, so don’t worry. , Cultivating with peace of mind here, I will definitely send you to do more meaningful things at that time. ""

Ye Feng said so many words, he just couldn't stay here for that long, because the real training was about to start, they just sent him here after sending him here.

He did what he should do, and after explaining their specific matters, they finished their cultivation.

Go back to arrange tasks for them, so that they can have a solid idea in their hearts, don't think about training their family here to live outside, that is impossible, and their worries must be solved.

`Don't worry, Ye Feng, the brothers I lead will focus on cultivating here, and I will definitely bring you a different team at that time. You can take a good look at my ability. "

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