A few people were waiting quietly in the formation, but at this time, Cool saw the arrival of the old man Tiancan, so Ye Feng immediately understood.

He thought that this is really a narrow road for enemies. He thought that someone else would come, but he did not expect that the old man Tiancan came here first at this time, which really made him not expect.

His impression of the old man Tiancan was very bad, because the old man Tiancan said those words in front of them, which really made him very uncomfortable, even though he said that he had given him a disgrace.

But Ye Feng had to take this opportunity to rectify him. At this time, he only saw the old man Tiancan taking a look at the place, after all, people like them.

Definitely not going to try anything because of this cave. You are. It makes people feel very surprised, after all, the old silkworm has come here before.

But at that time, they said that there was something here, but the old man Tiancan actually believed the messenger of the Soul Palace and then left this place, and the messenger of the Soul Palace went out to find them when they said this.

The old man Tiancan still didn't believe it, but when he had already felt this evil spirit, he was very suspicious that they had already come to this place. How could such a thing happen again?

"Master, before we came here, that kid and the messenger of the Soul Palace were all in this place.

Why did we say that we didn't feel this evil spirit at the time? Now this evil spirit is so serious, do you think there is something else?"

The apprentice of the old silkworm looked at the current situation and said such words. This is a very normal thing, if they are ordinary people.

They will never realize the seriousness of this matter, but they are all experts in the cultivation world, how can they not understand the reason? At this time, the old man Tiancan said.

"I also doubted why we said that this place did not feel the evil spirit when we came before, and now I am optimistic that the evil spirit in this place is so serious, and the contrast is so great just now.

As the saying goes, if something goes wrong, there must be demons. I want to know what kind of situation this is. Why did the envoys of the Soul Palace lie to us before?

And the messenger of the Soul Temple came to us later, what is the reason for this? I wonder if this is a trap?"

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, Ye Feng thought to himself that these people were quite thieves. He didn't expect to see this matter so thoroughly. Normally, it's like this.

If they didn't find out at the beginning, it just happened in such a short period of time, which is enough to make people very suspicious, but Ye Feng thought to himself.

Since they were here, how could it be possible for them to go back easily, and then he opened the formation a little bit wider to let the evil spirit inside come out again.

And this evil spirit contains the Horcrux of the battle axe, and those who let them cultivate will definitely feel that there is a genius treasure in this cave.

"Master, why is this breath different from just now? Because this breath has a very heavy soul.

Are we really thinking too much? Is there really what we want to find in this cave, is it a dragon soul?"

Hearing the old man's apprentice say such words, Ye Feng thought that he was a fool. For normal people, how could there be a dragon soul in this place? If there is a dragon soul.

Then how could they easily let them leave without exploring this place before, but at this time, the old man Tiancan said.

"This aura is definitely not a dragon soul, if it were a dragon soul, it would definitely not have such a great evil spirit.

Of course, it is impossible for us to guess the breath of the dragon soul at once, so let's go in and see what the situation is, if it is the magic weapon we imagined.

Then pack up quickly, you know there must be other people coming to this place.

But I was wondering what the reason was. The two of them didn't discover the messenger of the Soul Temple, but at this time, we discovered it.

The old man Tiancan still feels very suspicious about this matter, but the matter has reached this critical moment.

Due to the temptation of the magic weapon, the two of them didn't have to think so much at all. Although they said it, the two of them also quickly entered the cave.

When they entered the cave, Ye Feng looked at them with green eyes, as if someone who had been hungry for a long time saw a pile of delicious food.

Because the soul power of this battle axe really makes people feel very coveted, just as Ye Feng thought, if someone saw this battle axe for the first time.

He would definitely think of taking it as his own. If he didn't calm down, he wouldn't think as much as Ye Feng, but at this time, the Soul Palace messenger said.

"Brother, what you said is really right, you look at the two of them are really very wretched.

When you see this battle axe, you want to take it for yourself. The human nature you considered at the beginning is indeed such a thing.

At this time, the emissary of the Soul Palace admired Ye Feng's foresight very much, in fact, for the weakness of human nature.

The Soul Palace messengers really don't know as much as Ye Feng. After all, the Soul Palace messengers have very few contacts with them, and they are basically all things like souls.

And Ye Feng contacts far more people than them, so at this point, the Soul Palace Envoy 740 really doesn't have Ye Feng's experience in this regard.

"It's not like all people are like this, like us, if we were like them.

At the beginning, we would also take this tomahawk as our own, but don't think too simple about anything.

Because this thing is not as complicated as we think it is recommended to know, as long as we are not obsessed with greed, we will know the flaws of this thing.

Seeing that they came to this place like this, they definitely came to hunt for treasure, but they didn't know that there were other things under this treasure, only that things had reached the last step.

They may know that what they have done should be regretted, but by then it is too late.

So sometimes we have to be calm, and we must deal with it calmly in the face of no matter how good things are, otherwise we will regret it, so I will keep myself calm at any time.

Ugh. Hearing Ye Feng say such words, the envoy of the Soul Palace has benefited a lot. Who can easily achieve such a state.

You have to know that the immediate interests will make people dazzled, if they really think so much.

Then everything would not be as complicated as it is today, and at the same time, it is absolutely impossible for the person behind the Dragon Soul to succeed.

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