"Well, since everyone is so frank and open, I won't say anything else, you open the big formation again, and then I will directly inject my soul into it.

Of course, you must also grasp the essentials of it. After I enter it, my soul will directly attach to your body, because this yin and yang eye must be controlled by someone?

How to deploy the attack of my soul at any time is your problem, so I can only repeat it on you. "

Ye Feng heard the Seven Star Demon Lord say this, he knew that the Seven Star Demon Lord must agree with his statement, and he did not delay and directly opened the big formation with everyone, at the same time.

The Seven Star Demon Lord directly injected his soul into his body, and at this time Ye Feng suddenly felt that the body's soul power was infinitely expanding and expanding infinitely.

He did not expect that this Seven Star Demon Lord would have such a great ability, he thought that your ability has already reached such a state, and you are still a soul body.

What will the apprentices of your church be like, and you have also said that you have basically imparted all of your abilities to your apprentices, and you have also said that.

You said that your apprentice's ability has completely exceeded your imagination, so how do you deal with him in this state? Just rely on it. How many of them have such a big town?

He has a headache when he really thinks about it now, but now the time has come to this crucial issue, and he can't be distracted.

After all, as long as this big formation is injected into the soul, he has to be prepared for it, and he must be careful to correct it. After all, he has never been in contact with such acupuncture techniques.

"What else to do? You tell me it's over, and I don't need to grope, because now you have seen all the formations and we have almost mastered them.

So this is our overall formation, but I know that the main essence of this formation lies in me.

It's not that everyone has to contribute as they imagined, but you didn't say it in front of them, what I said was right. "?"

The reason why Ye Feng didn't tell them about this matter with the Seven Star Demon Lord in person was because he was afraid that everyone would have other ideas, so he directly asked the Seven Star Demon Lord in his body.

"It seems that I did not choose the wrong person, you are really very smart, you are right.

This matter is indeed the case, the real eye, all in your hands.

And the reason why I let him do this Ji Chen, in fact, I was just to prevent it, just in case, he can also be used as your rear force. "

"What you mean is, if I am in any danger, I won't be paralyzed if I can't support this formation, and he can fully accept the operation of this formation, right?

"You're right, it's true, normally you can't say that you completely master this formation.

Of course, it is necessary to reconcile yin and yang, but as you can see, most of them require the power of yang.

Ye Feng finally understood what the Seven Star Demon Lord meant. It turned out that there was such a thing in the middle.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with what the Seven Star Demon Lord said. After all, the support of this formation is the support of 7 people.

If he encounters any accident, then if he does not run the formation perfectly in time.

Then they will all be hurt. If he really encounters any kind of injury, then Ji Chen will directly take his place and make the formation work.

Even if they couldn't chase the enemy, it was still possible for them to escape. It seemed that the Seven Star Demon Lord had thought very well.

After passing through the characters of the Seven Star Demon Lord, this formation has become extremely virtuous, smooth and very powerful.

If there is something he doesn't understand, the Seven Star Demon Lord will remind Ye Feng in time, which also allows Ye Feng to master this formation smoothly and after many trainings.

They are in different regions, different. In the scene, they can also fully use their own voice, body and soul power.

To support this formation perfectly, this makes the Seven Star Demon Lord feel very gratified. After all, it is unexpected that such a cumbersome formation can be practiced so smoothly in such a short period of time.

All the people took their seats after they got it right. At this time, they all knew that the formation had been completely mastered, but when they opened their eyes, they were surprised.

I didn't expect that the place where they stayed was completely different from where they were before, where is this?

Ye Feng opened his eyes and saw that this matter really made him not think that the area before was a lawn, an endless prairie, but now, it is in a jungle.

He had never been to this jungle before, and he didn't know what the situation was, but he suddenly thought, yes, it turned out that the place was in the magic formation of the Seven Star Demon Lord.

"'Don't panic everyone, I told you before that this place is in the illusion of the Seven Star Demon Lord, and the Seven Star Demon Lord entered our formation, and he entered my body.

So it's normal to say that, and the illusion is gone, and we're in this position.

It should be the Seven Star Demon Lord who changed the formation in this place, and if he didn't have it, it would reveal his real situation, so there's no need to make a fuss. ""

Hearing what Ye Feng said, everyone understood what was going on, but at this time Ji Chen seemed to have some ideas and said to Ye Feng.

"Now I have one thing that I don't understand is this place, I don't know how many years it has existed.

If I remember correctly, Death Valley has existed for a long time on this continent. Why is it so? Could it be that the Seven Star Demon Lord has existed for a long time?

(De Nuo's) It's impossible. After hearing what he meant, this place is not in contrast to his fall.

When Ye Feng heard Ji Chen say this, he also felt that this matter was rather strange. Yes, the timing of this matter did not match. Could it be that this death stock does not exist at all?

But it's not right, this Death Valley is well known on this continent, how could it not exist, but according to what Ji Chen said, the world doesn't deal with it, what's going on?

"Don't think too much about it, in fact, this Death Valley does exist, but in recent years I have called this place Death Valley, but to put it bluntly, Death Valley is not here at all.

And no one can tell where the real death stock is. After all, no one has been there at all, but recently, some people have regarded my place as a death stock over the years, so everyone thinks my place is . "sweet.

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