Ye Feng doesn't hate other Ye Feng, he should hate his master. If this master had told him earlier, he would never have come to this place.

This place has really caused him to suffer unprecedented pain. Now he is using his own body to cultivate and crawl in this place with difficulty. What kind of cultivation is this?

This is suffering. Although it is said that the journey of cultivation is very difficult, but he can't use any soul power, and he is trained here with a normal body.

This is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. You know that the sky is full of wind and sand, and you have no soul power at all. If you can say that he has a place to take shelter from the wind.

But it really hurts when the sand hits my body. Now all my clothes have been hit by the sand and my eyes are small. What do you think it will feel like when the sand hits my skin?

He really can't hold on anymore, but what can you do even if you can't hold on at this time?

Could it be that he really gave up? Besides, that mysterious voice also told himself that training in this place is a real possibility. Don't underestimate what he said.

If it's really like what he said, if he really burps here, it's really a wrongful death. At first, he brought the team here to train, and then put them down and left.

But this is a good place to put yourself here, and you are also subjected to inhuman torture. This is abuse.

"I said, can you change the way, at least give me some soul power, I'm going to be beaten to death by the sandstorm here.

Ye Feng wanted to say a few more words, but he couldn't open his mouth at all, and the sand entered his mouth when he opened his mouth, which made him very distressed.

He couldn't even make a sound, although he knew now that he had said a few words, the mysterious voice could definitely be heard.

This place is under his control. How could he not know his current state? Now I suspect that this mysterious voice knows all his inner thoughts.

"I told you at the beginning that this place is based on a model of hard work to hone your body and skin. You can't stand it when you first come into contact with it. Do you admit that what you learned before was garbage?"

"I said, eldest brother, can you stop making trouble, I used to learn to ignore trash or trash, that's a thing of the past, and now you've got all my soul power under control.

How do you let me cultivate in this place? It’s normal for me to have a normal body and force it, but your wind and sand are too big, and your wind isn’t something ordinary people can endure, so aren’t you embarrassing me? ?"

"I told you at the beginning that our training here is to start from scratch, why do you still need to use your previous soul power, I told you that you basically can't use your previous soul power.

Besides, if you use your previous soul power to fight against me, can you still accept the good things I want to give you? Just remember, and you will do what I want.

There is no problem, and I stipulated 5 kilometers, you are doing well now, and you have not climbed 50 meters. Do you want me to give you more strength?"

Hearing this mysterious voice say that, he didn't dare to speak anymore. He thought that if he really gave him a home, he would have no choice. At this time, you should continue to practice.

Either there is a possibility of committing suicide by biting his tongue, but biting his tongue and committing suicide is not Ye Feng's character. If he is really confident sometimes, then he is worthy of the people who are optimistic about him.

Hong Zhen worked so hard to get him here. Is he worthy of Hong Zhen? But in a sense, he really resents, really hates his master, because this kind of inhuman torture is not something ordinary people can bear.

"Okay, okay, don't say it anymore, okay? I'll be done if I insist, but watch it. If I can't do it, you can quickly give me a small amount."

Now Ye Feng really has no choice but to beg for mercy in a tactful way, although it is definitely impossible if he can't persist in this place.

Because since he knows that he has persevered, it is possible to persevere. He can't make the wind a little less, he just let him know that he is determined to crawl forward.

"Hahaha, are you kidding me? I told you that you can only increase but not decrease. Although I say that your posture is very embarrassing, I tell you that your posture is quite good, and your master can't catch up with you. Well, are you happy to hear this?

Hearing this voice say that, Xiaohong finally understood what was going on. It turned out that his master had also been trained in this place. It seems that his master must have passed by.

Otherwise, he can't go back and let himself come over. This immortal old man is really mad at me.

Xiaohong did not continue to answer, because every time he said a word, a lot of sand would get into his mouth, which made him very uncomfortable. At this time, if he was alive, he would not be in this state.

But he knew that it was impossible to ask for anything more now. Since this mysterious stranger said that he wanted him to practice asceticism, he would not let him have soul power.

It is a very normal thing. If you want him to train, if you want to exercise, you must have no energy. If you want to exercise with energy.

Then it's still some kind of physical exercise, so it can only be trained with a normal person's body, although his body can basically be said to be very good.

But the mysterious voice of people actually said that all his things were like rubbish, so he had to start from scratch. But his previous foundation was there, and now he also knows about it.

(Is it good?) He can't say that he did it according to his own ideas. Since people have already arranged it like this, it is impossible to say that there has been any change. He can only crawl with difficulty.

Because at this time if you want to climb.

Then you can only accept the baptism of these sandstorms. Although it is said that every inch of sandstorm hits your body is extremely painful, but if you get used to it, you will get used to it?

And at this time, some parts of his body have been damaged by the sandstorm, and blood has already come out, and at this time he can't raise his head.

As soon as he raised his head, it was possible that these sandstorms would hit him in the face. Ye Feng still wanted to rely on his face to eat in the future, but he couldn't let these bee teas damage his face.

At this time, although he said it was crawling with difficulty, he was also heading up into the wind with his head lowered, and his hands were unusually prickly when they touched the ground, because the ground was not so smooth.

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