Soon Ye Feng was leading the crowd to prepare to enter the mountain. When they arrived at the edge of the mountain, they suddenly saw a person. To be precise, it was a group of people who were in this place. A simple workshop was set up, and this workshop was marked with the Beast Fighting Union.

Several people don't understand what this means, what is called the Great Shou Guild, but since they are here, they simply ask.

After a while, Ji Chen came back, and Ji Chen told them that the union was used to enter this mountain for competition.

"Why is there a union for what the game is used for, I have never heard of such a thing.

Hearing Ye Feng's question, the rest of the people also thought the same way, so Ji Chen said it.

"In the past, there were also such guilds, just sign up here, enter the name of your team, and then enter this mountain and start fighting spirit beasts.

If you say that if you rank at the top, you can get very good prizes. Of course, you also need to check the quality of your soul beast fight, because this quality can determine your ranking. ""

Hearing Ji Chen's words, Ye Feng thought that it was all right now. Since it's all about fighting monsters, let's just sign up as well, and treat it as an experience after signing up.

If it is possible to rank among the top, then there will be unexpected gains, isn't it a disaster? He asked Ji Chen to sign up, but Ji Chen came back embarrassed after going.

"What's the matter? Why did you come back with a dismal face—?"

"People say it's a team, not a team. Everyone can sign up. If you don't join the team, people won't sign up for the logotype. 99

"That's the case, then let's set up a team and we'll be done. You can tell us about our team and we'll be done."

"I think so too, but our union has to ask for a real name, the name of the mercenary group, and we don't have a name at all, and we don't have much cooperation with the union, and we don't have a record. It's hard to do."

"Oh, so that's what happened. It's the first time I've heard of it. Since it's so difficult, let's forget it. If it really doesn't work, we'll treat it as a sell order.

If we can do it or not, we will pull it down, and we don't need to take these things too seriously, do you want to say yes?"

Hearing Ye Feng say this, everyone knows what he means, that is to say, they can participate in this union, or not. Since the trade unions have requirements, there is no need to participate.

At this time, Ji Chen suddenly said.

"The guild's prizes are still very rich. His first prize is a soul crystal, the second prize is a soul stone, and the third prize is a low-grade soul stone. Oh, these things are very good. 99

Hearing what that thing said, the rest of the people were already very surprised and did not expect this prize.

"Since Jiangbei is so good, let's go and sign up. There's nothing complicated to go over and see what's going on."

This Ye Feng also came. When he arrived at this place, someone led him to introduce him to the guild. Looking at his rich prize, Ye Feng thought that it was really good. Otherwise, how could Ji Chen understand it so well?

"I'm registering my team now, but it's our first time to form a team. Of course, this time we form a team is also temporary. I don't know if there are any conditions."

Hearing Ye Feng say that this team is temporary, the people in the union are a little impatient, because the union receives Ye Feng with their membership system. What kind of membership system do they have on a temporary basis.

At the same time, the temporary teams are basically looking at this prize. There is either some idle rich sons, who have nothing to do in this place and form a team at will.

Ye Feng saw the stark contrast between the people in the guild ignoring him and the previous one, he didn't understand what it meant.

I was treated with enthusiasm just now, but now I am so indifferent to myself, what is the situation?

"I said just now, I want to register here, I don't know if there are any requirements, our team is the first time to participate in such a competition.

"The requirement is very simple, that is, you sign a form here, enter the name of your shopping team and you are done, and at the same time you have to pay a certain front desk, otherwise you will not be able to become a member, we are a non-membership system here. "

...for flowers..

Looking at this person's listless performance, Ye Feng finally understood what was going on. It turned out that his team had just been established and had little influence.

It turns out that this is the case, then if you pay like that, then pay the money. Whoever made us want to participate in this competition, after paying a certain amount of money, his union will let us fill in the name of his team.

Ye Feng thought to himself what the name of his team should be? 7 people, alright, just call it. Soaring Seven Eagles, and this name was also temporarily thought of by Ye Feng. You can see that their team is 7 people, and there is no other good name for this team.

He really didn't have too many ideas, he just thought of something specific temporarily, and he didn't think too much, and the name was born invisibly.

He was holding a sign, and the staff of the sign told him that if you hit a sell-back, put a drop of your blood on it, and it will automatically record your achievements here.

At the same time, you can also see the results of other teams. Ye Feng thought that this thing is not bad. I didn't know he had such a function. It was the first time I heard it and it was very interesting.

Now that it has become a membership-based team, he doesn't think about anything else. Take this thing and prepare to go into the mountain with everyone.

And after watching Ye Feng come out. Ji Chen was still thinking about how he was done so quickly?

"I wonder how you got this thing over so soon?"

"It's very simple, we are now a team, then give him the name of our team and it's done, then pay some money, and we become members here.

After becoming a member here, we have to work. There is one more thing. The people in this place do not accept everyone, but only accept some members.

And I also saw it just now, it seems that we can't fight for us, the reason is very simple, that is, our team just established, it seems that our team has no influence on us at all.

Of course, we are just established, and it is normal for them to scoff at us, unless we can make some achievements, we can stand in this place. 35 Ding.

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