Now the two of them are too busy to take care of themselves, and there is no time to think about each other, and at this time no one knows what the other is like, after all, the two of them have their backs to each other.

Ye Feng brandished his sword desperately to attack Toutiao, but at this time, Ji Chen, his movements were not as good as before, and now he even had the strength to suckle. Together, and then directly tossed into the sky.


Hearing Ji Chen's shout, Ye Feng hurriedly looked back and saw that Ji Chen was bound by the rattan, and then turned to nowhere. At this time, Ye Feng concentrated his momentum and quickly took advantage of the situation.

When he was also attacked by a rattan, he did not cut off his feet and stepped on the rattan, using strength. At this time, he had already rushed into the air, and saw Ji Chen being bound by a rattan, and then in the middle of the sky, he was always thrown to an unknown place.

And Ye Feng didn't know what to do at this time. If he gave up Ji Chen now, he didn't know what the road ahead would be like. He could only say that he would go to Ji Chen 20, no matter where Ji Chen was going. Where is it, he must take a look, at least the two of them are together and take care of each other.

And at this time Ji Chen has no whereabouts, Ye Feng is very anxious now, but at this time he has no other way, can only say that he can find Ji Chen with the help of rattan?

Because who can he rely on at this time, he was wondering if the cane would bring them both together, he didn't care so much, he gave up the resistance, directly pocketed the sponsor, and then let the cane put the two of them in the same place. They were bundled together and sent to an unknown place.

Confused, his head hurts abnormally. When he woke up, it was pitch black outside.

But where is this place? He really doesn't know.

He only knew that when he was thrown to this place by the rattan, he seemed to be attacked and then fell unconscious. After waking up, he came to such a place, Ye Feng quickly took out the sword in his hand, this Just in case you don't know what's going to happen, take precautions.

Ye Feng thought to himself, where is this place? There was no light in any direction, he stood up gently, and then looked around to see the place where he couldn't reach his five fingers, he didn't know where it was, and then he looked at his right foot to test that there was a big rock under his feet.

"What the hell is this place?"

Ye Feng said this sentence casually, and then heard an echo, and there was also such a sound, thinking that this place should be in a cave.

He didn't move on.

Just sitting there, he wondered if Ji Chen was here too? He sat quietly and listened to the sounds around him, because now he couldn't see anywhere else, he could only listen with his ears.

At this time, he vaguely heard the sound of dripping water in the distance. Although it took a long time to hear the sound of a drop of water, it already gave him a sense of direction.

He walked slowly along the sound, he didn't dare to walk fast, after all, he didn't know what kind of environment was now, because the road under his feet was not very clear.

He was lying on a large rock just now. The bumpy road made him unusually slow, because at this time Ye Feng was thinking about the situation in this place.

But don't be careless, and Ji Chen didn't know where he was. At first, he thought that the rattan would throw him to Ji Chen's place, but this place didn't make him think of this situation, would Ji Chen be in this situation? There is something dangerous, all kinds of thoughts are in Ye Feng's mind.

"Ji Chen, are you here? 35

Ye Feng shouted out unconsciously, he thought to himself that if Ji Chen wanted to be here, he would definitely be able to hear his own voice, at this time he had to.

After looking for it, if he doesn't look for it, there is no other way for him in this place. If he continues to be so confused, he doesn't know what will happen. Go, because he can't stay in this place forever, he has to go in the direction of the dripping water.

But the voice he shouted was basically like a stone sinking into the sea, and he didn't hear Ji Chen's echo at all. At this time, Ye Feng confirmed that Ji Chen shouldn't be here, or that he was in any danger, or that he was still in a coma. Among them, he didn't wake up so quickly at all.

Ye Feng doesn't care about anything else now, and now he can only say that he continues to walk forward to see if he can find a way out, or that he wants to see what the situation of this place is.

He can't take care of that much. If Ji Chen is here, he will wait a while. After all, he is not very familiar with this place. Even if Ji Chen is here now, he doesn't know what will happen. In this case, if he and Ji Chen were in the same place, both of them would be very confused.

And at this time, it is not only because there are too many people to solve this phenomenon, at least you don't know what the environment you are in now is like, how can you find how many people you can find?

I don’t know how long this kind of thing will last. I’m here to see what kind of place it is, and whether I can go back to where he came from in the first place. Maybe if I can’t go back to this 130 place, He should have figured out another way.

After all, difficulty in this place is not the same thing. What kind of place he wants to know the most right now is still damp, and it is still pitch black.

It just feels like a region. Generally speaking, this place is really close to Death Valley. The place I came to at the beginning, Green Yoyo is not like Death Valley at all. He is still thinking about how this Death Valley is. . There will be such a scene.

But the scene he saw now really looked like this place. Although it wasn't as scary as he imagined, there was nothing like the sea, but it was pitch-dark here, which really made him very difficult. If there is something attacking him in this place now.

That is definitely a very difficult question. He doesn't even know what will happen in this place, what is the situation in this place, if something attacks him, isn't it a pinch?

But at this time, Ye Feng thought that he must not have anything attacking him. If he did, don't say go out now, he would definitely not be able to protect himself.

Listening to the sound of water, he continued to walk forward. At this time, the underground road was not so difficult to walk. Although it was said that the case was overtime, at least it did not delay his progress.

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