Hearing this person say that, Ye Feng is really speechless. There is really nothing wrong with what they said. Why do you say that they were attacked by soul beasts?

And why do you say nothing? People ask these words definitely out of normal inquiries.

It's not that he is suspicious of them at all. If it was him, he would think so too.

"This! Brother, I actually don't know how to explain this matter to you, but there is one thing I can guarantee that what I know is indeed true, although I have not seen it with my own eyes.

But you have also seen that for so long, they have no news at all, there is only this possibility, and how do I know about it, it is not convenient for me to tell you. Just trust me and you're done.

The people in the trade union thought for a while, and he knew what Ye Feng said about "Three Eight Zeros". He also knew that this matter was absolutely unbelievable, but what could they do after they had already said so, and then they left.

After all, people have already said so. Say 1,000 to 10,000, these people must be basically all. Those who have been attacked continue to wait in this place, which is of no use at all.

Watching the guild leave Ji Chen, he said to Ye Feng.

"I said, Ye Feng, are you a little too kind to this matter? Actually, we didn't need to explain to them at the beginning. The more you explain, the darker you know?

They'll definitely think you did it, but there's one thing you have to take into account, even though they didn't ask us about the next step.

But if this matter spreads out, we will have a lot of trouble. Will they think that these people were harmed by us? Have you considered all these issues? 35

"No, why do you have to blame us for this? Because we really didn't do it, you have to know that even if we have the ability.

There's no need for us to tell them, if we really did this, can we openly blame others for this?

Don't dare to say anything else. If we really did this group of people, we absolutely have to eliminate them, so that we can get rid of the suspicion, right?

And now that we have sincerely told them what is going on with this matter, do they still think that this matter is related to us and him?"

"I said brother, you haven't really come into contact with the fact that people are unpredictable, do you know why they are waiting in this place? You need to know the people of these guilds.

They certainly did not say that their guild must have a great influence on this matter for other things. Just think about it, they organized this competition.

Many people came to see their guild, and the real intention of coming to this place was to expand the reputation of their guild, but all of them suffered persecution.

What's their reputation like that, and what's the only thing to do to restore their reputation, you know?

It's just to push this matter to others, and now he can't find such a person, but at this time we show up, don't you think we are just right in their hearts?"

"You mean that he will let these things out and say that we did this thing, isn't that too unfair?

We wouldn't say anything at all if we did, but we got no benefit at all, and we haven't done it yet.

Fortunately, kindly tell them what's going on, why am I blaming us for this?"

"I said brother, what you think is really too simple, you have to know that it doesn't matter if you talk about one person or two, but you have to know how big a background these people are.

If these backgrounds are all blamed on the head of this guild, and the people of the guild simply can't hold it, they will suffer disaster.

You have to know how powerful there are among these fifteen or six teams, do you know?

He said that he must restore this matter to you. In this case, he has offended our group quite a bit, rather than offending more than 10 groups of people, you know? You still haven't considered the issue So clear.

When Ye Feng heard Ji Chen say this, he thought to himself that if it was true, he would have added more than 10 enemies invisibly. . .

Moreover, the profound strength of these more than 10 enemies can't be said to be very powerful. He has to think carefully about what to do with this matter. His group is the only survivor.

"Then what do you think we should do now? Things are already at this critical stage, can't we revive their people quickly?

If that's the case, it's really a bit too serious for serious injuries. You must know that we can't find the corpses of these people, if we want to resurrect them.

That is not realistic at all, unless their souls are found and they can be resurrected with the help of other bodies, but such a thing is simply difficult to do. "

"There are two options now, either find the people of this union and have a good talk with them and kill them all, or let's run away immediately.

"I said, is it a bit too bloody for you to do this? You said that the people in this guild didn't provoke us or provoke us, why did we kill them?

Besides, why should we run away, we haven't done anything, why should we Taobao?

If I run away in order to avoid us, doesn't that mean that we did this thing?"

"Actually, sometimes you go to 1.2 and think about it, if we kill all the people in the guild, then they won't be able to find out who the murderer is.

Even if they wanted us, they couldn't say to let these things go out. When they didn't talk about it, let's do it first.

Destroy them all, then we can avoid this happening and run away, don't you say you don't want to do anything to them?

Then you said what else can we do other than escape? After all, more than 10 forces attacked them, how could we be able to withstand them?

The current Ye Feng really has two big heads. Originally, he was quite happy about this matter, but listening to Ji Chen said this, it was indeed a big trouble.

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